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Posts posted by WHY

  1. 4 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    Odd one, but I’d really like to see Morgan Gibbs White at Villa. Just always impressed with him when he plays. 

    Would probably cost £60m mind. Think he’d do well either off the left or behind the striker. Our system would suit him. 

    He has a lot of energy and always gives his all and I like him but don’t think he’s particularly great on the ball. He kills a lot of Forest attacks by making the wrong choice, lacks composure when it’s needed. You’re right though Forest would want £60m given they massively overpaid for him in the first place. Would be worth a punt at £30m or so, which isn’t going to happen. 

  2. 1 minute ago, avfc1982am said:

    It's a myth. Kamara was out nearly 2 months last season when we went on the unbeaten run 

    He's been great this season but Kamara not playing isn't the reason for this defeat, collectively the team are including the gaffer. 

    It’s not a myth really mate, McGinn stepped up and Moreno and Ramsey were playing great at the time. In that run we beat teams who you would expect us to, with the exception of maybe Newcastle, that game the whole team played well. I think he would’ve made a massive difference tonight. 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, DakotaVilla said:

    Can’t blame him or any of the subs for coming on so late into that shit show of a second half. For once, that’s on Emery. 

    It’s sort of the point of the subs though mate, to change the game. Both him and Diaby had over 20 minutes to make an impact. I’m not blaming either for tonight but they offered nothing when they come on. 

  4. Just now, ChesterDad said:

    I kinda think you are trying to justify that you like many of us waited for Bailey to come good - yet you don’t think Zaniolo could do the same ?

    I’m not justifying anything, just giving my opinion on a player who I don’t think is good enough for this level. You think he is, that’s fine. I would love him to prove me wrong. 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, ChesterDad said:

    I’m assuming you rate the current Leon Bailey ?

    Bailey has improved no doubt but he suits the way we play. If Zaniolo is going to play wide he needs to be able to beat a man. Bailey even when he wasn’t great could do this, his decision making was letting him down a lot of the time, not his ability. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, ChesterDad said:

    Actually I do see something in him, in just the same way as I did with YT and believe that he will come good 👍🏻

    Football is about opinions mate. I just see nothing in the kid, I just genuinely don’t see what he has to offer the team. He’s played enough now to see glimpses but other than one run away at Burnley I’ve seen nothing to be encouraged by. I just don’t think he suits the way we play. 

  7. 1 minute ago, DCJonah said:

    How is this guy getting stick after what we've just watched. 

    **** hell.

    My opinion is based on the season. Let’s be honest there wasn’t one fan who thought he would make an impression on the game tonight. Not blaming him for the performance at all. 

  8. Just now, ChesterDad said:

    That’s so harsh - coming in today’s game from the bench was always a big ask for any player. 
    This guy will prove his doubters wrong in the same way that YT is doing imo 

    Do you think I’m basing my opinion on one game, he’s been awful all season. Offers nothing. You might see something in him mate but he’s been nowhere near the level we need. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

    Fresh legs though, makes a world of difference. Ramsey, Dendonker, Carlos were done out there at 60 minutes.

    Maybe but they had 20 minutes and didn’t do anything between them. I’m not saying don’t make subs btw but they wasn’t what we needed to wrestle some control back. Our lack of depth killed us tonight imo.

  10. Nowhere near good enough for this level, too slow, weak, struggles to beat a man, doesn’t want to track back most the time and constantly gives stupid fouls away.

    I’m not in anyway blaming him for tonight but he offers next to nothing to this team. He isn’t suited to the way we play.  

  11. 11 minutes ago, Xela said:

    It does feel like it was bound to happen. Said to a couple of mates in the pub earlier, that we're all set up for a fail tonight. I'm trying not to be disappointed as we've done brilliant all season, but it would have been nice to go clear at the top, even for a short time! 

    Said exactly the same earlier, would’ve also have loved being top, it’s been too long.

    • Like 1
  12. 44 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    Just a reminder that the club have said regularly on a number of occasions and have reiterated at tonight's supporters group meeting, we're not going to be moving to a new stadium - it's not happening, we're not moving, they aren't planning it, thinking about it or considering it - not Heck, not the owners, not anyone.

    I hope that helps.


    Thanks for the update, I find it strange however in modern day sport that they wouldn’t be considering a new stadium. For the record I don’t ever want to leave Villa Park! 

  13. Trying to crack the hardest league in World Football on a budget and a warehouse ffs. 

    I’m even more angry today than I was yesterday. Hopefully the fans group give them a hard time tonight but I doubt very much they will. 

    • Like 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    Can you just ask them to level with the fans about the North Stand. 

    I'm absolutely gutted. I've waited my whole life to see that embarrassment to the club levelled. 

    If it's construction costs just admit it but don't insult our intelligence with bollocks excuses. 

    Yes I am still angry 12 hours later. 

    Same, don’t take us for fools, just be honest with us.

    Gently remind them the first thing Wes Edens did at the Bucks was to sort the stadium out and look how that turned out for them!

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