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Posts posted by Anthony

  1. 14 hours ago, Davkaus said:

    Also turns out if you don't know how their **** travel system works and use the prominent ticket machines to buy a ticket, you just pay 3 times as much, because **** you.

    I **** hate London.

    Pick a card, any card. Stick with that one and use it for contactless travel everywhere. Job done. 

    For extra piece of mind, register it on the tfl website, so if you forget to/can't tap out, you can let them know and not get charged for it. 

    Oh, and you don't need to tap out on buses. 

    You may hate London, but London loves you. With big sloppy kisses an that. 

    • Like 3
  2. On 12/04/2023 at 16:05, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    My opinion is based upon his recent opinions.  He supported the war with Georgia and the annexation of their land.  He has not moved from that standpoint. 

    He opposed the military occupation of Crimea in 2014.  But also said that it was Russian should remain Russian.  

    He opposes the arming of Ukraine by the West due to the Russian deaths it will cause.  No mention of the Ukrainian deaths caused by Russia. 

    He was recently asked, if he became president would he give Crimea back to Ukraine?   He avoided the question by saying that it shouldn’t be passed backwards and forwards.  

    His opposition of Putin is based upon the level of corruption and criminality in the Russian Government.  I have yet to read anything that suggests his policies would be substantially different.


    On 12/04/2023 at 14:07, magnkarl said:

    It's always good to have a discussion about these things, I've been to a lecture by Gary Kasparov on the opposition to Putin within Russia and the amount of proof backed evidence he had to show about Navalny doesn't exactly paint the man as a good un'.


    Better than Putin? Sure. Good as a leader of a country that's had crap leaders for a long time? Not so sure.

    Cheers guys. Much for me to read...

    • Like 1
  3. 18 hours ago, Seat68 said:

    Not sure if you mean March in Cambridgeshire. For me March and Ely are beautiful little places. Spent time in them both and loved them both equally. 

    Ah, yeah, might well be Cambs. 

    But no, your lived experience is definitely wrong, whereas my very transitory experience is correct. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. March. The one in Lincolnshire. Depressing place surrounded basically by swamp. I remember driving through and being stared at all the way through by a teddy boy with an Elvis hair cut and three yellow teeth. He was leaning against a Ford Cortina. This was in the late nineties. 

    It used to be a place where farm workers lived. It now serves no purpose. 

  5. Re Navalny and the comments on the previous page. 

    The comments he made were in 2015. Remember that before we start taking about his position on various issues. Things change and opinions change. One example is that he has admitted that sharing a podium with actual Nazis was a bad move, because he isn't a Nazi, he doesn't endorse their worldviews, and, of course, it makes him look bad. 

    He's more nationalistic than I would like, but nearly everyone on the planet is more nationalistic than me. On the Russian scale he's not nationalistic at all. 

    As far as racism goes, no more than the average Russian. i.e. quite racist. He's not a rabid Russian supremacist though, unlike our great friend Vladimir. 

    If you have read in the past that he was a bad 'un, then check how up to date your info is. Also, where did the info come from? Was it a standard Putin smear, or was it a reputable source. That said, people in this thread are quite good at sorting the wheat from the chaff. 

    Needless to say I disagree strongly with @magnkarland @Mandy Lifeboatson this. 


  6. 3 hours ago, blandy said:

    These leaked documents. Ukraine’s in serious trouble. About to run out of air defence munitions. If/when they do, Russia will be able to resume flights over the whole of Ukraine and bomb the heck out of the troops, Parliament, the dams, the power stations and electricity grid. Anything and everything. Grim.

    If the documents are accurate. They might be. They might be disinformation. Anyone who actually knows the truth will be keeping quiet. 

  7. Tangentially, if his firm gets audited, and the payment gets thrown up, they may get in touch with you to confirm the details.

    You may have to create an invoice. Actually, I'm surprised he hasn't asked you to do that already.

    • Like 1
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  8. 18 hours ago, hogso said:

    Semi final 1 takes place Tuesday 9th May

    Semi final 2 takes place Thursday 11th May

    The Grand **** Final takes place Saturday 13th May

    In the exiting run up to the night we've all been waiting for, I will titillate you with a selection of my favourite songs from this year's event. 

    Firstly, I give you...Germany 


    The nineties called and wants its rejected b-sides back. God that's so dull, so boring. All been done before, and much better. 

    All that said I love Eurovision for all the silliness, and I'm always drawn to anything that doesn't take itself seriously. Anyone at Eurovision that takes themselves seriously deserves huge ridicule. On that score, this is a winner. 

  9. 2 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

    Newsreader on Chanel 5 tonight was talking about 5 planets being aligned in the night sky tonight and clearly got the giggles when she saw “Uranus” on the auto cue 

    It’s the little things that amuse 

    You been sniffin' Chanel #5

    • Haha 2
  10. 1 minute ago, hogso said:

    Scraper and sponge! Check out Mr. Luxury over here. When I was a kid, I had to get the woodchip off the ceiling, walls, and floor with my fingernails and an old teaspoon, whilst Father lashed me. 

    Was this before the age of ten? Was it this that turned you hardcore?

  11. 23 hours ago, sidcow said:

    I see rules are being brought in about possession and sale of Nitrous oxide. 

    I couldn't really give a shit about the scrotes using it but it makes be angry beyond words the frigging state they leave behind just chucking the cylinders out of the car once they've finished. 

    Some places are just littered knee deep with the little silver cylinders and I've noticed larger aerosol cannisters being littered lately. 

    The mess also pisses me off. Was in a car on the motorway and the scrotes in the car in front were doing balloons and chucking the cartridges out the window. 

    What really pisses me off though, is the government approach to solutions. "What this needs is more laws". We don't need more **** laws. There are enough laws to prosecute people already, how about putting some resource into just enforcing the ones we already have? 

    "More laws" is just playing to the gallery of "something must be done", when actually it will do **** all except introduce a greater time/resource/admin/financial burden on those who have a legitimate use for the stuff. 

    End of rant. 

    • Like 4
  12. On 22/03/2023 at 21:06, Marka Ragnos said:

    Another why-are-English-people-this way? one.

    I don't get the English obsession with not being "patronising" nor the apparent extra sensitivity about being patronised. I'm always hearing this focus on English telly, in UK news media, etc. Is this all about thin English skin? Or are other countries really annoying? Am I annoying -- don't answer that! 😬🤣.  Is being patronising such an awful assault on the delicate flower that is the 21st century English middle-class bloke? Or maybe we're all just way too advicey and presumptuous outside the UK? Not even sure I really understand what it means to be patronising anymore since England has messed up this handy form of one-up-manship for me. Wait, are you about to patronise me below? Hmmmmm. I wonder and wonder.  


    Quick brainfart: Maybe we in the UK have a bit of ego invested in 'understanding people and situations due to our history of empires and being all great and all that', so when we don't get it quite right we feel like some kind of failure? 

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