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Posts posted by AvfcRigo82

  1. Still unsure about KEA. I honestly can't work out whether he is a good player or not!

    Adds a lot of energy to the side but often gives the ball away in silly situations. Ill reserve my judgement until after the next 5/6 games.

    Pretty much second this.

  2. TBF i heard a guy saying after Southampton on Five Live, that they'd give Lambert another 5/6 games and would be tempted to get rid if form didn't pick up. I mean WTF, how are we ever gonna grow as a club if this is the attitude, he'd have probably wanted Harry Redknapp to replace him too.

    TBH though, he was only answering a question from Chappers, he said how long would you give Lambert. It's a **** joke, even if we got relegated, i'd still give Lambert a season to get us promoted again.


    I remember a week or so back PL was doing an after match interview on MOTD and one question fired at him was something along the lines of "How long will it be before success arrives or something" and he rightly answered that he has just got in the door!

    No one seems to have patience anymore..

    If you don't win your first 5 games, score shitloads of goals in these games and conceed no goals then the pressure is on, the players are scape goated and all need sold and a new manager in the door to make it miraculously all better on a shoe string budget.

    PL has enough success under his belt as a player and so far as a manager he is doing not too bad either.

    Personally I have not put any expectation on his head in his first season here except for adding to the squad slightly, assess the players he has inherited and the whole setup of the place while steadying the ship, stopping any rot that has set in and progressing from there.

    He is a bigger improvement on the last 2 ass clowns we have had as managers who the fans where against from the minute they where even muted as being manager.

    I would allow him 2 full seasons before expecting any real chance of success and top 6 finishes. Anything achieved above the minor expectation in these first 2 seasons will be a definate improvement and a miracle worked.

  3. That said Gabby apparently was considering his options under Houllier's reign. Home club loyalty counts for a lot but if you're getting dicked around for fun there's only so much a player will take.


    2 shit appointments on the bounce have not helped matters.

  4. Imo I think Benty will be moved on in Jan if not then deffo the summer.

    Can't really blame him as he is playing in a team with no creativity that appears to be dropping quicker than a rock in water.

    To add that with a manager with no motivation or tactical nouse, no decent players at his disposal and shoe string budgets to work on it is inevitable really.

    How long before Gabby has no choice and decides to follow him out too!

  5. I still can't get over how quickly we have fallen over the last 18 months. We may be sitting 10th but we are a million miles away from where we were. In any case by the half way point of the season I'd say we'll be sitting in around 14th which is a more realistic position.

    Whilst its not nice I can just about accept that Lerner has had to cut costs. That though does not excuse his managerial appointments. Whilst not ideal when O'Neill left, most likely it seems sacked, 5 days before the season, Aston Villa was still an attractive proposition for many a manager. Even after a poor season last year we were still an attractive proposition.

    Now everyone is entitled to make a **** up. Lerner though learned nothing from the mistakes he made with Houllier and appointed another duff in McLeish. Its incomprehensible when you think about it how we have ended up with McLeish. I honestly couldn't care a jot that he has managed Sha. What bothers me is the fact he has taken a club down twice serving up negative tripe whilst doing so.

    What qualities had Lerner seen in either of his appointments. Houllier you could maybe excuse but he had question marks over him in the fact he hadn't managed for 3 years, hadn't managed in The Premiership in several years, had a questionable record in the transfer market and not known for working on a tight budget, had health issues and wasn't prepared to take on the job immediately choosing to take two weeks to clear his desk at the French FA. What qualities he saw in McLeish is anyone's guess. He seems a nice enough bloke but his record in management in England is poor to OK at best. Its astonishing really that this is the best Aston Villa could do. Well that's not true is it. Its the best Lerner and Faulkner could do.

    He will inevitably be looking for another manager with in the next 6 -12 months. I don't think we will go down but crowds are dropping off drastically and those of us that do attend will increasingly start to get on the managers back and the inevitable will happen and he will be forced out.

    Maybe he will be third time lucky. I very much doubt it though.

    The most important appointment a Chairman/Chief Exec have to make is to appoint the right manager. It is something Lerner and Faulkner seem incapable of doing. That leads me to the conclusion that either Lerner gets rid of Faulkner and brings in a Chief Executive capable of doing this or he sells up. One of the two needs to happen or we are going to continue heading up shit creek without a paddle.

    Absolute spot on that man!

  6. Something needs to change to break this feeling of apathy. It seems big money signings are now a thing of the past, as is challenging for any kind of honours or european footy, so I would suggest filling the team with young players with stacks of potential and give the crownd something to get behind, at least then there could be a point to mid table mediocrity.

    Ha, yeah and then the board would just cash in on them the minute someone comes in for them.

    Are we still under ownership of Ellis as this is just mirror images of his reign.

  7. 10m for a player who value should have been nearer 4m when we are short of money is scandalous , Wigan certainly saw us coming!

