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Posts posted by AvfcRigo82

  1. The blue 3rd shirt above looks more like a training top than a kit..

    Also my impression if i saw that kit would be i was watching PSG and not Villa!

    (If there was a way it could be re-coloured in say sky blue with the thick stripe being claret then it might be better)

  2. Que se ra, se ra, whatever will be will be, we got cheated at Wembley, Que se ra, se ra.


    (To the tune of All things bright and beautiful)

    Villa are big and powerful

    The scum are shite and small.

    A hundred years have gone by

    and you've still won f*** all..............

  3. For the Heathens when they come in April

    To the Killers tune

    Are you human? We know you're rocket polishers

    You come from Small Heath

    It's a **** hole

    So get on your knees

    And look up to your masters

    Are you Human? We know you're rocket polishers......

    Brilliant!! :clap:

  4. Interesting.

    I don't think Rafa will be at the plop this time next year.

    Hughes will walk before long

    Southgate i cannot see leaving or being sacked.

    Keegan will walk soon as the going gets tough.

    Ince will be given time (unless as already stated they are doing crap)

    But then again lets not forget the 2 Tonys from Stoke & Baggies! 1 of them might be given the chop if results do not go there way. Plus Hull.

    But im going to pt my head out and say Curbs looks the one out the whole pack to be gone first!

  5. One more post re: Liverpool and closed. And once again it's the Villa fans doing it.

    It is a shame that we have people on this board that cannot read or follow simple instructions.

    Now this is not to encourage another Barry thread of opinions, thoughts, stupidity, point scoring etc. because we have seen enough of these type of threads in the last two months to last us a life time, plus they are boring and they only end up being locked because of sillyness anyway.

    A simple "Yes" or "No" is all that is required

    Is it really that hard to understand??????? :drowsy:

  6. Now firstly i have started this thread up just to gain an simple answer towards Liverplops apparant "Final offer" to be made this week.

    Now this is not to encourage another Barry thread of opinions, thoughts, stupidity, point scoring etc. because we have seen enough of these type of threads in the last two months to last us a life time, plus they are boring and they only end up being locked because of sillyness anyway.

    This saga has gone on for too long now. GB has made his desire clear that he wants to join them, so lets just let him go and put this whole thing to a end, because it is not doing:

    - The club as a whole any good

    - The players any good

    - Spirit any good

    Let's keep this simple and not have it locked after 4 pages Ladies & Gents, it really is not too much to ask is it?

    The question i propose is:

    Would you accept 16m + Steve Finnan for GB?

    A simple 'Yes' or 'No' is all that is required.poll added, Blandy

  7. Early finnish from work today, so im gonna try to create a couple of chants that we can hopefully get going for saturday (especially for Barry)!

    well here goes..

    (T.Turner - We don't need another hero)

    We don't need another heroooo...

    Cus we've got Gareth Barryyy...

    He's a Villa Legenddd....

    So hands offff...

    Hopefully if chanted loud enough MOTD might pick it up so all the scousers watching and the plastic chelsea fans hear loud and clear!

    (also if you wanted to we could always change the last 2 lines of the song to..

    Keep your f***ing hands offff...

    Cus he's ours!...)

    But with young age folk present, best we stick with the original! :lol:

    ...what do we all think?

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