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Posts posted by AvfcRigo82

  1. Well PL is hardly going to come out and say we need to spend 100m on 4 world class players is he?

    Think back to players like Johnson at boro, Milner at Newcastle, Bale at Southampton etc. This is the type of promising player is what he means!

    We have just cleared out nearly all the mercenaries from the club and this is now the way we are going in rebuilding this club, These players only increase in value, are cheaper in wages, have more hunger to prove a point and more willing than say some that are happy to come and collect 80k a week and put in one good performance every four or five games.

    Lets all look at everton. Moyes has done wonders there on a shoe string, How long has he been there? What type of players has he signed? where do they finnish every season?

    That was not accomplished in a season and neither will our rebuilding project.

    Randy will put his money where his mouth is along as its all benefit of the club and moving forward. He did it once in signing Milner, Young, Downing etc.. He will do it again if need be.

  2. I'm staggered that there are people already asking for PL's head!!

    He is only 9 games into sorting out one of the worst situation I can remember at VP - Have we become so impatient that we are giving managers only nine games now!! At that rate we will be going through four managers a season.

    For me, I'm already seeing signs of improvement.

    - The manager has got his staff in place and has already moved out the over-paid and over-rated brigade.

    - Some good young players have been purchased and will only get better (I think Bennett, Lowton, Westwood and Benteke for example, will all grow to become top class players).

    - Younger players are getting a chance and will only get better (Herd, Delph, Baker, Clark, Gardner etc).

    - More players promising players will be purchased in January.

    - We've already seen an improvement in style and particularly in attitude

    - The dressing room seems to be behind him

    - We have got a long road ahead but PL's track record suggests that he is the right man for the job

    I think that we will have a few hairy moments along the way but will improve as the season goes on. I expect us to finish around 12th and be better next season

    Keep the Faith

    Absolutely spot on!

    Also just to add to your valid points that PL is giving everyone a chance at the club who he see's fit, from here he will filter out the deadwood and undesirables and continue to build on a good foundation and strengthen the team and our stature slowly.

    This takes time, this takes patience and if all the panic merchant doubters want us to be out the shit we are in then it's time to swallow it and accept it because it's reality and what needs to happen.

    Even if we get beat in the next 4 games then so be it, it has come to be expected judging by many opinionated views on here so far but hell as long as its not a humiliating score, maybe an unlucky to have lost the game scenario etc but as long as the players try and fight out a result then it shows we are still trying of which cannot be faulted.

    I am expecting it to get worse before it gets better and right now we are in the eye of the storm but it will soon pass.

    • Like 2
  3. I said this a couple of months ago and I will say it again. - I would be amazed if we got relegated this season.

    I believe we will strengthen in January with a couple of top additions from Championship & Abroad.

    Come January I feel that injured players would have returned for us and our signings made pre season along with the rest of the team would have been playing together for almost 6 months by then too.

    Im glad we our getting a shit spell out the way with now because we have the quality there and you see glimpses of it coming through more and more each game.

    We will not go down! Lambert will prove his ability in this level as a manager and the players will step up and click.


    • Like 2
  4. ..and by this time on Thurs we will all be planning for europe next season after we beat swindon about 4-0 as we all start to believe we will now go on to win the lge cup! :rolleyes:

  5. I've only ever been a buyer on eBay and apart from an ill-advised Western Union purchase of a Chinese-sourced iPod (you gorra larf eh?) I've never had any (other) issues with either eBay or Paypal. Thankfully.

    That's because your a buyer BOF, you have a red carpet laid out for you.

    I gaurentee the minute you open up that sellers account they will roll you up in the red carpet and then expect you to wriggle out of it in order to carry on selling with them.

  6. My brother was moaning like mad about these muppets the other day.

    He had his account for ages but since ebay started doing this pathetic DSR thing (detailed seller rating) he has since been indefinately suspended for falling in his ratings.

    He had 680 odd feedback and only 1 as negative in 3 years on his account. He was selling items of a niche market, and over time others started doing it also.

    Ebay explained to him that they suspended him due to having poor low seller ratings.

    The way this works is that people where obviously purchasing from him, leaving gleaming feedback but only leaving '1 star' instead of 5 in which over time takes an effect on your account and then ebay boot you for 'poor seller performance' as it makes it look like you have offered your buyer a bad buying experience when actually you haven't.

    This happens all because of some apple-john purposely going out of there way to purchase from the same seller or have others purchase from the same seller in order to be able to leave crappy ratings to eventually watch them be removed or kicked off and eliminate competition .

    It is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard of.

    Basically it is virtually impossible to be a seller on ebay anymore and they have tore the arse out of themselves and became too focused on the upper 1% which involves untouchable powersellers and global organisations that trade as 'clearance outlets'.

    If you want to still 'auction' it these days I recommend using other sites like ebid, ioffer, icey bid etc. Yes they are not big with audience yet but are growing rapidly with more and more people getting fed up of ebay/paypal rings of fire you need to jump through in order to be able to sell a 99p key ring and are jumping to these sites instead.

    Feel free to discuss if you have anything similar or know someone else who's been screwed over by these clowns.

  7. Well, Alex is on a free and Milner would cost what £15-20m...

    Also they are totaly diffrent types of players thou we need both types to be fair.

    As a free agent maybe we could persuade UEFA that it´s an emergency as we can't seem to win any games and they let us sign Alex before the window opens?

    But for 6-7 months, he will prob want 80k+ which works out to be almost roughly 2.5m-3m in wages on him. No thanks.

    I didn't say to go an resign JM mate, just find that type/kind of player that has the same qualities for slightly less price.

