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Posts posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here:

    1. I am not sure if MON reads any of the forums....my sense is that he does not. I forward info that I think he might be interested in. Martin has several scouts and he, himself, is on the road quite a bit. He has been in Europe several times since the end of the season and he has other folks looking around the world.

    2. JPA. Yes, we are trying to determine a good way to do this.

    3. So far, renovating the dugouts has not reached our priority list yet. We will probably do that at some time but....we have much more to do that is more immediate in nature.

  2. General Krulak here:

    1. We do want to put out a DVD that covers the entire '82 Celebration weekend. Richard Fitzgerald is working it right now. As soon as it looks like it is a done deal, I will let you all know release date.

    2. I will get the # of S-T holders to date. As I have indicated, we would consider it a smashing success if we could get between 23-2500.

    3. Aston Villa TV is in the offing but I am not sure that it is something that will be done this coming season. We need a few more wins.

  3. General Krulak here:

    1. The kit will go on sale around those dates...and no bright yellow on kit.

    2. Runway has been answered...thankfully because I had no answer.

    3. T-shirts are bad...you are right. I am not sure why they weren't sent back other than to have them out in time for the 82 Celebration. Before it is all over, those things will be collectors items because we sure aren't getting any more!!

    4. Timharding: Who is that good looking stud in the Marine uniform??!!!! What a sharp looking guy!! Looks sort of like Robert Redford!! Mrs "K" loves the picture.

    5. Sweetcorn: You were drunk when you suggested that one...or you should be a stand-up comedian.

    6. Holte Suite will be re-done. It will be very nice. Even at this point, it is a sell-out each game.

  4. General Krulak here: Let me try to answer many of the questions posted over the past 24 hours.

    1. Who we play in Friendlies is strictly the purview of MON. Randy would never presume to know who to play and why...he trust MON for those decisions.

    2. We do not see the Holte Hotel being used as a "proper" Hotel...rather we see it as a gathering place, a semi-museum, an achive, a place to watch the telly, etc.

    3. We are in the process of re-doing all the sinage...to include letter head. The name Aston Villa will be on the letter head. A description of ALL the sinage can be obtained by going on the official web site (it use to be there...I think it still is) or calling Russell Jones at Villa Park and asking him to direct you to the place to find the information.

    4. No to the roving S-T holders at this time.

    5. I will get capacity numbers for the Holte Hotel and pass them on.

    6. The new kit should be out in late July or early August...one week before the end of month or one week after.

  5. General Krulak here:

    Holte Hotel. You bring up a key point...how to handle all the people who will want to use the pub. This is an issue that will be taking a great deal of Allison Plant's time to think through...and also our security folks. We recognize the problem and will be working on a satisfactory solution over the summer. What we do NOT want to do is restrict it.

    Not sure what you mean about the Upper and Lower Holte Suites? There is a bar in the lower Holte Suite.

  6. General krulak here:

    1. Let me be perfectly clear on this...there was NO plans to do anything to the Holte Hotel in any of the documents we had. If there was an issue regarding a Hotel partnership, it was a secret plan. The Holte Hotel was in total disrepair...broken windows, walls almost falling in on themselves, trash in the front and back, stonework destroyed, etc. etc. This is one where the entire initiative has been Randy's....and if he hadn't come along, the Holte would have been finished. I do not question that there may have been minor cosmetic work on the Hotel if you say so but.....I saw it in the summer and it looked like Stalingrad during WW II.

    2. Nike does not have carte blanche on where the swoosh goes but they certainly have the sense to know where it should go for a historic Club like the Villa and for an owner like Randy.

  7. General Krulak here:

    1. NO WAY was any work being done on the Holte Hotel prior to the arrival of Randy. The very first day he and I hit Villa Park, we looked through the broken windows of that wonderful building and I think Randy wanted to cry!!! HE was the one who took action on the Holte Hotel...NOTHING was being done to that building other than letting it fall to ruin.

