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Posts posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. 10 minutes ago, DakotaVilla said:

    The desperation and short sightedness to lift any silverware at any cost is palpable. I’ve no doubt that Emery will continue to educate us all as he has done so over the last 12 months. 

    What do we play football for again?

    As Villa supporters we should know better than anyone that times like these can be fleeting. Champions League football would be absolutely wonderful and we might get there, but it isn't automatically a golden goose that ensures sustained success. There are plenty of clubs who got there and couldn't sustain it. Leeds, Newcastle, Everton, Tottenham, Leicester. We sacrificed cup runs under Martin O'Neill to focus on the league and it got us nothing.

    What are people going to remember in 30 years, away trips against Atletico Madrid and Lazio, or John McGinn lifting the FA cup?

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  2. His little touch to set up his strike was sublime, gave the keeper absolutely no chance. Quick feet and incredible skill. He's a brilliant striker when he's confident, and that self belief is sky high at the moment.

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  3. I make no apologies for getting a bit emotional at thinking he might retire. Mings is my favourite player in the 25 years i've been following the club. It'd be absolutely gutting to know that injury ruined his career just as we appear to be taking off.

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  4. I really love 50 over cricket, it's a far better contest than T20. It's been quite sad to see the lack of support and coverage it's received this tournament.

    I don't know what it's like in England or other countries, but ODIs being mostly shown only on payTV has really hurt the popularity of the format over here. During the heyday of ODI cricket in the 90s and early 2000s, you'd have a quad series with Australia, Australia A and 2 travelling sides and every game involving an Australian side would be packed out and shown on free to air TV.

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  5. The Premier League is already a super league, and has only gotten stronger since the last time these desperate shysters tried to cling on to living beyond their means.

    We won't be invited to this, yet there are only 4 non-PL teams with a more valuable squad than us according to Transfermarkt.

    Premier League clubs would be insane to go. The likes of Man City and Arsenal will have to disgrace themselves and fracture their fanbase potentially beyond repair to play on average, about the same standard of football, maybe slightly less, depending on how many clubs they can convince to come along and be the Washington Generals of their circus.

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  6. 29 minutes ago, R.Bear said:

    Firstly, it's not 15m people. At least half of those followers will be bots. Secondly, I'm not sure getting exposure to our club through a glorified model is the type of road we should be going down to promote our club. I'd rather it was done, in terms of the women's team, through their success on the pitch. Lehmann didnt even get off the bench yesterday and we gave her a three year contract. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the squad are slightly aggrieved by the overexposure she gets because its never for anything she does on the pitch. It's hardly a great message to send to our young female fans is it? That it doesnt matter if you're a good player or play well for the team, as long as you look nice, you will get all the exposure and promotion.


    You can feel however you want to feel about it, it's a reality of modern elite level football that we need to reach as wide as possible an audience. Her social media might attract people who are following for her looks but those people also see the 2/3s of her posts that are football related.

    You're talking like we're sacrificing on-field performance to have her in the squad which is ridiculous, she's a good footballer and has played regularly for us since we signed her because she's a good footballer. You're talking about her teammates getting frustrated with her but you have no evidence of that, you're simply projecting your own bias onto our women's team.

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  7. I just love our team at the moment, McGinn's such a great captain. Works his socks off and gets stuck in hard, but if you let him slip by his vision, passing and shooting are deadly.

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  8. Man City would be genuinely regretting not activating that buyback and given the Scrooge McDuckesque bottomless pit of money they purchased their midfield with, it just shows how good he's become. What a player!

  9. Again, I think the whole issue is based on how it's run. A VAR official should be simply advising the on-field ref to have another look without saying anything to further influence, and then the on-field ref gets a couple of relevant angles at full speed and gets to decide whether to change his own decision or not.

    It's so simple, it's actually comical how ridiculous the current situation is. Everyone hates it, it frequently doesn't work. If you need to look at something 30 times in slow motion, then it obviously wasn't a clear and obvious error. If you need to draw lines on the field, it's not a clear and obvious offside.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Chindie said:

    The only way to combat the false nature of it being controversial is to have people use it and particularly those with visibility. Reclaim it.

    Making it verboten is essentially racist in nature.

    Agree completely with this. 

    Countries everywhere who have been colonised have similar sort of statements. Indigenous Australians have phrases like "sovereignty never ceded" and "always was, always will be Aboriginal land" which are basically the equivalent of from the River to the Sea in intent and purpose. 

    It's only controversial because Israel, through the support of Western powers, has managed to normalise the idea that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism which gives them carte blanche to accuse anyone who isn't active supporting Israel of racism. 

    It's gotten to an absolutely insane, boogeyman proportions in some cases, fuelled by the media. Look at what happened to Corbyn. 

    It's important for people to publicly stand up for Palestinians even when it's inconvenient for them to do so, which Anwar has done here, costing him his job and putting his career in jeopardy. He's displayed absolutely incredible character here, again. 

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