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Posts posted by heffoman

  1. take away the chelsea, city, southampton and spurs games and we've conceded 15 in 15

    But you can't just ignore that many games to make the numbers fit. We are where we are because if results like this. There are 2 many games already this season where we have got a bad beating to call them abnormalities. The defense and midfield have serious problems at the moment. I just hope Lambert can sort it quick.

    A fifth manager in five years is not the answer.

    The team just does not seem settled. To many players plugging holes they are not suited to.

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  2. that goal difference is hideously skewed by 4 games though

    As much as I d like this to be true we shipped 3 or more goals in over a quarter of our league games now. That's not really skewed.

  3. Just saw the Hobbit. Went with a huge fan and some one who had little interest in it. Both were very let down by it.

    I enjoyed it though. It differs a lot in places from book and I can see a lot of people being unhappy with it. And at times it is slightly slapstick.

    Visually it is equally stunning and absolute shit. It takes a few minutes to adjust to how sharp and fast everything is. But for me I thought some of the scenes were stunning. I have never seen anything as impressive. But on the flip side some effects are absolute shit especially around Radagast and look extremely cheap and shoddy in high def. there was a lot of blurring issues at time.

    All in all a mixed bag but decent enough.

  4. CB is one of the hardest positions to play in football IMO and at 21 I think he's got an incredibly bright future - looked great against some tough players to deal with, Jones is a bit of a monster and that Walters is a nasty shit. It'd be great to have him and Clark as our CB pairing for years to come - great example set to the academy lads.

    Have to agree with this. The two seem to compliment each either very well. At the moment Vlaar will be doing well to get back in.

  5. Saw Alex Cross tonight. Absolutely terrible film, one of the worst I ve seen so far this year.

    It honestly makes me wonder how films like this are made and that if someone gave me the money they spent making this I could make a better film.

    A combination of terrible acting and no plot worth mentioning. Avoid it.

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