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Posts posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Update for those who are interested:

    Going amazingly well. Even I'm surprised as to how much we have connected this past week. I've met a few of her friends, she's met a few of mine, we spent basically the whole week together and still wanna be round each other, I've been to one of her work shows (RE: Gentleman's party) and it didn't bother me a bit - I know I'm the one she will be coming home with/to, in general I'm just getting a good feeling from this. Can't remember when I last felt this close to someone in just a short space of time. When I'm with her I'm more fun, I'm going places I've had never gone, I forget about any insecurities I have etc... I can definitely see myself falling in love with her. I know it's only been 3 weeks, that's why I'm just gonna go with it and enjoy it at the moment and not say/do anything stupid. I wanna take it slow but it's been anything but at the moment..

  2. *shrugs*

    She seems like a nice homely girl who would be checked and cured if she though/did have something. She never asked me if I have had any history of STDs so I just assumed she didn't.

    Weirdly I don't care. If I do I just go to the GUM clinic and we both get checked and treated.

    2011 Dante would be shitting his pants.

  3. Yeah I went into this wanting to go slow and see how things developed, but you can't help these things. It's like we've known each other for years. We just feel so comfortable around each other and it just made sense. Like an instant click.

    I've been hatless the majority of this week 8)

  4. 5th May sounds good, we could also try and get some seats together at the game for the fans like myself that are not as good supporters as the STH's :D


    The good thing about it mate, me, you and the others who havnt got ST's dont even need to book...we can just pay on the gate and choose from 10,000 spare seats! :D


  5. Just an update. After our first date on Monday we went out Tuesday for a meal which ended up with us hanging out until 5am, and spent the evening together yesterday which resulted in cuddles on the sofa and a good film (early night though, 1:30am I was home :winkold:)

    Got a lot of sleep to catch up on! Think I'm seeing her on Friday all being well, if not then we're going up the Mailbox on Saturday. :)

    So yeah, things are going pretty well at the moment, really happy.

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