    I guess that Man City done the same when they managed to offload Ireland to us and get Milner cheaper!

    Another great move by the board.

  8. I am watching Sky Sports Soccer thingy...

    anyone else notice the Mr Bean lookalike presenter always starts the introduction before going to the update at Villa with "Villa being held".. "Aston Villa in danger of going out"... Tosser!

  9. To be honest I am not suprised he has dropped out of talks!

    It is going to be a real shame to lose Ash either if he is sold or walks for free.

    We all know he wants to stay and would stay!.. but ask yourself this..

    With the shite that has gone on over the last 6 months and that arsehole we have in charge would you want to stay? Na. Me neither.

    The situation worsens. Welcome back to the Dark ages that we faced under Doug Ellis!

    Aston Villa is starting to become the Biggest **** joke of english football.

  10. I find it quite funny too that the 'Yes' % seems to be rising.. we obviously have people visiting this site who are not villa fans and thinking it be funny to vote yes to try and keep him here and keep us a laughing stock a little bit more.

    Genuine villa fans after last night want what is right for our club and not make it suffer further!


  11. I was arrested yesterday - by complete misunderstanding though..

    All it was really was a woman doing one of these stupid survey things came across to me in the street and started asking a few relationship questions..

    It got to the last one where she asked me "what do you like to see most in a woman?"

    ... So I showed her! :notsure:

  12. "#AVFC I think normal pre-match press conf scheduled for 10am has been postponed. Journos have been asked not to file anything yet."

    What the hell else can you read into that?

    Why would there be one today if we do not have a game tomorrow?

    Am i missing something? or this this #AVFC blog thing just a pile of shite?

    The Tweet was from over a week ago.

    Yes i definately missed the plane on that one then.

  13. "#AVFC I think normal pre-match press conf scheduled for 10am has been postponed. Journos have been asked not to file anything yet."

    What the hell else can you read into that?

    Why would there be one today if we do not have a game tomorrow?

    Am i missing something? or this this #AVFC blog thing just a pile of shite?

  14. In the last 3 weeks we have been solidly linked with - Bob Bradley then it soon changed to Sven, and this week it was Curbishley and now Houllier is the latest.

    and FWIW I cannot see how we need a director of football in any way either.

    I still think the best manager to get would definately be Alex McLeish for various reasons as pointed out yesterday.

    Also to mention he is on a rolling contract and would not required a massive amount of payout... Unless he decided to walk himself.

    He is a manager with a sound knowledge and gets the results and respect of the dressing room too.

    I believe he was the man that also signed Cuellar for Rangers but i could be wrong.


    No i am not joking.

    Yes it would piss them gypsys right off and good, it would certainly step at the atmosphere up even more come derby day!

    but he has proven that if he can turn a circus like that around which is good enough PL experiance for me then give him the bigger better team in the city to work with!

    With the foundations he has already got to work with here i think he will do really well.

    He is also a realistic target now too it seems..

  16. Come on mate, fellani is a good player. Love him here, he'd walk into our team.

    Point taken but not many Eveton players would!

    I agree For every saha theres a heskey and for every cahill theres a Ash young etc.

    keeping on topic, i just don't see what Moyes could offer and to warrant why it has taken so long and left to late to appoint him if it was to be him!

    It is an improvment on some of the names like Mcleish, Curbs, Allerdyce, Bradley that are being mentioned, but i think we need to look a wee bit higher like we have been and look to targetp people like Jol etc.

  17. And 30m next summer to buy what? shite like Saha, Felaini etc?

    That kind of 'shite' would walk into our side. Fellani or NRC/Petrov ?

    No brainer!

    Saha or Heskey (and maybe even Carew) ???

    Come on lad. Get real

    I wouldn't say it is about 'getting real' as you put it, and i do not want to start going into player comparisions or would will start going round in circles!

    But to answer your suggestions mentioned yes i would rather have Stan over Felani.

    As for Heskey or Saha that cannot come into comparison, one spends more time in the physio room and the other just as much on the floor!

    Saha or Carew. Yes thats a no brainer right there! Carew all day long.

    You can't get any more real than that!

  18. Ill be pretty pissed off if its KM or Sven, KM would piss me off because he isn't good enough and the appointment of Sven or someone who isn't in a job would be annoying because we could of got them in last week, and maybe we would be looking at new signings today

    Valid point and a good one.

    I agree it is all eyes on Mr Lerner to pull a rabbit out of a hat so late on and appoint a good enough manager.

    I feel if we don't and we land up with someone like curbishley which could have been done ages ago and giving time to sign players then i feel there might be a slight backlash from fans and expose the fact it was a plan to do this so we didn't have to spend.

    Only a high profile manager being appointed might just appease the fans from coming to this reaction.

    In Randy and Villa we trust!

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