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Posts posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here:

    1. As I have said, many times before..I understand the frustration of change in times and days of games. Like I mentioned a few months ago, a change cost me a chunk of money when my non-refundable ticket went down the tube after a date change. We do lodge concerns with the League but thee is no getting around the importance of TV revenue. This happens all the time in the US. It would take a totally united front to make a change and I don't see that happening.

    2. Did everyone see the fact that ManU upped their season ticket prices by 14%.

  2. General Krulak here:

    1. Phil Mepham at Villa Park will be able to give the answer re. the music.

    2. What can I say??? The possibility of getting either Randy or any of the Directors on the Pitch for the Sheff Utd game are about 0.0%. The reasons are really quite clear and I think you all will appreciate them. 1) This day is for the '82 Squad...no one wants to do anything to take away the glory of those lads. 2) Randy does shun publicity...and I certainly am not keen on it...and the concern with a visit to the Pitch is that the media would also shift their concentration from '82 Squad. This is something we do not want to do. If the fans want to show their appreciation to Randy, they can do that by a quick "Randy cheer."

  3. General Krulak here:

    1. Scarves. We anticipate having approximately 2500 scarves after we give them out at the Sheff Utd game. We are currently thinking through the best way to distribute those scarves...the most fair and impartial manner. Competition is an interesting thought but who has the time to read all the essays??? Nicky Keye will be asked to "brainstorm" some ideas.

    2. We have not posted any pictures of the Holte Hotel because of the scaffolding and the amount of work that it has taken to get it "fixed." Simply put, if we hadn't started on this project, the building would have collapsed or been condemned within a year. It was in terrible shape. The construction crews have done a superb job and we will be opening the Holte sometime around the 26th of May. We will get photos as soon as the inside is cleaned up a bit.

    3. Yes, I have sat in the Holte End and had a Balti Pie.

    4. I first saw Villa Park this summer. I visited Doug Ellis in his office and he took me to lunch at the Corner Flag. I walked into the restaurant and looked though the windows and was awe-struck by what I saw. The Pitch and the stands were beautiful. I had been in many ballparks during my lifetime, but nothing like Villa. It was magnificent!!

  4. General Krulak here:

    1. All folks who attend the Sheff Utd game will get scarves...to include those in box. Don't worry Paddy, we will take care of you.

    2. The exact location of the away fans is still not totally firm. As soon as it is firmed up, we will announce to keep the air "clear." Again, this will be one of those issues that we will not be able to please everyone. We will do our best but, unfortunately, we recognize that some fans may be upset.

    3. I am not sure what will be done with "excess scarves"....we certainly do not want them on e-bay.

    4. Feeder Clubs. I am not a mind-reader so I really don't know what MON is thinking about but...I would imagine he is looking closely at such a thing.

  5. General Krulak here:

    1. Not sure I understand what a feeder is within the context of a sports team. Could you explain the term? Are you talking about the "minor leagues" as in American baseball? That is the closest thing to the "feeder" definition.

    2. I doubt that there will be a discount on the kit for all the reasons carlitobrigante articulated. We need to do some things this summer to strengthen our Squad and that will take revenue. Revenue will help us do what must be done.

  6. General Krulak here:

    1. We have no intentions re. the leisure center at the present time. We are focused on improving the Club and the facilities at Villa Park. Perhaps in the future we will look at other opportunities.

    2. I appreciate all the comments about 32Red.com but I would reiterate my previous remarks. We have a contract. Unless 32Red.com wanted out of the contract, Randy would NOT attempt to break contract. I am sure that there would be some "price" at which he could get out of any contract but that makes neither good business sense nor does it establish Randy as a businessman of integrity. Comments such as Randy is "naive" as a businessman is way off the mark. He has been involved in multiple businesses...and successful in all of them. Randy is anything but naive. Randy believes that your integrity is truly the only thing you own...no one can take it from you...only you can give it away. He will not do that. He is an honourable man and if he has a contract, he will honour that contract unless and until the "partner" takes action to void the contract. This all may seem "naive" to some, but it establishes Randy as a man of character in his dealings in the UK and around the world. It has held him in good stead and will continue to do so.

  7. General Krulak here:

    1. The '82 Squad will come out BEFORE the game...not at half-time. We are doing what the fans requested...which also makes good sense.

    2. Randy and MON spoke multiple times before MON came to Villa. From the very beginning there was a true sense of respect and admiration between the two of them...and it has continued. I will not comment on what was said prior to Randy's arrival but I will say that MON and Randy spoke BEFORE either arrived at Villa Park.

  8. General Krulak here:

    1. The Badge will NOT be on the scarf. The Badge will be announced with the entire re-branding effort...that will take place sometime between the 1st and 4th of May.

    2. Away kit. I am not at liberty to tell what it will look like other than it will be "classic" and I believe that yu all will like it a great deal.

    3. I am not at all aware of the UEFA Solidarity Payment. What I do know is that Randy would NEVER do anything outside the rules. There are obviously rules and regulations surrounding this issue and I am sure that the Club is looking at those very seriously. I know Randy like I know my son...he will do nothing untoward.

  9. General Krulak here:

    1. Either I wrote the wrong reply or someone read my answer wrong...the new Badge will NOT be on the scarf. We could not put it on the scarf because it would have become "public" way before intended.

    2. AvfcRigo82. Thank you for your most kind remarks...they meant a great deal and I have forwarded them on to Randy. NOW, you must stand by for comments about "kissing butt"!!! Treat them like water on a duck's back!! I expect to be given the good and bad over the next years...and I will accept both with the same attitude.

