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Posts posted by desensitized43

  1. 1 minute ago, Stevo985 said:

    It changes things because it's no longer players going for one last payday at the end of their careers. It's (arguably) the world's best player at the peak of his career.

    All the previous money leagues from round the world like MLS and China have never managed that. Which means the esteem remains in Europe. That's where the best players in the world play. You can go to China and USA for money but you're not playing with the best of the best anymore.

    That's where we currently are with Saudi. But if they start to attract players like Mbappe then the floodgates will open

    I think the nextr step for them is to try and buy their way into UEFA so they can compete in the champions league.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, IrishVilla10 said:

    Tired of the idea that players who are clearly not good enough need time to find a minimum level of form, especially Olsen. I hope we don’t see him for a single minute in any competitive fixture this season. 

    If your backup keeper needs a few games to get up to speed then he's a shit backup. You make that case for outfield players but not goalkeepers. In that position he should be ready immediately. The idea that a goalkeeper needs minutes is just complete bollocks.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

    He’s really not 

    Disagree. Steer was a decent backup option in this league. Olsen will always make too many basic errors to be relied on at this level. Ask yourself what team in the league would take him and there's your answer.

  4. We're an injury away from this idiot in goal for a significant wedge of the season. Need a replacement for this guy ASAP. We should have just kept Steer as backup, he's a hundred times better.

    • Like 2
  5. 21 minutes ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    Need a backup keeper. Reality check. Not a glamourous signing — just a reliable PL-level journeyman will do. 

    This. We’re an injury away from having oslen as our first team goalkeeper. Not expecting someone on the level of Martinez but I’m confident he’d cost us 8-10 points if he needed to play for a more than half a season.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, villa89 said:

    Except it's not one of the reasons. Poor management and poor ownership was the reason we were underachievers. Our history doesn't impact what happens on the pitch. 

    Luton will have the momentum of promotion and the unknown element. It's possible but very unlikely they will stay up. Forest managed it last year but they spent a lot more than Luton will. 

    There’s zero chance they stay up and I’m sure that’s not the goal for them this year otherwise they’d have spent more than they have.

    They’ll aim to build steadily with a view to becoming a bit of a yo-yo club and financially securing their future.

  7. 4 hours ago, ml1dch said:

    Question: why does this actually matter? 

    He's not having WhatsApp conversations on his own. What information is only found on that phone and not in the same chat logs in the evidence provided by Cummings, Hancock, Sunak, Whitty, Raab, Valance etc etc?

    I suppose from a technical point of view they could be at the recipient end as well. It matters because it shows the utter contempt the man and the party he used to belong to have to the inquiry into the deaths of more than 100,000 Britons.

    He should have been more than happy to cooperate fully but instead they all have to drag this thing out for reasons I think we can all gather.

    Oh and I don’t believe he doesn’t remember his **** password either. Utter scum.

  8. 7 hours ago, Genie said:

    US inflation now down to 3%, from 9.1% in June. That’s incredible. I doubt well see such a drop but hope we do. 

    I was reading the other day there’s a real danger that it’ll rebound like a rubber band and we’ll end up with deflation. The method they’ve been using to bring it down (interest rates) aren’t an immediate thing. They take months to actually see an effect and they’ve raised them too far too quickly.

    Im no student of the economy though! Not sure even they know what’s going to happen anymore.

  9. Well that gives the BBC a huge problem.

    The simplest outcome for them would have been for it to be a criminal matter where they could have suspended without pay and then sacked him. Now they’re faced with potentially trying to bring him back into the tent or face a huge pay off.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Deano & Dalian's Umbrella said:


    And why is everyone going out of their way to not mention the gender of the 4 "complainants"?  (I know one isn't complaining)

    Where I've seen incidents of people accidentally letting it slip, they've immediately jumped to correct themselves and say "or young woman".

    I think they’re being very careful about “outing” either the presenter or the other parties.


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  11. 32 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    Surely if you're not already motivated by the imminent floods, droughts, storms, heatwaves and arrival of 100 million Bangladeshi refugees, the idea of a decent profit for Eon isn't going to be the thing that tips you over the edge?



    In the nicest possible way, I don't think the vast majority of people feel remotely guilty when they see floods, crop failure and suffering in those parts of the world because there's a big stretch between them driving their gas guzzling range rover and something happening to people they don't know (or dare say couldn't give 2 **** about) on the other side of the world. It's not going to motivate people to change their lives in any signifcant way. When things happen here, floods, storms etc, I think most of us just accept our weather is just getting a little wild but at certain times of year it always has anyway.

    I don't disagree it's a problem. I don't disagree that something needs to be done about it. I just think the message of a lot of the climate groups isn't going to resonate with alot of people because they're inherently short sighted, selfish, sometimes lacking in empathy for people from certain parts of the world, and the best way to motivate them is not to tell them what they can't do and just make their lives worse. The way to get people to change is to sell the benefits to them, not the people of bangladesh.

  12. Not against selling Bailey at all. His injury record has been pretty shocking and with the exception of a few moments he’s not produced at all what we expected he would.

    My main issue with him is my (possibly incorrect) assessment that he just isn’t bothered. When he’s injured you see him constantly posting on the socials being on holiday, the comments from his father and just his general attitude.

    Gut feeling is I just don’t think I like him as a bloke and he’s not shown enough as a player to change that feeling.

  13. 11 hours ago, bickster said:

    I presume these dating apps have a block / ignore function?

    So I don’t get what’s going on in this new claim either

    Yeah nothing to see with this one except someone who’s been paid for some pretty benign information so the s*n can keep the story going a few more days.

  14. Personally I don’t think the way to make the climate argument is the way some people talk about catastrophe’s and how we’re all going to suffer some serious consequences. It needs to be a more carrot rather than stick approach.

    The prospect of keeping global warming and climate change just isn’t compelling. People aren’t built to see a picture as big as that, they just can’t wrap their heads around it, but if you said to people that whole new clean energy industries with high paying jobs, cheaper electricity in the long term (because wind and sun are  **** free so it should be, no?) and energy security so we aren’t vulnerable to the whims of Russian and arab dictators that’s something people can understand.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Xela said:

    Ridley Scot. Joaquin Phoenix. 

    Should be epic.

    I seem to recall Kubrick was touted for a Napoleon biopic an age ago. 



    How on earth do you depict 20 years of napoleons life from the revolution, the battle of the pyramids, austerlitz, grand army invasion of Russia, exile to Elba, return and Waterloo in one film and it not be a rushed mess?

    • Like 1
  16. 52 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Hmmm I’m not so sure. The Scum newspaper ran the story, it’s down to them to uphold journalistic standards, which they clearly didn’t do here. Absolutely zero corroboration 

    Anyone can go to a paper with a batshit crazy story, it’s up to the paper to do their research and be able to prove what they print.


  17. 1 hour ago, Lichfield Dean said:

    I can't see how the above suggestions can work - you are one month older than your girlfriend, but a school year higher. You leave school first and can now technically get prosecuted for something that was perfectly fine the previous year?

    Unfortunately I think this is one of those where no matter how the law is worded it's just always going to boil down to some kind of common sense being applied by the authorities to sort out.

    No I get that there's got to be some kind of common sense/nuance here when it comes to young people dating young people.

    When I started working at a company in 2013 I was sent out on a site visit to a customer with a colleague to shadow them and we were passing a school in the car and he turned to me and made a remark on how attractive a young lady was - she was in a school uniform - I said something like "she's in a **** uniform, dude!" in a pisstake kind of way calling him a nonce and he said "she could be 16, it's fine". I just think when you've got a case of someone in a school uniform 16 or not it's pretty grim.

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