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Everything posted by JulieB

  1. Can't say I can find anything to disagree with also about this post neither - I'm sad to say. The personal abuse that was aimed at McLeish last season was just dreadful, but the stuff people shouted at Hutton after that awful tackle at VP he suffered against Spurs was just unbelievable. As I've said before if you're going to moan at matches which we're trying to win.... then please go and sit with the away supporters You just DO their job for them!
  2. Fab spot Matt. Kind of brings it all together and it makes sense. It would certainly seem that way Julie. Funnily enough Dean Scoggins of the Sun was adamant before OGS saga blew up that Lerner was after Lambert as his No 1 candidate. Interestingly enough....when it looked like OGS was coming to Villa....he said publically via tweets...... that he got the feeling that the whole OGS pursuit was more a way of pushing the Lambert & Norwich situation forward.
  3. Fab spot Matt. Kind of brings it all together and it makes sense.
  4. Pete Colley slightly letting the cat out of the bag a wee bit more just on SSN.. Apparently from saying Villa spoke to Norwich yesterday about Paul Lambert's availability he's moved the goalposts now to.... "earlier in the week"........... bit longer than that methinks! Course if Norwich have just kept saying NO against his wishes..... then he could have waited and then excercised a rumoured clause in his rolling contract to talk to any PL club on 31st May - today As IIRC someone else posted earlier......
  5. ‏@SpaghettiCr8ive Any compensation due to Norwich for PL should be paid by McLeish. #AVFC #UTV
  6. It was more a dig at Whelan..... and I would imagine RM isn't too chuffed about him spouting off all the time. I don't think FGS were at all impressed. However if I was running Aston Villa FC I really wouldn't be wanting a manager who thought perhaps he could do a bit better than a small time club like Villa...if his talks with Liverpool didn't work out.
  7. James Nursey ‏@JamesNursey #AVFC will hope Lambert takes his coach Culverhouse with him as gather Ian is superb and does most of training and is v good tactically Hope so James... Coaching and tactics... Yay!
  8. @andrewastewart BREAKING NEWS : Police arrest a drunk middle-aged woman menacingly screaming "Where are you? Let's be aving you" outside Paul Lambert's house.
  9. The crack is though... Martinez approached Villa this summer about the vacancy and it was Villa that did the........ "we'll let you know, we're speaking to lots of targets" SSN Whelan (sans any compensation) has apparently been spouting off that Villa aren't a big enough club for Roberto again today........ Ahh diddums... Rodgers for Liverpool...Lambert for Villa and poor wee Roberto gets to stay at home and suck lemons with good old Dave Gutted for the pair of them......NOT!!
  10. The man they call Brian he talk sense. Unfortunately methinks the sense the one they call Brian speaketh will be falling on deaf ears! I cannot beleive you lot are already arguing over the signings a manager who AVFC haven't even appointed as yet...might be making!! Priceless!!! :bonk:
  11. So what you think Wiz? Still gutted and angry mate, it will go but that will take time. As for his replacement, I've no idea....as long as its not Malky, Bruce or Haugton. We've all been there Wiz. Don't forget us Villa fans have had to sit back & watch the likes of Dwight Yorke, James Milner, Gareth Barry move onwards and upwards - just when it looked like we could push on and make a step towards the top.
  12. Not if it's off Collins head I won't be...... Taxi anyone!
  13. Where is Gareth BTW is he on holiday?...........Don't tell me he's ACTUALLY working?!!!
  14. @INCOGNITOAVFC Communication coming from Villa is that they will hold off on announcement until tomorrow out of respect to Norwich FC
  15. Pete Colley - Outside BMH Lambert now talking directly to AVFC himself... but still to sort out exactly situation wih Norwich.
  16. He appears to have been a serious contender but I think there were other Plan A options as well.
  17. If its the same one I am thinking about she kept on about talks ongoing to sign Moyes even when McLeish had resigned from Blues and it was becoming obvious where he was going..... Maybe she was right? Just like OGS thingy only on that occasion you are speaking about..... a certain club not a manager might have pulled the plug and the club made a commercially disastrous appointment as a Plan B. THIS time it sounds like we had a fair few Plan A/B's on the back burner should things go wrong.
  18. Maybe OGS left such a good impression on AVFC that after speaking to him they would have offered him the job... however he pulled out because for whatever reasons...Back to plan A dealing with a club that has been messing about over it for weeks. I'm just surmising about it all.... Norwich statement said "who they'd fought hard to keep"
  19. That's life now... people tweet, they text..they email... they PM on message boards they DM on twitter... In other words ordinary folk who happen to find out snippets of info share it...compare it and then work out what's more than likely going on. Leaving some journos - the less savvy ones....with their nicely manicured fed "Official sources" ........standing.
  20. The ginger one has spoken outside BMH.. Pete Colley. Villa WILL get there man...and he is Villa's NO 1 choice Wanted to deliberately squash rumours yesterday that they were in anyway talking to Martinez also after news he wasn't going to Liverpool......which I particularly smiled about!
  21. Pete Colley has just said on SSN..... Paul Lambert is on a shortlist of 1 for the AVFC job! Brilliant
  22. TBF The Sky reporter has also been saying Lambert wasn't happy with his transfer budget.. Was only to be given what he got when Norwich came into the Premier League and they banked £46M in TV revenue alone last season. So he was far from happy with his lot there it would seem.
  23. EXACTLY .......which TBF is what the SSN reporter said about 45mins ago standing outside Carrow Road. Only now it's been confirmed in the official statement.
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