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Posts posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Well done to those who have taken the step towards quitting.

    I've been trying but at the moment I'm not in the right place mentally to undertake it, but I have cut down. I'm only having like 5 a day now, sometimes less. If I'm out on a weekend and on the drink that will double over the course of the evening however.

  2. Right, ive booked a table at bella italia on friday at 8pm then going for a few drinks after. Thats a good first date right?

    I think so, yeah. It gives you a nice face to face chat where you can get to know each other a bit better, the food can act as a 'pause' where you can think of things to reply with / ask etc... rather than just sitting in silence. You can't talk whilst you eat, right? (at least you shouldn't on a first date, manners and all that).

    Then if the meal goes well a few drinks afterwards whilst you're more relaxed will allow you to talk more freely and see if any sparks fly.

    Just don't have prawns.

  3. I know, I know. I really do. That's why I'm angry at myself about it. She was never going to be good for me, we were total opposites (maturity wise, habits, hobbies, personality - and opposites may attract but this was really opposite).

    It was just the fact she showed an interest in me, and that doesn't happen very often so I felt the need to try and hold on to it.

    So yeah, anger at self for being a clingy mess and not bucking up. Buuut, I'm going to the gym in an hour so I'll work out my issues there :D

  4. One more if I may Dante - did you have to go to the doctor initially in order to get referred to the counsellor?

    Yeah. Saw my GP and he referred me to the counsellor at the surgery. Took about 2 weeks for an appointment though. Will probably take the same for my next session.

  5. Good post.

    Did you just research this yourself or did you go to see someone?

    I finally saw a counsellor last Thursday. He basically did an assessment of me and asked a lot of questions, had to fill in some forms. He explained CBT and how I had already started implementing it in my life despite not knowing what it was. He said to continue doing this and he's going to book me in for a few counselling sessions too. With both he reckons I can become a happy, well-rounded, positive person. :)

  6. CBT is Cognitive behavioural therapy. Basically thoughts, emotion, physical and behaviour are all linked, and by changing 1 you can effectively change the way you react / act / think. As an example;


    In my instance I was sitting alone at home thinking about seeing this girl and what I did wrong. So I'm blaming myself for the breakdown in the 'relationship', I'm getting anxious, I start getting a knot in my stomach and I'm thinking I'm going to die alone.

    I made a log, I got up and I went to the gym. I did a good hours workout, got back and had a shower, felt a lot better about myself and then went out with my mates for a few drinks and had a good night. So because I physically changed my state it in turn affected the other 3 areas.

  7. Figured it was about time for an update.

    I'm doing a lot better. I've made some changes since new year, been focusing on CBT and making a log of when I've felt low and what I've done to counter it. CBT really is helping a lot. Amazing how it's all linked and changing one thing can change it all.

    I've deleted Facebook off my computer. I realised that the 'Live Feed' on the right of the screen that tells you what your friends are commenting on and liking was messing with my head (RE: The girl flirting with other chaps), and since I've done this I've been a lot better, stupid as it sounds.

    I still feel down, but I'm learning to snap myself out of it and do something instead of mope. I'm not drinking at home by myself, I'm going to try and stop smoking (Still angry with myself that I started up again during this period) and I'm going to really try to cut out the negativity and load up on positivity.

    2012 is the year of the Dante.

  8. Finally watched X-Men First Class, Green Lantern and Captain America (My Blu-Rays turned up on Friday).

    Thought all 3 were superb. Really entertaining.

    On a side note, can I wait for the Avengers? Can I ****. :(

  9. How are you feeling psychologically? Loss of appetite is often linked with depression.


    I lost a stone of Xmas by doing this. I just wasn't hungry at all and I ate very little.

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