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Posts posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. 23 hours ago, meregreen said:

    Really. The Aussies who were taken prisoner by the Japanese in Singapore, fought some of the most vicious battles in Burma, New Guinea, Australian naval forces who took part in operations in the Pacific. Even, for a short period, Vietnam in the 60s. Not exactly wars fought on the other side of the world. Perhaps we do need Poppies to remind us after all

    And yet, the 2 days that Australians celebrate are Anzac Day and Remembrance Day, both of which commemorate WWI events. 

    Which just further says to me that Australians (as a whole, obviously it's very different on the individual level) celebrate these events mostly performatively because we get a lot of our cultural cues from the UK and US, countries who have a far, far more significant military history. 

  2. I don't think Jack was a primadonna while here at all. He was the best player at the club and Smith did effectively run our attack through him, which made sense because of his quality. I don't think he ever held himself above anyone else at all. He was very friendly with his teammates, appeared to be quite well liked, and he regularly spoke of his love for Aston Villa. People slag him off for that now but it's not a lie, he's just an ambitious footballer who wanted to win trophies and play at the highest level. That doesn't make him any less of an Aston Villa fan.

    I think you'll find he's probably still close with a lot of his former teammates here and they'd welcome him back. I think you'd find that Unai would have no issue incorporating someone of his quality into the team, and nothing Jack has ever done would suggest that he'd throw his toys out of the pram if he wasn't having every attack played through him.

  3. I'm someone who struggles with military based public holidays etc. Obviously Australia has basically no history of war apart from wars fought on the other side of the world, but Australia still tries to have a fairly strong national identity based around the defence force which bothers me quite a bit.

    England obviously has a much darker history of war and conquest and there is a lot more baggage that comes with celebrating that, and unfortunately it's part and parcel of honouring conscripted teenagers who made the ultimate sacrifice in WWI. You can't separate the two.

    I don't see an issue with how McClean does it. His position is strong and reasonable, and he holds it despite people using it as a culture war stick to beat him with. And it's that culture war stuff that really pushes this sort of thing into the limelight. Right wing types who want to push their militaristic views and want to normalise the celebration of war spouting outrage. It's all very American.

    Another factor to consider is that you just know the loudest and angriest of the people threatening him would be against a pride badge and would celebrate players refusing to wear it.

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  4. That pass was like something you'd see from prime Iniesta. Vision and execution at the absolute elite level. Amazing to think we plucked this guy out of Scotland a few years ago for £2.5mil and he's not only been an enormous driver of positive culture for us, but he's making passes like that.

    • Like 1
  5. On 24/10/2023 at 22:46, fightoffyour said:
    • Wrong colour scheme ✅
    • Far too much blue ✅
    • Unnecessary star ✅
    • Crap font ✅
    • Too busy ✅
    • Shaped like Lerner's tattoo ✅
    • Lion facing the wrong way now ✅
    • Lines are wonky like they've been painted ✅
    • "Gold" closer to the colour of baby's shit than yellow ✅

    Nailed it 😋


    But it does have it's own level of character that has been beaten out of our last couple of badges through the design by committee process.

    We're probably going to get something similar in broad strokes to what we've seen in this thread and across the internet, we just have to hope the designer can cut through that and design something that feels like it represents us.

    • Like 1
  6. I can't immediately remember a player anywhere developing such deep chemistry with his teammates so quickly. You'd think he and Ollie had been playing together for a decade. A huge credit to him and a sign of a very high football IQ. Sadio Mane is an excellent comparison.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, R.Bear said:

    And what does that do for us exactly? 99.9% of her followers either won't know or won't give a shit that she plays for Villa. It's no different to the hot tennis players for example that people follow. I bet they never watch a game or care about their career.

    I don't begrudge her for milking a bunch of seedy guys for their money and incessantly posting pictures/videos/calendars of her ass. If the money's there, take it.

    But don't pretend her having followers or fame for being nice to look at does anything whatsoever for the Aston Villa men's team. She barely does anything on the pitch for the women's team. A forward who never scores or gets assists.

    This is completely incorrect. Having widely popular footballers in your squad has been important for decades. Social media is just the way that celebrities connect with their fans in 2023. There's a reason sports teams employ social media divisions and put a lot of effort into getting followers.

    She posts loads of Villa content, it's most of what goes on her insta, with football related stories basically every day. That's 15,000,000 people who might never have thought about Aston Villa having Aston Villa in their social media feed every day.

