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Posts posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here:

    1. We are currently looking at the possibility of a game against the Toronto FC and the Columbus Crew (Ohio) sometime around late July. Negotiations are still underway and the exact schedule will be announced when games are finalized. I have not heard about a game in Ireland...but I am sure we are looking at other opportunities to play.

  2. General Krulak here:

    1. You are repeating a point that someone made in a pm....regarding the speedway. I am going to look into this...something we have not thought of but sounds like it might be interesting.

    2. Concur re. No Stand....needs total renovation...which is part of long range plan. Yes, I have a desk and chair in the No stand...sometimes can even bum a cup of coffee if I am good.

  3. General Krulak here:

    1. We will be taking down the cheap plastic and putting up a very traditional tile face...it will look VERY impressive.

    2. The current Pitch was totally re-done this past summer so we will not be doing this summer. Obviously we will take all the steps that are necessary to keep it at the level it is today...best in the league. We ARE building new Pitches out at the Training Ground.

    3. The HH will be something that we will all be proud of.

  4. General Krulak here:

    1. I cannot say for sure whether Randy will be at the Friday evening event...he will be at the game for sure. For what it is worth (not much compared with Randy), I will be there along with Richard and others. The simple fact is that this evening is for the Fans and the '82 Team. We are happy to be there but this one is for YOU and the "Lads of '82"!!

  5. General Krulak here:

    1. I am not sure where most of our fans are located that are on our data base but I would assume that they are from the midlands. As you know, we also have fans scattered around the UK and the World.

    2. Regairding the scarfs...hopefully there will be some extras. "Proud History, Bright Future" will be on all of them.

    3. Randy and Martin get along extremely well. There is a rolling contract but they also have a great mutual respect that is probably unusual for a Manager and a Owner. They talk often...sometimes multiple times a day...and are pretty much on the same sheet of music. Randy has great confidence in Martin and believes he is the one to take us to "the Promised Land." As I have said many times, this is not an overnight journey...this will take time...BUT, we WILL get there.

  6. General Krulak here:

    1. Hey, I was at the meeting...just had to duck out early to meet with Randy on an issue. I was just joking re. the scarf...no problem telling folks. I think everyone will like them...and yes, I will be passing them out on game day.

    2. We will get you a scarf...no problem.

    3. By the way, this is my 200 post on Villa Talk...seems like just yesterday. I joined on 30 Oct...so that is over 1 post a day! No wonder my wife is upset with me...since I am also posting on 3 other sites.

  7. General Krulak here:

    1. You beat us to the punch on the scarf...it is a beauty!!

    2. Regarding the bloke who ran out onto the Pitch...I understand your feelings and will see what I can do. The truth of the matter is that such actions can be dangerous at times and we certainly can't condone it. At the same time, we need to understand the passion of the moment. I think that we all need to try to keep folks from pulling a stunt like that...for all the obvious reasons. I was able to get his name...because his actions did stir things up...even if it was not legal. Seems his last name was Cresswell.

    3. Discount for Armed Forces: The idea DID come from Villa Talk!! At the same time, it obviously got support from from Randy and from me and from the Club. The issue has nothing to do with whether Britain should be in Iraq or not...nor does it have to do with an all-volunteer force. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that these men and women DO represent the "Thin Red Line" that has been the heart and soul of the Forces of the United Kingdom over the years. They are still willing to march to the sound of the guns, bleed and die if necessary, at the direction of your elected government. We can argue all day long about the viability of the foreign policy but what we can't argue about is the sacrifice these men and women make for us. You asked about other "first responders" and you will soon see that we will be doing something for them None of this is big...none of this is a huge break...BUT, it sends the signal that AVFC does care and does appreciate their sacrifice.

  8. General Krulak here:

    1. Not sure if you are indicating that the ticket office did not send the tickets of that the Royal Mail failed to get them to you. If it is the former, we have a problem. If the latter, we need to look at the address you have given and see if the Royal Mail has a problem.

    2. You won't have to wait until next year to see the Randy, the Board and the Club give something to the fans that they can "wave" at games. Just hold on for a few games.

    3. I will check into the "partnership" issue with another US Club.

  9. General Krulak here:

    1. Drat01....now THAT was bad!!!

    2. MON is currently looking at our youth program...pluses and minuses. I am convinced that he understands are situation and the needs of the Club...particularly for the future. He is looking at the same things we are looking at.

    3. I will check on the ultimate usage of the big screen.

  10. General Krulak here:

    1. Randy went to the hospital again on Monday and received another injection into his back. He is feeling better but still needs to be very careful. Here is an example of "Lerner Careful": He departs for the UK on Sunday evening...fly all night, get into B'ham and get ready for the game!! I love it!!!

    2. We are getting very close to the release of the new badge...it will be accompanied by a full description of all the new sinage around Villa Park and Bodymoor heath as well as down to the detail of what the stationary will look like. The info will be provided to all "fans" of the Villa. My sense is it will come during the month of April.