    2. Regarding the re-branding. Certainly all effort is being made to speed the rebranding along. New signs, new stationary, etc. etc. There will always be a bit of a delay with some areas but it is moving fast. If you want to use the Badge as an Avatar, have at it.

    3. All I know is that folks are working on the new web site now...and it should be done by end of summer. I have spoken to our folks and they realize where the problems are. I am not sure whether the entire site will be "free" or not. I do know that more info will be available on the site to the fans. Hey, I may even have a thread.

    4. Nike will "swoosh" where they feel it will be appropriate.

    5. You all must know something that I don't re. pre-season matches against big time competition set up by Nike. I have not heard about it.

  8. General Krulak here:

    1. Holte Hotel has been a HUGE challenge. It was left to detriorate to a remarkable degree. If Randy had not gone in there, it would have collapsed on itself. We have had to reinforce foundation and walls to a degree you would not imagine. As it stands right now, we will not make the late May deadline we initially set...and it will probably be another 30 days at minimum. Randy wants to do this right...and that means ensuring that the building is standing 100 years from now. Much of the external work is done and looks magnificent. We are still working on the bar area and placing a few more reinforcing struts in...it will be wonderful when done and a place ALL can be proud of.

    2. Post # 250!!!!! I am beginning to feel like I live in the ethernet.

  9. General Krulak here:

    1. The renewal packs are not out yet. We did send a communications to S-T holders from Richard to communicate the fact that season tickets were on sale, the key renewal dates and that packs would be sent shortly. ALL S-T holders will receive their packs by 30 May. The pack will be sent in an A5 branded poly case and include:

    a. Season ticket brochure which will fold out like a poster.

    b. An application form (cup and away, renewal, easy payment and student app. etc.)

    c. Brand book

    d. Inspirational DVD

    I hope this clears things up. Nicky Keye and Russell Jones are two of our very finest and I can assure you, they would not send out junk. I think you will like the pack.

    2. The Club has posted on the official web site a statement by Richard on the West Ham issue. Basically, we are going to wait and see the outcome of the investigation.

    3. As I have indicated before, we are looking at ways to throw our support behind the women who wear the Villa kit.

  10. General Krulak here:

    1. OutbyEaster has pretty much hit the nail on the head. Is is NOT simply a matter of Aston Villa Football Club getting up on a soap box and trying to out shout others....NOTHING in this world is simple. As I have tried to "hint" to you...there have been discussions and this issue has NOT just been swept under the carpet. I do fully understand that many are concerned and we all share that concern. My sense is that we should let this play out. There are many issues involved and a little knowledge...even by me...can be dangerous.

  11. General Krulak here:

    1. I appreciate all that everyone has to say on this issue. Obviously, we all have strong opinions on this subject. I do NOT know what is happening "behind the scenes" on this issue...so I cannot address the issue from a holistic standpoint. I have given my answer...not much more I can add to it. All Premiership Clubs agreed to the "proper procedure and forum" for handling these issues and that procedure has taken place in the proper forum. Agree or disagree is EVERYONE's perogative (including mine) but I remain against "picking and choosing" what we are going to follow and what we are not going to follow. It is not a good thing to do in the long run. If we don't like the results, the correct course is to alter the procedure that got us to this point...not diregard the procedure.

  12. General Krulak hee:

    1. My "swift and sure" is my own personal opinion...but like many of my opinions, it cannot stand as policy for the Club. The day that we, as a Club, begin to "pick and choose" what agreement/procedure we adhere to (after previously agreeing to follow that agreement/procedure) is the day we will begin a slide down a very slippery slope. Once we sign up to follow a rule/regulation/procedure, it is not good practice to disregard our commitment. As Fans, you may not be happy...and may not agree that the "punishment fits the crime"....but the Club has agreed to follow a certain procedure and that is where we are.

  13. General Krulak here:

    1. Regarding negative comments...there have been several, on multiple sites. My belief is that a person pays his/her money to come to the games and support our Team. This simple fact gives them the right to say what they please, where they please and when they please. I realize this as reality. I also realize that we can't please everyone, all the time. I also realize that we will have "rough spots" as we move forward and we can expect to receive "stick" at times. What I don't like is when the comments become personal...attacking an individual. That has not happened on this site but has happened on pm's that I have received. I don't think that helps anything.

