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Posts posted by Xela


    If he wasn't on 50k/week I wouldn't mind him as cover for Lowton now that Lichaj is leaving to be honest. He's still terrible, but we can't go into next season with only 1 right back.

    Where gas the 50k figure came from? When we signed him was he not on less than Luke Young had been on.



    Hutton is not on £50k a week as lp_villa says above... more likely closer to £20k - £25k a week which is still a lot for a shit player. It wouldn't be the end of the world if he came back as back up and was prepared to fight for his place.


    Richard Dunne has wasted no time putting his Midlands house up for sale. Seemingly not staying around the area post #AVFC



    The sale of his house was agreed weeks ago.


    I think Dunne could have done a job for us last season towards the end when he was fit. There seems to be a lot of vitriol around him and Collins etc but they were far better than what we had playing in defence last season, which to my mind was the worst defensive unit I have ever seen down Villa Park.


    I'm sure Lambert will strengthen this summer so fingers crossed we don't ship as many goals like that again. 

  3. Going back to the auto v manual debate, its auto all the way for me now. I passed in a manual and have driven some horrid ones... but now, I wouldn't buy anything other than an automatic. I dread to think how badly I would drive a manual now!

  4. **** her off Yillan. She sounds like a right fruitcake


    Plenty of women out there who aren't mental. Give one  a chance!


    As i've got older I just can't do drama anymore. Any hint that a woman is likely to have tendencies like that then i'm out! I'm a simple creature and I look for the same back. Too old for games and the shit that it entails.

    • Like 2
  5. I really don't know if this should or shouldn't piss me off.


    The fact that all the cleaning gets done at our offices during the working day. Am I wrong in thinking that other companies do a lot of the cleaning before/after working hours?


    It's not uncommon for me to be making a phonecall and have a cleaner shoving a hoover under my desk.


    And don't get me started about the toilets. They clean the toilets every day mid morning. Takes them about half an hour and they seem to do a load of toilets at once. Meaning if you need to go, you end up walking around the building trying to find one that's not being cleaned.


    Clean it at 5 oclock when everyone's gone home!


    Sounds identical to my office! Got the cleaner trying to force Henry the vaccum under the desk when i'm trying to broker a big deal (read: order my dinner from the canteen)


    They used to clean overnight but changed a couple of years ago. Not sure the main reason? Cheaper maybe? Plus a lot of things used to go 'missing' overnight. Doesn't happen anymore.

  6. Some fantastic memories on here... thanks for sharing them guys  :)


    I've heard it said from a couple of people that the Saunders Villa team of around '77, with the likes of Gidman, Little, Gray, Graydon, Cropley etc was the better team in terms of individual ability but never had the same level of team spirit or togetherness that the 81-82 team had? 


    Been seeing a lot of Bayern hate, how come people dislike them?



    Because they are very rich and powerful. They are now taking the best players from the 2nd best team in Germany.



    On the flip side, would it be ok for Dortmund to take the best players from say, the 3rd or 4th best teams in Germany?


    Bayern are the biggest and the Man Utd comparisons are spot on. When a team is successful it will always breed resentment and jealously.


    I have no preference for any German team, I just wanted to see a good game of football last night and I did  :)

  8. The sun does bring out some sights though... and not good ones in all cases! 


    My eyes need bleaching after seeing some of the women squeezing their ample pale white flesh into shorts and tank tops today

  9. I just don't understand how bowlers can be such bad batsmen, when they're professional cricketers.


    Do you think a goalkeeper should also be able to play as a striker?


    When i played cricket for the school, I was a bowler. Batting never interested me


    People asleep on trains in the morning.

    Evenings, fine... even I 'rest my eyes' on the train home sometimes, if i've had a long day. Mornings though? Have some shame!

    Some people sleep poorly.


    Every day?


    I don't sleep great in the evenings but surely if you've got up, had a shower etc then you shouldn't be sleepy!


    Anyway this is the things that piss you off that shouldn't thread!

  11. in fact collections at work piss me off in general, every week its some words removed birthday or they have had a baby or their dog has done a shit in the kitchen and it is always cause for a collection for them.

    **** that, when it is someones birthday they end up with about £15 in a card which they are then pretty much forced to depart with because they are practically frog marched to the shop to by the team cakes


    When its my birthday just say happy birthday to me and have done with it....in fact just ignore me and dont even acknowledge the fact that its my birthday, the collection is more of an inconvenience for me because I have to go out and buy cakes for everyone out of that collection and I dont even like cakes


    In fact when it is my birthday why dont you fat **** wobble up to greggs and use the quid that you would have put into my collection and buy yourself a cake


    We had a colleague get the elbow recently... he'd been there a while and we reckon he got about £120,000 pay off (circa 2 years salary for him). He was delighted naturally! He was practically high fiving people in the office! 


    Couldn't believe it when a leaving collection was started for him! 




    who is Big 4 though, is that Sky 4? I remember his team winning at Etihad about 2 years ago and I think they won at Highbury when Rooney scored that goal but that was a long time ago

    The traditional big 4 of Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea & Liverpool. Rooney's goal at Highbury was in a 2-1 loss. His winner in Goodison was, naturally, not away from home.



    'Traditional Big 4' is a term I hoped I'd never hear again.


    Now they're just 4 sides that are in the top half of the table where he never won away at


    There's no "big four" anymore. There is in global business brand loyalty and revenue, but not in football league table dominance.



    Nothing traditional about Chelsea in that list! 


    Silly move, they will plummet now.

    They were plummeting with him though, drastically. It was always a situation that was going to happen due to Pulis refusing to move the team forward and build for the future. What they've been left with is a load of ageing players on pretty big wages, no sell on fees. The one trick and saving grace of long throw ins no longer gets them an extra 6-7 points a season and it's the sort of team that revolves around high team spirit and high work rate, but when that goes, they are left with nothing and I think it's starting to show. 




    2012-13: Premier League 13th 42 points

    2011-12: Premier League 14th 45 points

    2010-11: Premier League 13th 46 points

    2009-10: Premier League 11th 47 points

    2008-09: Premier League 12th 45 points

    I wouldn't say it was a drastic plummet? This year has been tough for them but they still survived and were never in any real trouble, bar a short spell a few weeks back.


    The above positions are the best Stoke can hope for. I'm not fan of Pulis but he was effective. Yeah he has spent money but you need to, even to stand still.

  14. On a somewhat related note. It's crazy to think Jurassic Park is 20 years old in 2 weeks.


    I remember watching it twice at the Erdington Showcase. Don't think the cinema had been open that long. Shut now of course


    Talking of shut cinemas (well, I was anyway) does anyone remember the other Odeon in Brum? Smallbrook Queensway I think?

  15. Can't remember as my Mom used to take me loads... I seem to remember lots of Disney films with intermissions where Mom would buy me an ice cream of the lady who used to come round selling them.


    First film without a parent... think it may have been Gremlins 2! First 18 was Se7en... I was 16 I think with a dodgy fake ID.

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