    When we complain that we have no chance to match the global reach of the sky 6, having a prominent, popular player like Lehmann helps to bridge that gap. Lehmann gives us access to fans that otherwise wouldn't consider us. Awareness brings in new fans, new fans means more money.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Zatman said:

    The Grealish that left here is not the same Grealish today. We dont need a player on the wing holding possession to pass back 7 yards. His attacking intention has been knocked out of him

    I completely disagree that he's forgotten how to play attacking football. He's playing in Guardiola's system there and he'd adapt to Emery's system here. 

    In fact I'd argue that he's just about a perfect player for how Emery likes to create chances. He's surprisingly quick with the ball, has excellent vision, places and weights passes beautifully and likes to use movement to create space. 

  9. I think it's strange to specifically not want Grealish back. If he wanted to come back he'd immediately be our best player but he'd have a much, much stronger squad around him than when he left, and he'd shine.

    As much as him leaving was just part of the business, it's also part of the business to leverage familiarity to sign players where we can, not unlike our signing of Ashley Young a couple of seasons ago. Jack is a brilliant footballer who would improve us. If he's squeezed out at City and his love for the club makes him choose us over say, Newcastle, Tottenham, Man U etc, that's brilliant.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Pinebro said:

    Insane amount of injuries to most teams this season.

    These 10 extra minutes every game is crazy.

    This needs to stop. They have to change it.

    I think they're going hard to stamp time wasting our of the game, and as time goes on players will adjust and added time will get back to more normal amounts. 

  11. 20 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

    if you want to see how ridiculous the offside rule now is, have a look at Atletico Madrid's equaliser against Feyenoord.

    A through ball to a striker who is two yards offside is intercepted by a defender running back who slides to get a foot onto it and prevent it getting to the striker - this inadvertently plays  it into the path of the second (onside) striker who scores. Given as offside on the field and then overturned by the ref at the monitor on VAR.

    Now for me, it's offside for a number of reasons, all of which are based on the first striker interfering with play - firstly because the defensive team have played an offside trap and caught him offside, that was their aim and that's what they've done - for me, when a team is playing a high line in order to catch a player offside, if they've successfully caught him,  then he's interfering with play - he's the reason that defensive line is where it is - he's the most advanced forward and as such he dictates the position of the back line. If they play him offside, even if the ball doesn't reach him, for me, he's actively influencing the play.

    Secondly, and perhaps less controversially, when the defender slides and sticks out a leg to divert the ball away from a striker who is offside - the player in an offside position has actively interfered with play - the defender can't just let the ball go to the striker and hope they caught the offside, so he's defending - he's defending because he doesn't know if the player is offside - how you can then claim that the offside player hasn't interfered with play is beyond me. When he touches the ball, he's not making a pass, there isn't a new phase, he's trying to cut out a pass, and sure he's trying to steer it to a safe position, but that's not a new phase of play where the defender had the ball. 

    if he doesn't reach the ball, if he defends badly, then the ball gets through to the striker, and it's offside, if he defends well and gets a touch on it, then the player becomes not offside.

    The rule is garbage - we need to get rid of the whole active/inactive thing - if you keep a high, organised line and a pass is played to a player, he's offside. Whether he's offside or not shouldn't depend on whether the pass reaches him - you shouldn't need the ball to be offside.





    There's been a few of these now where a defender clearly only touches the ball in the manner that be does because he's trying to stop the ball reaching an opponent in an offside position, but then because he's intentionally touched the ball, the offside is now invalidated and the offside player is onside. It's ridiculous. If a defender has made a play on a ball to stop it getting to you, and you're in an offside position, it must be offside. 

    The worst one I can remember was Salah scoring against Wolves in the FA cup last season. Salah miles offside as the cross is played in, defender throws a desperation header which goes up in the air and lands with Salah who scores, and VAR upholds the goal because the Wolves defender getting a head on it is an intentional play on the ball, despite the fact that he only did so because of Salah being in the box. 

    It's an embarassment that they haven't fixed this rule and it's interpretation. 

    • Like 1
  12. In Australia I absolutely get a bit of cred for being a Villa fan because it's a relatively unusual team to follow. People who ask me immediately assume I know what i'm talking about.

    Agree fully about access. We're really lucky with the Premier League in Australia, Optus Sport has every match so it's quite easy to follow. The championship was a lot more difficult and I spent a lot more time looking for the streams thread each week.