    2. Re. the West Ham issue: The Club will support the FA position...for many reasons that would take pages to articulate. Simply said, the (FA), have an established procedure for issues such as this. That procedure was agreed upon by our Club and that procedure has been followed. To go against a procedure we have previously agreed upon would not be a good thing. This does not mean that we have not discussed this issue at length with many parties.

    3. I would say that I am happy with our season results...and look forward to doing better next year!!! What I like the most is that we have reached a point where we NEVER quit trying. We go behind a goal and have the ability to retaliate...thus every game is a potential 3 points.

    4. What did I think of our first season? I loved it!!! What a game!! No wonder they call it the "beautiful game"...anyone who watched the Sheff Utd game....or saw the two goals yesterday...knows what "beauty" loooks like. It IS a crazy game in ways...never sure what is going to happen, but that makes it even more fun.

    5. I don't know anything about triangular corner flags so I can't comment.

  14. Geneeral Krulak here:

    1. We hgave some additional scarves but have not decided what/how to distribute them at this time. We are looking at many options but need to pick the right one.

    2. I have asked Richard Fitzgerald to compile a DVD of the '82 Celebration...he is going to make it happen.

    3. PW: I am writing on 4 separate web sites...soon to be 5. If I take the time to spell out Aston Villa Football Club everytime I want to mention our Club, I am going to cause even more heartburn for my wife. AVFC is, in fact, another way to describe our Club. If you really go back into our history, you will see that AVFC is very prominent.

  15. General Krulak here;

    1. As I said, a looong story behind Tranmere "fandom"...but any good Brit would appreciate it. Basically dealt with FA Cup and their "run" in 2000.

    2. Toronto Tickets should not be that hard to come by. I will check and see if Nicky Keye has an answer as to if we will some.

    3. Rest assured, ALL of my children, daughters-in-law and 5 grandchildren (to include a 9 month old) have their Villa Kits!!!! My son was, at one time, a Liverpool Fan but I think we may have even made some inroads there. I gave him my scarf when I came back from the Sheff Utd game...he was wearing it the last time I saw him.

    4. I hope that our Fans start thinking about bringing the scarves to games...they made a helluva impact on our Squad.

    5. Any questions on Season Tickets can be answered by calling Nicky Keye...she has all the latest scoop.

  16. General Krulak here:

    1. In 2003, Randy and I started looking at FC's to see if there were any "available." AVFC was ABSOLUTELY on the list for all the reasons that you know better than us...tradition, ethos, quality of facilities, passion of fans, etc. etc. In 2006, this great Club became available and the rest is history. When I first came to the UK to work in 2000, I was a Tranmere Rover fan...there is a loooong story behind that.

    2. Regarding the season ticket exchange scheme. That is currently being worked out in the FA and other areas. There needs to be a way to handle situations just as you describe. It may be worthwhile for you to contact Nicky Keye at AVFC and see if she has any updated info.

    3. I will see if I can get the Season Ticket stats that you are looking for. I do know that we are looking to exceed the best year we have ever had...which is about 23,500.

  17. General Krulak here:

    Just got back to the USA after great trip to UK. Now to questions:

    1. New kit will be out late July/early Aug. People will love the away kit!!

    2. We will be upgrading the entire sound system and screens over the summer.

    3. Stewiek Z. Thank you for the kind comments. I have not seen the video but I cannot believe I was as good as you indicated....must have been an impersonator.

    4. To all you Celtic Fans...NO, you can't have Martin back!!!

    5. There will be much work done on the North Stand...some will begin this summer. The work will be done to make the place more accessible for folks who want to conduct business at Villa Park during the week. Sort of a meeting place as well as a place to watch Villa win!!

