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Posts posted by macandally

  1. Southgate will trot out any old crap as long as he gets to keep picking his favourites.

    The bloke has wasted a generation and nobody has held him to account.  


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  2. 9 hours ago, Adman said:

    For me, I just don't like the pedestrian pace and time wasting from the first minute, but I 100% support the manager.  Just thought we should have got into them today as they played away in Europe on Thursday.  

    You do realise that “pedestrian pace” is deliberate to pull on the press?  If you look, it is to draw teams onto us in numbers then play through into the spaces created behind.

    The slow pace is taking advantage of the “Villa Park” syndrome where the fans bay at their team to “get into them”, to find themselves sliced open and a goal down.

    Not sure how some people aren’t seeing this, we have been undone by it for years! 

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  3. I believe Emery’s face and interview post Saturdays game was quite telling.

    I think there Will be a number of outs and ins in the summer.  I think we are lacking two key things, game intelligence and winning mentality.  Those attributes are ingrained, he will be looking for coachable players that can do what they are asked, not egos whose arrogance and self indulgence cost us results.

    Looking forward to the summer 

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  4. 11 hours ago, allani said:

    We also missed out on winning the title and competing in the early years of Sky / the Premier League because our owner wanted to haggle over £0.5 million rather than sign players that our managers / scouts / etc were convinced would help us compete.  It's amazing how quickly people forget. 😉😉😉

    What an utterly random quote?  

    We are not challenging for the title, we are in a mid-season window and this is not Doug Ellis.  Says something when you have to go back to the early 90’s for a reference 🙄

  5. 9 hours ago, Tayls said:

    This thought process just doesn’t make that much sense to me… why wait? So many benefits with doing it sooner rather than later. If it’s a case of us trying desperately to bring these players to the club and they are saying no, why would they come in five months time? We might finish the season terribly now (we probably won’t) and we’ll look even less attractive than if we go for it and try to finish 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th.
    I agree we don’t need squad fillers. 

    It’s not the players is it, it’s the selling club having time to find a replacement and/or holding us over a barrel financially.

    we nearly went to the wall a few years ago due to mismanagement, it’s amazing how quickly people forget

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  6. I cannot believe some are so desperate for a signing they would take the headless chicken that is Connor Gallagher.

    I think Emery is not just looking for pace and energy but football intelligence and the ability to take on board instruction. Gallagher has worse positional sense than McGinn had.

    I am fully bought into only signing players that improve us, if we cannot get them, keep our powder dry until the summer.

    We have money, I just don’t think Unai wants to waste it 

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  7. 8 hours ago, Folski said:

    People are on about Europe but realistically we dont have anywhere near the depth for it at the moment.

    It would be great to make it but there's a realistic chance it hurts our short term progress by actually making it.

    Neither do Newcastle, they are doing Ok!

  8. 2 hours ago, est1874 said:

    I'm not guessing though. I'm saying we should absolutely have had a deal for a striker done and dusted, ITSOTP before selling Ings. Even if (unlikely given the time elapsed since) we had a deal 90% done when we agreed to selling Danny, nothing stops the other party pulling the plug, getting a better offer, upping the price, or contract terms can't be agreed, player's attitude comes into question (the Sarr deal, anyone?) or fails a medical.

    There are a dozen or so reasons why it's stupid to sell without buying when you are already light in said position. It's not rocket science what I'm saying.

    It’s informed risk management, you have no clue what is going on in the club, targets, timelines etc, but are panicking and making assumptions on what your believe, not what the club knows.

    Could it bite us in the arse, absolutely, But a chance to make money on Ings and free up a chunk of wages to support a replacement who is more aligned to Emery’s requirements is a calculated risk (and I would argue a no-brainer).

    FWIW, I am not doing 180’s, I am firmly in the “back Emery 100%” camp.  He knows what he is doing

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  9. 1 hour ago, est1874 said:

    Only if the reserves are good enough to step in if we get a slew of injuries.

    Case study: we nearly went down in 14/15 but crap players like Tom Cleverley on loan kept us up. We finished 17th, 3 points shy of the drop. He scored 3 goals late in the season without which we'd have gone down.

    At a certain point you need bodies to field a squad capable of stringing passes together. The attitude of "we only spend to improve" is naïve IMO, especially with obvious gaps in the squad.

    Also, and this is secondary and almost academic, but Danjuma is not crap. 10 goals and 3 assists in La Liga 21/22, very respectable return for a winger. But you already knew that of course.

    We put a team out today and won, we have players coming back from injury that we have spent big on, and Danjuma was playing for Emery when he hit those stats, but you knew that of course.

    If he wants better, then I back him all the way, the experts are in the house now, no need to beat ourselves with birches “just in case” 


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  10. 29 minutes ago, est1874 said:

    That's fine if we can find them but per Emery's quotes no guarantees. At some point we are simply going to need experienced bodies, we already have virtually no wide players as it stands. 

    The principle of buying only quality is noble and only right, but Danjuma is a loan. An option like that with minimal risk attached makes a huge amount of sense to me. 

    The reason we are/were carrying crap players was this philosophy!

    Emery’s “we will only buy what improves us” is exactly right to move on

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  11. 36 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    Again, you're talking about the push, which would be soft, but as well as the push, he trod on the back of his ankle. It's a clear foul that took our player out of the game, there's nothing soft about it, IMO

    This, the push may have been soft, standing on his Achilles certainly wasn’t 

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  12. 37 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    I’d have hoped we wouldn’t be looking to replace them all but we are. Ings isn’t a starter and the other two have had poor seasons. 

    I think your hoping for Champions League performance at a mid-table club!

    Unless you can pay the PL Premium for performance, every player is a gamble.  How much did Chelsea pay for Lukaku and see how that went

  13. If you can come in, with less than 48 hours at the club, get thrown on unexpectedly after 10 minutes and hold your own against a high press, high tempo Leeds team you have a chance.

    Thought he did great all those factors considered 

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  14. 22 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    He cut back one ball to someone I can't remember. Kamara maybe?

    Anyway, it was a really intelligent cutback into feet. Impressed.

    Ings, who took a touch too many!

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