  10. General Krulak here:

    1. As many of you know, I spend a good bit of time walking around the stands...and the Holte End is where I have been the most. I know exactly what you are talking about. The plan is simple: We will improve the concourse (to include restrooms) and will improve the Holte Suite, the entrance, and continue to clean the place us. Many of you may not realize but Randy has had the entire stands steam-cleaned over the past two months. It had not been cleaned in years...decades. The amount of filth and accumulated dirt was amazing. If you could see the stadium when it is totally empty, you could see that it almost shines. Bottom Line: Randy and Richard know that we have work to do and is getting at it. We just need to understand that NOTHING happens overnight when it requires the type of effort needed at Villa Park.

  11. General Krulak here:

    1. We are in the midst of a huge re-branding campaign that will be unveiled shortly. It will include sinage around Villa Park. Stay tuned, you will like it.

    2. I have already asked a few people to look into what we might do for the Fund for UK nurses. Not sure what the result will be but...I am sure we will do something.

    3. No trip to Australia is in the offing at the present time...sorry.

    4. We are on page 201 of this thread....congratulations to the Fans of Villa Talk.

  12. General Krulak here:

    1. I am afraid I must bring you all some bad news. As it stands right now, JPA will be departing the UK for his new Club sometime this week. As I understand it, he will not be at the game. I do know that there will be a nice spread in the program and kinds words from all around but...he won't be here to step on the Pitch. He has been made aware of the strong positive feelings of the fans...he has been told of the comments on this site and others...he knows our admiration for him. As I understand it, he has a commitment to his new Club and, as you would expect from JPA, he will honour that commitment.

    2. Re. the new home and away kit and the 32Red.com logo. I have seen the "mock kit" produced by Nike...the kit did not have the sponsor's logo on the shirt so I cannot answer the question. If I see it between now and release, I will let you all know. My sense is that 32Red.com will have a large say in what it looks like...so if they have "re-branded", then they may well have the new brand on the shirt.

    3. Ticket scheme. Let me look into that one.

  13. General Krulak here:

    I have seen and appreciate the overwhelming support for JPA. I hope everyone knows that we all think highly of him...as a player and, more importantly, as a good person and great role model. Randy is VERY fond of JPA and how he conducts himself on and off the Pitch...as a consumate professional. Randy has been made aware of what is happening on this site...and others. It is important that we do the right thing.

  14. General Krulak here:

    1. I am not sure what is planned for JPA at this point. I cannot imagine that he will just vanish without some recognition. If nothing else, in many way YOU, the FANS control this aspect of a tribute. If on his last game, you all make it special, he will walk away from Villa a happy man.

    2. As you can imagine, the new kits are already being manufactured so the ability to impact the size or placement of the sponsor's name is already past.

  15. General Krulak here:

    1. Back from a long 5 days with Presidential Candidates for the next President of the United States. The issue was one that I am sure we all feel strongly about...the treatment of prisoners of war, detainees, etc...the Geneva Conventions, the Law of War and the Code of Conduct, the closing of Gitmo, etc etc. We spoke with most of the front-runners and many of the others who still have their hats in the ring. It went very well...my only regret is that I missed the game.

    2. The "Star"...once again, IF there is a star, it will be one...not an added one every time we win the Cup. It would be a recognition of the past and where we are going in the future. I would suggest that we are wasting alot of energy on the star..we have other things to solve.

    3. Regarding the atmosphere: You all have taught me a very key point and that is the following: WINNING CONSISTENTLY will improve attendance and atmosphere. So, the mission, the goal, is to WIN CONSISTENTLY. If we are scoring goals, playing crisply, playing with passion...all this will create the atmosphere we all want.

    4. Regarding website. I have tried to articulate the fact that we know we have a problem with our site. We WILL fix it. We are not afraid to look at other sites and shamelessly "borrow" their good ideas. It will NOT happen overnight. Please give us time. Again, we know we have a problem.

    5. Regarding the standardization of our colours. Although it is just my opinion, I believe that Nike will help us ensure the quality of our product...in sizing, material, colours, etc. They are pros and will not want to produce kits or things that are not total quality.

    6. 32Red.com will be our sponsor next year. We have a contract with them and Randy honours his word...his contract.

    7. Video...the new sound system and screen will make many things possible. We will have quality before, during and after games.

  16. General Krulak here:

    1. As I have mentioned, we are going to be re-working the web site and have looked at many good ones. Ours will be good. Re. the Claret and Blue...let me look into that one.

    2. Healthy food at games. We have taken that for action...it has been an issue raised in the Supporter's Group meetings and on the sites.

    3. Mrshnn. My friend, I have answered your pm...you should have it by now. Please use my name in conjucnction with the issue.

    4. TV in the urinals. Not sure that is in the priortiy list for expenditure of money. Might be in the future but not now.

    5. PA system WILL be upgraded along with the big screen.

    6. Rotating S-T seats...never thought of that one. Will check it out.

  17. General Krulak here:

    1. The supporter's club web-site is still good but.....call Richard Fitzgerald or Lee Preece if you haven't heard anything in another week.

    2. LCD screens and new scoreboard will all go in this summer.

    3. As soon as plans for North Stand are finalized, they will be published...but it will be awhile.

  18. General Krulak here:

    1. As I mentioned, the timing of the release of the new Badge is still being debated. My best "guess" is that it will be in conjunction with the '82 Celebration.

    2. We have some folks looking at songs...again, the fans should play a large voice in this. It may be something that should be placed before the fan forum.

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