  11. General Krulak here:

    1. The payment schemes are being worked out at the moment. The one we were just talking about has to do with "resale" of unused tickets and how that will work. Lots of effort going into that one.

    2. The official web site leaves much to be desired and will be upgraded over the summer. We know we have much to do.

    3. To those Season Ticket holders who have been supporting our effort to get folk back to Villa Park....THANK YOU!!! We are NOT trying to screw the S-T holder...we are trying to introduce new fans to YOUR Club. There are some S-T hoders who are VERY unhappy and I am sorry...but we need to expand the fan base if we are going to truly be successful. We know we need to put a winning team on the Pitch and we will.

  12. General Krulak here:

    Sorry I have been off net for a few days...on a business trip.

    1. Trophy case...you are so right! Randy has seen the problem and is having a huge case built for all of our silverware and other trophies. It will be placed in the Holte Hotel/Inn and it will be fantastic... you all will love it.

    2. Adbo9....I answered your comments in a pm.

    3. Ticketing: Look, as I have said many times before, we MUST get more people to our games if we are going to be a top of the table Club...simple as that. We KNOW that the BEST way to get fans to the games is to WIN, CONSISTENTLY!! We know that. UNTIL we are at the point of having the stands filled...or close to filled...we need to make offers to those folks who we feel will eventually become life-long Villa Fans. We understand that this sometimes appears like we don't support the Season Ticket holders but we do. The opening of the Bodymoor Heath with the 82 Team is open to Season Ticket holders...first come, first serve...apply fast! The party on Friday night with members of the 82 Team is open to Season Ticket Holders. Again, this causes some heartburn with the non Season Ticket holder fans but...this was done as a demonstration of appreciation to those who hold season tickets. We will open Bodymoor Heath for regular fans...BUT not on this special day. We are working very hard to make our tickets among the most competitive in the Premiership...but we need to attract new fans because they will be critical as we move up the table.

    4. Next year the away fans will not be behind goals.

    5. As I have said many, many times (and was proven correct), Randy will support MON in the obtaining of quality players. We will not throw money away but....if MON says "This is one I need", then Randy will be there for him....and our fans. I think we all saw that a couple of months ago. I recall some pretty pointed posts about Randy and his money...and "would he spend?" He did!

    6. There will be a resale scheme...we are trying to put it together now.

    7. Ticket prices were lowered. I will check on the ad.

  13. General Krulak here:

    1. The new Training Ground will be opened on Sunday 5, May by members of the '82 Team, MON and the Captain of the 2007 Team. After the opening, there will be an opportunity for fans to tour the facility. There will be information on this event forthcoming in just a short while. Obviously, not all fans will be able to go on day 1...we will have more days.

    2. One last comment on the TV. Simply put, we all recognize that the situation is NOT optimum by a long shot. It is the same situation that exists in the US with the NFL (National Football League) and television. At the same time, it makes no sense to cut off our noses to spite our face. Randy does not have unlimited funds. In order to reach the level we want to reach, we need the telly contract to bring in revenue. If Aston Villa were to "stand alone" on this issue, that is exactly what would happen...we would stand alone and all the rest of the Clubs would benefit. Believe me, there is no way we could convince some of the other key Clubs to go along with us....there would be many, many, "haves" and one "have not"....we'd suffer. There is no question that we have a problem...as do other Clubs. We will be talking about this issue at the various meetings over the summer...but I do not have much confidence that we can change things. If we want to reach our vision, we need to make some compromises.

  14. General Krulak here:

    1. I know that other owners and managers and Directors have talked to the fans about winning...about the European Cup...about competitiveness in the Premiership. I do not question the sincerity of their feelings. I can only speak about Randy, Martin, myself and the other Directors. "dont_do_it_doug" (Dave) hit our goal right on the head!! We are absolutely dedicated to making the European Cup a reality....to make Dave's dream a reality. No BS...no "wings of a prayer"...no excuses or failed commitment!! We want to win the Cup!! We want to bring it back to Villa Park and fill the stands with maniacal fans screaming their heads off. We want to parade the Team through the streets of Birmingham and have the city and surrounding community proud that "their team" won the Cup. Can it happen? Is it really possible. Our answer: the entire community at Villa Park and Bodymoor Heath ABSOLUTELY BELIEVES IT IS!!!! Will it happen overnight? No. Obviously we have a distance to go...but I think we all know what it will take. Randy has demonstrated that if Martin has a player he feels will help us reach our goal, Randy will support him with resources. Some fans questioned whether Randy would spend the money needed...I think we saw the answer to that during the recent transfer window. Bottom Line: We have a vision and we are commited. ALL we ask of the Fans is that they share that commitment. That means coming to the Park and cheering for the Team. That means not getting discouraged by a bad run...but, rather, to reinforce the support. All of us can make this happen.