  13. That's thoroughly embarrassing for the PGMOL. Wow. Mistakes happen, but it just sounded like an absolute shambles in there which stopped the mistake from being identified and corrected.

    Cricket 3rd umpires are usually broadcast talking their way through the decision, and I think it works and makes sense. 

    I'd say broadcast the VAR officials live, mostly so that they know they're being broadcast and conduct themselves thoroughly, systematically and professionally. That'll stop the exact chaos that caused this mistake. 

  14. I know kits are produced well in advance and there are long term scheduling issues, but surely Castore could use an alternative fabric and produce new kits for the players only in a relatively short turnaround time?

    There was a situation several years ago in Australian rules footy where my favourite club were approved to use a historic uniform design due to a colour clash and a relatively small manufacturer managed to get the guernseys produced and shipped from the factory in Fiji to Adelaide for the game within 6 days. 

    Surely given the horrendous press this is giving them every time we play, they could do a special run of kits for the players kits only. Same cut, just a different fabric. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    No brand lasts 50 years. Every logo is tinkered, changed, altered in big and small ways every few years, reflecting fashions, changing usage, etc.

    The current badge isn't bad it's just... tired. It doesn't stand out, it looks like a million other badges and is far too close to some, like Chelsea. In the crowd it gets swallowed up. Partly its the roundel - every other club now seems to have a roundel, and most have that very clean graphic style too. Partly its the colours, in a modern lineup of badges our colours don't pop - made worse in the graphic style that doesn't have any border/contrast/outline between the colours (which is why it looks better in a white monotone). Partly its the star which looks crowded and an afterthought. It's really not good, and clearly directed by committee.

    Bang on, and it's our 2nd committee driven badge in a row, which I think it's exactly why they're both 6/10 type efforts. 

  16. 26 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    It's interesting that 77% of Villa fans disagreed with you on that when it was launched. 77% is an extraordinarily high number on this sort of thing - a landslide - you'd struggle to find 77% of Villa fans that agree on anything.


    77% compared to the other option. That's very different to a 77% satisfaction rate. That doesn't mean it's an ideal or particularly popular badge and I think the general feeling about it is that it's a bit of a missed opportunity. 

    Heck has come in, sensed that lack of satisfaction and did his job and made a change. 

    Our brand is very different to the 76ers, but Heck led a rebrand there for a famous old team that focused on a consistent, modern interpretation of their historical branding and knocked it out of the park. He made sure that he fundamentally understood the brand and the fans connection to it and gave them something that satisfied that. It's been a tremendously successful branding exercise. 

    If he applies the same philosophy to our rebrand, he'll give us something that makes us proud and stands the test of time. 


    I also disagree that a badge needs to be unchanging. Your badge, like every aspect of your brand, like every aspect of your club, needs to be constantly reassessed to take sure it's doing its job optimally. Certainly the nature of a badge means that a change shouldn't be undertaken lightly or too frequently, but if it's looking long in the tooth and nolongernfit for purpose it needs to change. 

    • Thanks 2
  17. Great performance on the road. Martinez kept us in the lead but some bizarre refereeing, stopping the game to give the yellow when we were basically through on goal was insane. 

    The ref did well with the red though. I thought it was clear but that he might not give it due to the ball being involved. 

    Could have easily been 4-3 instead of 1-0, but we absolutely deserved that. 

  18. 23 hours ago, a-k said:

    If you have to slow it down or use single frames and draw lines, it's not clear and obvious. Let the on field refs do their thing and if there's some contention, watch it back a few times in full speed. If it's that egregious of a decision, it will be spotted.

    Yep! Every single VAR check should be the booth telling the on-field ref to have another look. He gets to see a replay twice from each relevant angle at full speed, and then gets to decide whether he changes his own decision. Simple. Including offsides, for which there should be no lines drawn. If you can't tell it's offside from a single replay, it's not offside.

  19. 15 hours ago, Rich192 said:

    I know this is going to be an extremely unpopular opinion. But I’m all for them having more kick off times to show more games. I don’t think it’ll be long before every game is televised live, at a separate time so that there’s no Premier League clashes. You could have one game on a Friday and Monday evening, and then four each on Saturday and Sunday. Bring it on, I say. 

    This is basically how the Australian football works. You'll only have a couple of games crossover across the weekend, with games starting from Thursday night to Sunday evening. I know midweek European games might make this slightly harder but I don't see any issues with more kickoff times. Just allows us all to watch more football.

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