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Posts posted by desensitized43

  1. 3 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    Absolutely mental statement for them to release.

    I could understand if they were keeping him why they'd say stuff like that.

    But if you're getting rid of him anyway then just state the bare minimum. 


    "Whilst Greenwood hasn't been found guilty of any charges, all parties feel it's best that his future lies away from old Trafford"


    I would guess that it's an attempt to maintain any value he has left.

  2. Greenwood's statement perpetuating the lie that he was "cleared of all charges"...no mate, they were dropped and we all know why. If the alleged victim had decided to go to court and tell the truth of what happened and then you'd been found not guilty by a jury of your peers, then you'd have been cleared. At this point you're guilty of nothing and innocent of nothing, that's the problem.

    At this point the argument is moot anyway. There's plenty of countries where it's completely fine and legal to beat and rape your Mrs so I'm sure he'll play again and make a lot of money if that's what he wants to do.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    Everyone knew that was what she was getting the second she was found guilty.

    Countdown to getting shanked. Or finding out how much of a narcissist she is when left with the first bed sheet or shoe lace she can get her hands on.

    I suspect they won't be able to take her off suicide watch tbh. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, VillaJ100 said:

    It did and his defence was basically "Sure I treat women like dirt but that doesn't mean I'm a rapist"

    I guess the difference is that his case was actually tested in court. You kind of have to just accept that justice can work both ways.

    With Greenwood it didn't go to court because he's managed to worm his way back into the girls life and avoid the consequences.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Pinebro said:

    Football is a business and technically speaking he is innocent.

    Football fans has been proven to quickly forget.

    Once he gets up to speed and start scoring goals nobody will care.

    Technically speaking it didn't even go to court. Not because the CPS didn't want it to but because the key witness, for reasons that have been the subject of a great deal of speculation, decided she wasn't willing to go to court.

    I think you have massively misread the mood among a lot of football fans but I don't think that will factor much at all. The sponsors and the money will drive the decision.

  6. 2 hours ago, Genie said:

    I have a little longer, Feb 26 before I am getting a new deal. I doubt I’ll see 1.39% again any time soon :lol: 

    Well this is my second fixed rate. When we first moved in we were at 4.5% and we thought that was low at the time. If it settled back to that level I'd be happy.

    • Like 1
  7. I was gearing up to take a hit next December when I thought my 1.99% mortgage deal expired but just checked my account for the first time in over 12 months and my deal actually expires December 2025...happy days. Let's hope someone competant gets a grip of this shit in the next few years.

    • Like 2
  8. Gutted for the guy. Got to wonder if that's the last time we'll see him in a Villa shirt. I really hope not but given his age a 15 month lay off then the time it takes to get back what you've lost in terms of fitness and match sharpness I have serious doubts. He's been such a presence for the club on and off the field and such a great ambassador for the game with his kids academy I hope the club does right by him.

  9. 5 minutes ago, WallisFrizz said:

    What are they actually asking the women though? 

    The club either believe he has done the things he was accused of in which case surely it’s an easy sacking or they don’t in which case they keep him employed and don’t ask other employees to decide his fate. 

    The club have had the opportunity to do something good but are clearly going to hope that their women employees bail them out and support their decision to keep i him. Cowards.

    I would guess they’re asking them to share training facilities with him and generally be in the same vicinity as him without speaking out about how uncomfortable/unhappy/unsafe they feel.

    I doubt they’ll ask them to speak out in support as that would clearly be a step too far and most likely they’ll want to do it as quietly as possible hoping it goes under the radar.

    • Like 1
  10. As with all things sport these days the sponsors will decide this. I can’t believe they’ll want this bastard associated with their brand and I really don’t think they’re prepared for the backlash of this. You’re going to see social media go **** nuts on this and probably a boycott’s of anyone remotely linked to them.

    Then you’ve got the backlash on the actual terraces. This guys going to get all sorts of abuse and probably objects lobbed at him. Personally I hope every single one of them finds it’s target.

    For them to put the women’s team in that position is grossly unfair and cowardly but it’s very in keeping with everything we’ve seen from the Glazers so far. 

