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Everything posted by flashingqwerty

  1. sorry guys i was never convinced about lee i went to school with him until the age of 18 and even in our school team he was decidely average lacked and real physical presence that his mouth demanded that he had not sorry to see him leave at all he really should have left a few years ago while he shone in a more average midfield than we have now still all the best Lee
  2. Hang on I was doing nothing of the sort BOF. I was comparing the way O'Neill is bitching about the transfer window, complaining about how he's getting gazumped and generally having a whinge in comparison to other Premiership managers who aren't, managers who may have more reason to whinge not having any money and are giving a more upbeat message. Its got sweet fa to do with a comparison of how great or not each club is or how their board is building a new hotel or paying for coaches to away matches I'm not looking for O'Neill to fail either, I keep saying I see no reason even though O'Neill obviously does, why he won't get some decent players. I hear all the excuses for him, but the fact remains we have this new wonder regime, this superb manager and all I'm hearing now is excuses and in my view, nothing more, my view some of them are pathetic. I repeat, where has the happy smiling, joking Martin with the little quip gone, why is he being gazumped, can he not negotiate can he not do what other managers have/are. Can people on here stop thinking I have a vendetta against him I don't, but I don't see him or Lerenr as this God like figure who can do no wrong, sorry all. AVFC take your dark glasses off will you and read the article again basically your making yourself look foolish with this MON bashing rubbish and backing your points up with very misguided and unfounded twaddle. What he is saying is that although he has money he is not willing to waste it now on one player when he can get that same player and 2 or three more in summer for the same price. There is not 1 team in the premiership who has signed even a half decent player so far so even attempting to compare us in this way is ridiculous there is absolutly no pint in paying huge money fpr nothing players when we can wait and get them for half the price in a few months he will sign some stop gaps and loaners for now and that is fine i can see your the type of person who spends his monthly wages in the first week and then starves for the next 3 cos you havent got a clue how things work
  3. i'll be quite happy if we only get a few squad players in january the summer is where all the BIG business is done but will we have anything to offer the RIGHT players come summer? its a vicious circle... but i have faith
  4. ahhh c'mon guys kiraly was an accident waiting to happen. couldn't catch a cold. dropped the ball a number of times and his kicking!!! i mean my god!!! he couldnt kick to save his life i think we have to give Olejnik a go in the next game cos this Kiraly is a clown i can see why he cant even get into the palace team cos he's a waste of space was very disappointed in Barry and Petrov i expect much more from both of them though barry wasnt helped by being moved around a bit towards the end was extremely impressed with young Ozzy i think he has a great future ahead of him Ridge and Cahill were class Bouma has finally started to show why he was signed for 3.5 million - shows what not carrying an injury can do now he just needs to drop a few pounds and he'll be class Samuel at left wing - interesting - and one of his better displays for villa Baros - really hoping he stays Angel - i am one of his biggest fans and have always been behind him. He was just awful today very reminiscent of savo i think he'll be the first out the door - unfortunately i'll be glad to see him gone Lets see some new forwards ASAP
  5. TRL clearly you have a screw loose somewhere i think anyone who seriously expects finishing outside the top 6 as failure is kidding themselves The squad as it is is no where near good enough for top 6 even if things go our way and we get into europe we do not have the infrastructure to attract top players Villa's profile just is not attractive enough to the top players i am not saying that top 6 is impossible but as avfcinspain said it would need us to overachieve and other clubs around us to under achiveve for this to happen and to be honest we have looked very tired in the last few games and can see us slipping away from the european spots over the xmas period
  6. seriously guys to be honest after finishing 16th last season can we really expect to finish in the top 6? look at it this way : last year was a disaster and the players and staff showed how truely poor they were the new manager and owner came in too late to revamp the squad before start of season so at the start of the season plans were put in place to "start building the house" so to speak in order to build a house you need to build foundations - training ground, good PR etc we needed to give the club a face lift and increase our presence in the world market at most of all we needed to increase the desirability of the club as noone would have wanted to join a failing prem side like us The foundations have still not been laid we are still working on that and i would say it will be next season at least before we as a club are ready to start attracting the kind of players that we want/need i think the people calling for massive world class signings have been playing FM/CM for too long as realitically clubs with our current reputation just dont get players like that unless dodgy dealings are involved (you know of the OTHER claret and blues) realistically we will finish top 10 this season and assuming att the background work is finished by then we will buy in summer next season we can start thiunking about europe which will then allow us to bring in higher quality players season 3 will then allow for qualification to champions league and who knows where we can go from there as you can see building the infrastructure is more important at this fledgling stage of the revolution PLEASE BE PATIENT!
  7. john i think you fogot to review hughes...
  8. sorry guys but what is this utter drivel? do you not realise that we are the ONLY unbeaten side in the country? Do you not realise that anything but a loss in our next 3 games will result in our best ever start to a prem season? Can you not see that we have a smaller squad that ANY other prem team? And that very little in the way of personnel has changed since last season? WE ARE DOING GREAT! Contrary to popular belief Bouma was not match fit he has a huge strapping on his right ankle,calf and lets put it this way... we are 7th which when you look at our squad and our last years performances is a booming miracle Long may it continue!!! i dont mind seeing a few bad performances if it means we stay in the top 10 i'll be happy with that this season so please get a hold of yourselves and get some perspective
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