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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. Our record is Juan Pablo Angel for £9.5m or Ashley Young for £9.65m if he ever wins an england cap
  2. i agree with ianrobo that there is no point talking about Barton. He is off to Newcastle which probably makes him more of a tosser than he is now. I live up north and i can tell you that Man City fans are delighted to see him leave.
  3. to suggest that Barton is better than NRC is mad. Barton is an arragont and violent little chav with no respect for anyone. He would upset the team, attack other players and spend a lot of time in court. NRC is the captain of his club, captain of the U21's and when he was playing well he was being sought after by the top 4. But remember, class is permanant and form is temporary so he could easily replicate that form with the correct motivation and backing £8m is a good price
  4. Is that just a guess or do you know something/winding us up
  5. i hope we sign david Villa becuase i'm sick of reading about him on newsnow
  6. heard but it would never happen. He played for them and had a pretty shit time. He has jsut moved here, we love him, he loves us and he said this is his last big move. Its just press trying to make news
  7. he is the brazil goalkeeper that played against vila yesterday. Press just making things up
  8. totally agree pamparius. SWP is not worth the money and money does seem to be his motivation. He is very overhyped and incosistent £8m for Reo-Coker would make me happy. A ver good player, England U21 captain, sought after by some of the best teams before he was made a scapegoat by Wet Spam. Also, he has something to prove and I think he would be very well motivated
  9. the next is off the OS message board who has posted 200 times in his time And earlier on wikipedia it said he was rumoured to join us for £15m. None of this is very reliable but i would wet myself if we signed Fred
  10. i honestly dont' know what i would do but i would be absolutely furious. This is not a step back, it is a huge **** leap!
  11. i'm not enjoying todays links. If we sign Robinson or Bramble i think i will cry
  12. it is silly to suggest we shouldn't get him just because he is 31. He plays consistently all the time and very well for Liverpool, so to suggest he isnt' good enough to villa is stupid because, although it pains me to say it, Liverpool are a lot biger than us
  13. Finnan would be an awesome signing but i think there is very little in this If we sign Bramble i will be very embarrased
  14. If the Right Honourable Lord Football of Manager is anything to go by then he can play anywhere across the back
  15. it would appear not. Well done Richard! You win a gold plated biscuit
  16. no, we were in for KLOS who i am afraid to say is not the german international but in fact a rangers goalkeeper
  17. I really hope we sign someon just so people stop their pointless moaning. This is getting so tiresome and ot happened last time but the squad came out very strong by the end. alot of you are so bloody impatient. You expect instant results. The same people will be calling for MONs head if we don't finish top
  18. FOR **** SAKE GET A GRIP!!! AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH it is UNBELIEVABLE that people are already moaning!!! There's three **** months left and people are saying that we were just sweet talked!!! Unbelievable!!!
  19. the last part wasn't directed at you BOF it was more a general statement thetrees, again i agree that star player do get away with too much and granted some referees just let them do it. It is an attitude that needs to be changed for both players and referees. Top players should not get preferential treatment and referees should not let them get away with it
  20. it opens 1st July but that is more or less a formality. Players can sign and clubs can negotiate and reveal players but players do not 'arrive' until the window opens closes 31st August
  21. £5m for Koumas....right.... As for Taylor, i agree that it is probably Portsmouth just talking up his price. We've seen it done before Ashley Young for example
  22. i agree that Howard Webb is the best referee in the Prem. I have met him before now at an FA conference and he certainly knows his stuff and he is a cracking bloke (pretty irrelevant i know) There is a lot Poll has done wrong but i am hoping this criticism of the FA is the start of a massive backlash, because they are ruining football in so many ways. The lack of support for match officials, there blatant bias towards the top teams, there pathetic punishments etc etc
  23. You are right to an extent thetrees. So are you ianrobo but the problem is that if a referee does caution for dissent (e.g. the refs decision to caution Rooney for sarcastic clapping directly after he had been cautioned) we are immediately accused of over-reacting, so we can't win! BOF, the thread is not really supposed to be about whether Graham Poll is a tosser or not, it is more about Poll's comments on the FA and whether or not there is enough support for officials. I don't think Poll was a particularly good ref but i certainly wouldn't describe him as a tosser People tend to be a bit narrow-minded when debating issues on referees because of this ref-hate culture in football. It has always existed, but not more than ever and it is time something was done about it because it is ruining the game
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