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Posts posted by OnePablo

  1. adriano would be a nice signing

    i might put that up on football rumours.com given the utter utter gak they put out. this is the pick from today;

    Im the nephew of Aston Villa chairman Randolph Lerner. Believe it or not. After a recent family gathering Uncle Randy got onto the topic of of potential buys and found out that. .

    Eric Djemba Djemba was enquired by barcelona 2months ago. I don't no why but its stupidly true.

    Becks looks like a certainity with his agent even contacting the club. (only on loan)

    With Chris Sutton just signing Baros wants out.

    Park Ji Sun is also one of Martin O'Neils favourites but due to recent injuries it looks very unlikely.

    Hopefully this info will come true very soon

  2. Wayne Bridge

    Luke Young

    Boupa Diop

    Dean Ashton

    In that order. Agree with ianrobo about a signing one 'name' in particular though, as a statement of intent. To make the world sit up and take notice if they haven't already.

    Almost hate myself for suggesting it but Mr Posh Spice fits the catergory to some extent. Although some may feel this is similar to HDE's 'vision' of signing big-named players past their best.

    Truth is though, we have a weakness on the right flank, he's got something to prove and such a move would lift our profile considerably. Despite all the baggage that surrounds him, he's generally classed as a good pro and doesn't have a reputation for disrupting dressing rooms et.c.

    Probably has decent memories of Villa Park, simply due to the amount of games he's played there either against us or in FA Cup Semis/Internationals.

    Would he come to a club with O'Neill as a manager and seemingly on the up? Probably also wouldn't hurt that we are halfway between London and Manchester either.

    I reckon there is a high chance we could sign Beckham. I reckon he'd take a pay cut given the fact he's one of the richest sportsmen in the world and he'd probably relish regular first team action so increasing his chances of selection for England.

  3. I'm very surprised that there is virtually no-one suggesting a new GK.

    Is everyone happy with Sorenson?

    It wouldn't be a priority for me, but given the amounts of money allegedly available, it is one I would look to strengthen.

    good point bully. only the other day i was talking to a mate and fellow villa fan and he was debating sorensson being good, but not enough to take us to the next level.

    problem is - who?

    shame we didn't get robinson - prone to the odd gaff but solid overall

  4. Clearly not saying we should or would get him.. but Peter Crouch looked great today against Galatasaray... and that scissor kick goal :shock:

    Now I know that's a touchy subject here.. ("I never rated him" "he's in the past" "he's terrible and still is") but I wish when we had him.. we would've played more to his strengths. JPA is clearly showing this year.. that when you do.. a player can shine in a particular system. Either way.. I'm happy for the bean pole seemed like a great guy who never bitched. I for one never got on him really bad.. but I'm glad he's silencing one or two people.. who would NEVER admit it.

    I liked Crouchie and tbh I never understood why DOLdemort sold him for 2M.

    With what he has achieved with liverplop and for England I wonder what his market value is now ?

    Luckily, MON has been able to revitalise JPA and give Luke and Gabby masterclasses in CF play. But what about the future? I doubt that Crouch would want to come back and whether MON would be interested in him may be a moot point.

    Here is where I make my perennial plug for David Nugent ;)

    It WOULD be interesting to see how much Crouchie would go for these days. IMO Benitez would make a lot bigger profrit then DOL did.

    didn't we make a loss...!?!?!?!?!??!?!

    we bought him for £5m didn't we? as much as rivaldo was sold for in the same window


  5. If we have got the spending power we seem to think we would be mad to go for the likes of Gera, Brown (if he did not play for the red mancs he'd be average...and we have had enough injury prone players here) and an untried appiah (he had an excelent world cup but if he was that good teams bigger than the likes of Portsmouth would have been in)

    IMO we should move for tried and trusted prem quality to keep the bandwaggon going. SWP should be 1st on board even at te expense of Milner as he has the one commodity the prem cries out for ....bucket loads of speed!

    Parker should then be brought from the barcodes which would be pretty difficult as he is worshipped up there, but this only shows how good he is!

    Geremi would be pretty damn perfect for the right back slot and could be tempted to leave the money pit if someone came in for him with potential to challenge, and offer him a starting slot. He would also offer versitility for the team.

    Klose one of the best target men in europe and although untried in the prem has all the right physical attributes to be a success. German players normally adapt to our game quite easily helped by a good work ethic.

    great post. I think everyone is starting to agree on Geremi. Imagine his overlapping with SWP or Milner.....


  6. From the shittest site in the world - footballrumours.com;

    Portuguese winger Simao Sabrosa will finally leave Benfica in January. Liverpool and Valencia have both made it as far as talking personal terms over the past year, but for one reason or another those moves have fallen through. However, Valencia are apparently looking to revive their interest in the player and could make a £7m bid in January. Real Betis, Deportivo and Aston Villa are also interested, though, and will provide a worthy challenge to the Mestalla outfit.

  7. So with £100m in the warchest.........


    ........who do you want, who do you think we should get and so on.

    Personally, I'd like;

    Right back and left back

    Two wingers

    Anyone else except Baros

    ..........For the love of God, why?

    Why is he to be the next scapegoat?

    What has he done wrong, other than score goals that helped us stay up last season? :bang::bang:

    i think his attitude is poor, and has about as much vision as a bat

  8. When people innocently start banding around figures like 100M other people start to believe it.

    We will have nowhere near this amount to spend.

    MON will probably buy a couple of players in Jan then maybe three or four next summer.

    But we will not be spending massive amounts like 100M so whats the point in talking about it?

    hence my......... :? ...................!

    figure aside, we do have money to spend.

    so who....


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