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Everything posted by Awol

  1. Andy Burnham on newsnight just demolished the government’s current position on who should be going into work and who shouldn’t. It’s all pretty farcical right now. They do seem quite happy to maintain a level of spreading while giving the impression that we’re in a more general lockdown.
  2. When ‘the three squeaks’ is a delicacy, bad things are gonna happen. How about we send them Gordon Ramsay on permanent loan and they stop sending us lung AIDS. Fair deal?
  3. Don’t know this Journo but with 195k followers I’d hope he’s a gen’ source:
  4. Good luck @Villarocker please keep us updated with how you’re getting on. The army has delivered 7.5 million pieces of PPE to frontline health workers in 24 hrs, now on to setting up the 4000 bed hospital (not 500) in London. Boffins at Oxford uni seem to have knocked up a working basic ventilator prototype that can be mass produced quickly, and 35,000 extra staff (retired returnees and student nurses) are surging into the NHS system. Despite scrotes burning supermarket delivery trucks in Bristol and wrecking ambulances in Kent, 100,000s of good people are helping us get our arms around this thing so we have a fighting chance in the next few weeks. Still loads to fix, particularly around people’s incomes, but looking at the big picture I think we’re doing okay - despite the politicians.
  5. ExCel Centre in London to be converted in days into a field hospital with initial 500 beds. NHS led, military in support. Other sites to follow across the UK.
  6. Things going south quite rapidly in NYC. Hard to believe it will be any different in London.
  7. Ive got a copy, first written in 1999 by Colonels Qiao Liang & Wang Xiangsui. Basically lays out China’s analysis of western conventional Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) post-Gulf War 1991, highlights US/western myopia about the wider spectrum of conflict, then details how China can fight and win a long term competition with the US, preferably without engaging in battle. Sun Tzu for the modern era and an enlightening read, but it doesn’t suggest China engage in bio warfare!
  8. Haha, you didn’t watch the video, did you? I say that because what you wrote has no relation at all to what he actually said. But Brexit, eh? B*****ds.
  9. Crack on double-quick, you can still claim not to have seen the news if anyone asks!
  10. Just had a call from a mate who’s rushed to get the ‘last’ flight from Toronto back to UK overnight. He reckons UK is shutting down all incoming commercial flights as of end of play tomorrow. Don’t know if it’s true, but he’s just broken off a 3 month holiday over there and gone straight to the airport without even getting all his gear!
  11. Twitter rammed with people writing in something like English about how they’ll still be going out with their mates. Police in London are going to have a great time with these scrotes over the next few weeks.
  12. Decide who’s place is the best shag palace, get there tonight and dig in for the duration. They’ll be watching mobile phone data from tomorrow to ID and track people who aren’t screwing the nut - no pun intended..
  13. Disagree, people need the space to breathe and exercising once a day is fine, so long as people respect social distancing. I take my kids down the (quiet) beach every day, they need to burn off some energy. People need to get out and buy food, especially if they’ve been shamed into not stocking their cupboards up before now. Interestingly they don’t yet have the legislation on the books to enforce this in Scotland, should be done later this week. For now the police can only give you ‘strong advice’. The local divs will still push it for as long as they legally can.
  14. When some folks act like children we all get treated like children. Anyone still taking the piss after this deserves to be fined.
  15. I thought this had started to get a political tone to it over the last day or so. Becoming clear why now. Reminds me of the 9/11 ‘good day to bury bad news’ horror show. Ian Lavery claims coronavirus gives labour a great opportunity
  16. Exactly this. Minister: Are the distribution systems, working? Is everything up to date? Minion: Yes, boss. All checked X weeks/months ago. Minister: Great, now where the **** do we find more ventilators? If Minister’s can’t delegate then nothing will ever get done. It’s a failure and Hancock is responsible, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s his fault.
  17. I’m not sure this is directly on Johnson or Hancock. We have stockpiles of pandemic kit in warehouses across the UK, and infrequent exercises (either table-top only or with a physical component) to test preparedness. The distribution systems to get the kit out have clearly failed, hence the need to bring in the army - surpassed only by the navy as masters of logistics. The real question is why the existing system for distribution has failed, why and who was responsible For that failure? It’s not the job of Cabinet Ministers to distribute face-masks, they’re strategic level bods, not ops.
  18. That’s grounds for a drone strike.
  19. Indeed. I’m already working on Tom & Harry. Won’t go for Dick unless things get really desperate.
  20. ‘Rapist gets horrible disease, might die’ is the only positive COVID headline I’ve seen so far.
  21. Any Spanish speakers here who can confirm what the chap in the video is saying matches the tweet description of it?
  22. ...It was never just TV....
  23. Just poured a scotch, listened to this and for the first time in years I could murder a cigarette. Probably not the right time to get back into that though.
  24. From what I’ve read it might be closer to 14 days behind, but either way their ICU capacity is double ours and once patients go in they tend to stay there for weeks. It appears we are royally screwed.
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