    Alex would not strike me as the kind of quick fix option PL would go for imo.

  8. So a short time contract to Alex (de Souza)? who has just been cut loose from Fenerbahce after falling out with the club.

    Yes he's old but he's also absolutely brilliant and would help Bent scoring goals to no end

    But then there seems more negatives than positives on this one.

    imofwiw on Alex is that this guy is 35, he will proberly want a stupid last wage, then I doubt he would cope with the prem pace, he will last 50-60 mins a game being being knackered, he sounds like a egotistic type person and more likely he will want to return to Brazil rather than the freezing cold gusty wind shite weather of the UK.

    Ideally we need to sign a long term signing to bed in the team which would proberly be a better option. A James Milner type of player.

  9. Quiz fail, It Lists Sunderland as an Athletic, when in fact it is Sunderland Association Football Club.You know the Association that leads to that word Soccer.

    The dreaded "S Word"...

    Yes the non-American S Word ;-)

    Rhymes with focker! :P

  10. I have a feeling (if not already mentioned in the last 55 pages) that Vlaar could possibly potentially be as good to fit in the Fab 4 hall of fame alongside, McGrath, Mellberg & Laursen.

    Already becoming captain and wearing No.4 has got the ball rolling for him imo.

  11. It's strange times indeed. On one hand I feel positive on the other when I think about it too much I wonder if i am kidding myself. There is a feeling of renewal about Villa; after two terrible years we have a more positive manager, but our squad in parts looks very weak. My hope is that our totally new defence will strengthen as the individuals get to know each other and "gel". I am most optimistic about the attack as I feel that Bent, Benteke, Weimann and Gabby will get the goals if they get the service from midfield.

    However it is midfield that I most concerned about. With the exception of Holman we are really lacking class. I said early on that I didn't rate KEA and having now seen him more, I still don't - he gets dispossessed too often, seems a bit lightweight and doesn't make enough telling passes.

    IMO neither Bannan or Albrighton are premiership class. For me the jury is still out on Herd and it is still to early to comment on Westwood. As for Delph I had great hopes when he first joined but for all his running and short passes against West Brom he struggled to get the ball forward. N'Zogbia has pace but his end product is abysmal. And what of Ireland? On paper our best midfielder but unless he has a head transplant I cannot see him returning to best. Yes we fell apart when he went off against Southampton but I didn't think he was as good as some think in the first half.

    Sadly IMO Holman is the only decent reliable midfielder we have and If we are too survive this season we need we need to buy more class in January. I would love to proved wrong and see some of the new recruits come good or the youngsters mature but I am not optimistic.

    As to whether we may get relegated - I will reserve my opinion till February.

    To an extent I agree but as much as you shine Ireland one man does not make a team though his influence in the team helps when playing.

    What we need is a type of 'Paul Merson' player added to the squad to knit our midfield together and make things happen, help bring on the younger players and compliment the more senior players like Ireland, Holman etc.

    Will we find such a player in Jan? Who knows but if we do it won't be cheap unless PL pulls a rabbit out the hat.

  12. 52/68. Not too bad and quite funny.

    I remember playing a similar one a while back on here where you had to name as many villa players as possible over last 10 years or something.

  13. Thats why CI we should have snapped up players such as Johnson, Berbatov and Adam in this window.

    I am afraid I have to disagree with you on that one.

    Berbatov is just a sulky person who could be a poison on any dressing room and this type of player should be kept well away from Villa Park.

    I pressume we are mentioning Adam johnson? I remember when MON approached him when he was at boro and he did not wish to move south then and I don't think that would have changed 4 years later, hence why we ended up with Downing.

    As for charlie adam, Il pretend I never read that! :winkold:

  14. It is quite bizarre that before the west brom game on sunday a number of members on here where banging on about how gabby and benteke should start, they looked great after man city win etc etc. for on the next page that Bent should now have started from the off against wba?

    PL done a fair thing in sticking with the same partnership after the Man C game.

    What would it say to Gabby if he got dropped to the bench against WBA after scoring 2 goals and answering his previous weeks critics?

    "Sod this - no matter how well I play or how many I score I am going to be dropped".

    To me this would not be an ideal thing to install into a winning formula or any team. It will just f... things up. Villa talk will be up in arms and PL will be touted for the chop.

    On the other note no one is bigger than the club and as one player might be better statistically better than the other it don't mean there invincible.

    Bent done the right thing on Sunday and came off the bench and proved a point. Well done.

    Personally I would have started him on the bench again against spuds on sun to keep him hungry and put more pressure on gabby and benteke to perform. Then when the time is required, be brought on and again let him prove his worth to push for his first team start and doing so by getting goals and giving PL difficult choices to make.

    However, After DB's latest tirade to the press he IMO has just undone all of his good work through impatience. Now he'll be lucky if his arse even makes the bench this sunday! Silly silly move.

  15. Lambert manages the way I manage on football manager.

    i.e. he basically picks the 11 best players from the last match.

    It's an admirable approach, but I feel we need a little bit of stability in the side. If Delph/KEA is going to be the CM pairing, then he needs to stick with this for a while.

    Also, upfront, he's going to need to stick with a couple of strikers for a prolonged period, otherwise no one will be able to forge any kind of partnership.

    Agree in a way but then if it gets to 10 games and 4 goals between a certain partnership then shuffles do need to happen to experiment slightly whilst keeping the ones waiting in the wings hungry and raring to prove point breathing down the others necks.

    Things will only get better and I believe PL will steady us just fine this season.

    It's his first season and a season for everyone to show what they can do and to show there worthwhile keeping in the squad and at the club, and then build from there.

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