    • Like 1
  11. Have to file this in the "massive risk" folder. 2 bad ACL injuries and rumoured disciplinary issues. Not sure this guy has earned the right for us to take that kind of chance on him right now.

  12. 12 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Thats the kind of management style i like and i am in favour of and i bet a majority of your team work well becauseof this way.

    I couldnt care less if u do work at midnight as long as its done. Our team has worked wonderfully during covid and performance hasnt dropped. Yet they pissing us all off now and morales taking a hit.

    Ill never understand why managers do this. Once morale goes performance goes to shit

    My philosophy as a manager is that it’s totally outcome driven. As long as the works done and the clients are happy - and yes you do need ways to track both of those things - then if you need to nip out to get the kids from school or run down to the shops for milk then I’m totally fine with that.

    I have spoken to managers in my field that track hours and insist people make up time at the end of days and things like that but I think a lot of it is insecurities within the managers themselves that they need to do this to justify themselves to those above them or that if they give an inch staff take a mile. Generally I feel if you have the right kind of people working for you then being flexible and not micromanaging gives better outcomes and happier staff.

    I had one guy who insisted people needed to come back to the office “because the place looks so dead and depressing with no one here” and “how do we know people are actually working and not playing call of duty”. I said that in none of his arguments why staff should come back did he ever consider the staff themselves it was all about appearance, lack of trust and general presenteeism. Nothing about what was best for them or any actual data to suggest work wasn’t being done or clients were suffering.

    • Like 4
  13. Always fascinated by a bunch of scumbags and lowlifes coming up with some kind of weird twisted hierarchy where if you’ve murdered a bunch of blokes it’s a respectable crime, but if you’re a rapist or a child killer you need to grow eyes in the back of your head.

    But yeah, I hope Watkins got shivved good and proper.

    • Like 1
  14. Yeah the conspiracy theorists are saying insurance job. Not sure what they mean by that. The new owners bought it and then burned it because they couldn’t get planning permission?

    Could equally have been someone really disgruntled that a famous Black Country landmark was sold off to be converted to a private residence and decided to take matters into their own hands?

    Timing is definitely really fishy.


    • Like 1
  15. On 03/08/2023 at 20:39, foreveryoung said:

    Someone needs to tell the boe it's not the f***** 80s

    The difference today is you have many many more people of a certain vintage for whom interest rate increases have no effect at all because they no longer have mortgages.

    At the opposite end of the spectrum you also have many more people still living with mum and dad again for whom the interest rates don’t have any effect.

    • Like 1
  16. 58 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Another interest rate rise coming

    Stop this **** madness. Keep it at whats currwntly at ffs as inflation has dropped abit so keep it as it is and see if it continues to drop 


    I really think there’s a danger this is going to rebound in quite a significant way. All the other major economies inflation rates have come down and as you say, ours is coming down now too but if they continue to they’re going to overcorrect and end up totally crashing the economy.

    I already know of friends that aren’t paying some of their bills and some that have simply stopped paying mortgages. When this thing goes bad it’s going to happen really quickly.

    • Like 1
  17. House backs onto a field so I get them all the time. Hated the **** always ripping up the garden, digging holes abd wrecking stuff. It used to be way worse before I got the dog. Now I just let the Labrador out. He chases them round the garden trying to play but I don't think the badgers feel the same!

    • Shocked 1
  18. Saw Oppenheimer last night.

    Really struggled with the opening half hour or so as all the conversations seemed to be happening at a million miles per hour and it was jumping all over the place from scene to scene, time periods etc.

    It did settle into itself and particularly when they all get to Los Alamos it was very compelling. Cillian Murphy I would say is pretty nailed on for the Oscar, particularly with the strike I think he might have a pretty open field. Possibly the same with Christopher Nolan. Downey Jr and Damon were both fantastic as well.

    When I came out of the cinema the film it most reminded me of was The Social Network with the whole narrative being told from a closed hearing that was and wasn’t a courtroom drama with the largely fast snappy dialogue. The script didn’t feel as well constructed as The Social Network. Definitely elements of The Imitation Game as well.

    Overall a solid 8/10 for me.

    Probably added an extra point for the fact that Florence Pugh doesn’t seem to have a scene where she’s wearing any clothes.


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