    2. My sense is that after the last home game we will have plenty of time to walk around meeting people.

  15. General Krulak here:

    1. Parking issue is as mentioned. People where constantly taking advantage of coming in early and just leaving their cars in the parking lot. Another perfect example of how the "few" can screw it up for the "many."

    2. rsvdaz. I would ask you to do something for me. Please call Nicky Keye at Villa Park and relate your issue to her. She is overall in charge of ticketing and is an absolutely brilliant lady. She will listen to your issue and come up with a solution. She is constantly seeking ways to enhance customer satisfaction and will not back away from your complaint.

  16. General Krulak here:

    1. We hope to have the new badge "out" in the next couple of weeks. The new kit will go on sale in August...but we hope to have a preview before then. Remember, we just did the Nike deal a few weeks ago and they needed to get our kit into their manufacturing scheme...this is why it is taking a bit more time than we would like.

    2. I completely understand the frustration with changes in the schedule but, as I said, if we are going to have the Telly, we need to be willing to make some allowances. I continue to come back to my old refrain...when we are winning consistently, when we are fighting for the top of the Premiership, when we have a "ticket" to Europe, selling out Villa Park will not be difficult. We need to get to that point as soon as possible. TV revenue will help us do just that.

    4. Our USA schedule is still to be completed but your thoughts are right along the same line that we are thinking.

  17. General Krulak here:

    1. We are working on a scheme that will allow a person to "turn in" his/her ticket if they cannot attend a game and that ticket be resold with money going back to the ticket holder. The details, obviously, need to be worked out but we have heard you.

    2 We are making progress in setting the time frame for the USA tour. We know we will be in two cities at this time...one in Canada and one in Ohio. As soon as we get the entire schedule, we will publish it.

    3. Ian Taylor will be invited back to Villa as a guest...soon.

    4. The new ticket prices will be announced soon. 15 pounds will not be the price...the TV deal is not that rich!!! Our fees are currently some of the very lowest in the Premiership...we will reduce them slightly but not to the extent of 15 pounds.

    5. Unfortunately, we do not have much input to what is on the Telly. The FA basically has a contract that allows TV to schedule certain games at certain times. It is very similar to the NFL here in the US. If you are going to have TV contracts, then you are going to have to bend a little.

    6. Our data base on fans does include more than a couple of games. Some people just "sneak" thru the screening. I can tell you two of them who wish they hadn't met up with me.

  18. General Krulak here:

    Very sorry that I have been off the net. Randy and I were in the UK for about 8 days and I only had access to my Blackberry.

    First off, Randy's back is not real good...we flew over on Monday night and he could barely make it off the plane. He wasn't even able to get to the Arsenal match after flying 3000+ miles to be there. He did get up to the Liverpool match and we flew back that evening...and he was with the physio this morning. He will be fine but it will take a wee bit of healing.

    I guess I deserve an opportunity to give my views of the last two matches...even though I am just a Yank. I am not asking for a big discussion on what I have to say because I know there are other threads that talk about the matches. I just thought it might be worthwhile to hear what a Director thought.

    a. Arsenal. I thought that Arsenal had the stronger first half...although we played well at stretches of time. The goal was a fluke but as you all tell me, that is the name of the game...you just never can tell what is going to happen. I thought the refs made some very tough calls as far as Villa was concerned. The off-side calls were very "tight" and seemed to be different for Arsenal than for us. Carew was going for a score and pulled down...seems to me to be a red card foul...but again, I am just a Yank. I thought the second half was a strong half for Villa. We had one breakdown and were fortunate to not have a score against us but....we sure took some shots at Arsenal and the game could have easily been a draw. Our lads fought their hearts out and I felt that we played well. After the game I went to the dressing room and the Team was frustrated and angry!! No excuses about the ref or bad luck...they honestly felt they should have got a point (at least) and were disappointed that they didn't. The practice the next day was VERY spirited and Martin and the coaches were all over the field.

    b. Liverpool. I went down on the Pitch before the game and the wind was swirling around very strongly. There was no direction to the wind...it was almost earie the way it was moving. I am not one for excuses but I think that something must have effected the play because both sides did not distinguish themselves. Passes were not crisp, movement was not what is expected, playing to the open space was lacking....and that was across the board. I did think the game got better as it progressed. Let's face it, Liverpool is a fine squad who can truly play the game. WE HELD THEM 0-0!! We put pressure on them and we came off with a point. As Randy said, on that day, a point is good. Let me say one thing about Petrov. I watched him very closely....and I watched Gerrard very closely. For all the Fans who are down on Petrov, I would encourage them to think about that game and whether or not Gerrard was a factor at all...and if not, why not?

    I will bring up, again, the issue of away fans. I do think we are making headway but even I ran into some when I was visiting the Holte End. I was civilized but I did ask to see their tickets and will find out how they got them.

    I am a big Martin O'Neill fan. For those who have a different opinion, I respect your right to that opinion but...I will tell you, he will help make this team a winner.

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