    6. No plans, at present, to name stands.

    7. Prince William will get an invitation to come next year.

    8. Tour dates for US/Canadian tour will be released soon.

    9. Randy and I discussed my coming onto the web sites when he purchased the Club. We both agreed that it would be good for me to establish direct contact with the fans. I don't think either of us realized it would be a "full time" job but we both think it is VERY important and worth the time. The only one who questions that fact is my wife!!! As I have said many times, I am willing to answer any question asked...even if that answer is "I don't know" or "I can't tell you at this time."

    Finally, the entire weekend was superb. Much of the credit goes to 3 people: Nicky Keye, Alison Plant and Phil Mepham. These folks from Villa Park were absolutely magnificent.

  18. General Krulak here:

    Thanks to John, I am back on.

    1. MattyB. I am ashamed by the conduct of this "lady"...and will try to track her down and give her the boot. What gate did you come through and what time....If I have that, I can figure out who it was. Re. the scarf for your child...please call Nicky Keye at VP and tell her I asked that she provide you the scarf. She will do it.

    2. Smoking Dope is not right!! I again apologize. Although it is not the correct solution, it will be solved with the no smoking ban.

    3. There WILL be a nice viewing gallery at the Training Ground and it will not be miles away!!

    4. Getting ready to go to Formal Dinner tonight...it will be great.

    5. Again, Randy was absolutely over the moon with the fans. You all are Aston Villa and he knows it.

  19. General Krulak here:

    1. I will be off net for awhile as I travel to UK for the big weekend.

    2. Article is correct...Randy will be spending more time in UK...already has a home and loves it...as we all do.

    3. Witton Lane station will not be renamed...but re-done. The cost of a name change is prohibitive...due to requirement to change all schedules in UK...long story. We have compromised by getting permission to "re-decorate" the station.

    4. The Badge....not much more I can say. Storm is definitely there.

  20. General Krulak here:

    1. Motorway...sorry, my language from the Colonies tripped me up.

    2. Quinn is a good lad...lots of character and leadership. Played for a superb college team...started all 4 years. Each lad we pick goes thru screening to ensure we don't get a nut case or criminal...all our selections were ok. Yes, we have a few characters but...they will be fine.

    3. As most of you know, Randy tries to make every game...and has not missed many. Likewise the Board. We are Villa Fans through and through.

    4. I will check on the photos and see why they are sold as they are sold.


  21. General Krulak here:

    1. We are working right now on illuminating the stadium so that it can be seen from the freeway. It will not be "all lights on" but, rather, an illumination of our proud name.

    2. Let's see, people don't like our web site????????? Got it!! We are working to improve it.

    3. I look forward to the Derby...very much!! I will wear a helmet and flak jacket and hope for the best. We do have similar rivalries in the US. Leviramsey was correct on two of the great rivalries...Army-Navy and Exeter-Andover. From the sound of the Derby, it may even be bigger than those two. Regarding ticket prices...I am sure that Richard Fitzgerald will do all in his power to make them fair.

    4. Picking Brady Quinn was a good move....both from a football standpoint and a economic one. We can pretty much see what will be in the draft next year...and we can estimate our draft point...we think this was a good move.

    5. I will pass on the idea that came out of the visit to Sporting Lisbon.

  22. General Krulak here:

    1. Absolutely cameras are allowed!! Should be some great opportunites. If you see me, let's get one together.

    2. The Browns draft should say tell you all a great deal about Randy. The move to get Brady Quinn was a gutsy one...but could pay off in spades. Randy is a gamer.

    3. Understand re. the FA Cup winners...and we will do something there. First we wanted to honour the '82 Squad.

  23. General Krulak here:

    1. Thank you for the comments re. ticket office. Nicky Keye and her team are absolutely magnificent. Every game day I go to the office and sell tickets with her team...believe me, they CARE about the fans.

    2. Ian Taylor will have his day at Villa Park and, like Ron, will be invited back forever.

    3. Not sure if we can do anything in Vancouver right now.

    4. The Browns/Villa link is there...and there are Browns' fans who wear the Villa shirt. There is no "official" link between the two Clubs other than Randy...who owns both...A pretty official link in its own right.

    5. Really nice win today. We just need to keep it up.

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