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Everything posted by Rocafella

  1. The only thing I can think of now is the effect of Lerner and MON, we really don't know what to expect to we? We are not what we were one year ago. Also, Boro got Ravanelli/Juninho and Chelsea got several stars when they were no bigger than us. Everything can happen, I just know that we won't be signing Zoltan Gera, luckily!
  2. Gabriel Heinze would be a perfect player for us, no doubt about it at all. Sure he has been worser this season but it is due to his injuries, pressure and competition. Every time he has come on he has been under pressure to perform because Evra has gone from being a little headless chicken to world-class left back. Remember how quick things change in football, last season Heinze was superb and Evra couldn't control a ball. With a pre-season under his belt and 20 games on the trot Heinze would return to his previous form. I also think he looked really good today, he would become somewhat of a cult figure at Villa Park. Would he come here though? Not a chance, he would only go to Spain or Italy and it really doesn't look like he wants to leave Old Trafford. Saying that, how many benchwarmers have left OT the last 10 years?
  3. A midfielder is their prefered right back at the moment and I can see why crap again today, hopefully he goes to Spain as I'd rather JLS as a rightback. Glad you're not our manager then
  4. "Could do a job?" He would be our best defender and best back every to play for Villa, at least in my lifetime as a fan. It would be an absolute steal but I am pretty sure he ends up in Spain
  5. Craig Bellamy surely isn't worth 10M, his value has gone down since he somewhat flopped over at Liverpool scoring only 7 goals. I hope that this rumor is just a "MON+Celtic+lazy journos" thing, he can't be our first pick.
  6. Almost 300 pages and not a solid rumor in sight, that is pretty VillaTalkish
  7. Defoe (fee - yes, wages - yes, ability - yes, better than Saviola - nope, problems - none) Saviola (fee - yes, wages - perhaps, best of the two, problems - could be plenty) It's really a question of maths
  8. So we are hoping for: GK: Boruc DL: Antunes DC: Distin DR: Jagielka MC: Parker MR: Bentley ST: Bent ST: Defoe I think MON could turn this into Europe if it was possible to bring some of these into our team Also, a team of this caliber and a European spot would certainly make us attractive for the real star players
  9. I don't know if Lampard wants to go to Barca (girlfriend) or Real Madrid (Mourinho), I guess his chick is more than happy with either just as long as he leaves England. I love England, even though the weather is crap sometimes (I lived in Bergen for a year so I don't mind) but for a supermodel I imagine the sun and beaches are a little more attractive than the football stadiums and atmosphere! Talking about Barcelona I think them and Moaninho have a bit too much of a grudge towards each other. He seems to be a man of principles and my god is he a little cry baby, I'm sure he hates Barcelona as much as he detests Man Utd and Liverpool
  10. Are you kidding me? What an absolute class A dickhead. What if he is seriously injured after 2 years and can never play again? That's 5 years and a bunch of millions, football is becoming more and more of a business innit
  11. I don't really know as both have spoken very kindly about their club and manager in recent times. If I wanted to leave the club I would certainly not comment in a good way or praise either the manager or staff members. I have believed for a long time that Mourinho is heading for Real Madrid but recent comments have again made me think perhaps otherwise. If Mourinho was to leave he would bring Terry/Lamps with him for sure, but now it seems they are tying up every player possible with Carvalho just signing a new 5 year contract. I do however believe that Lampard/Terry are both greedy bastards and possibly browsing for other clubs, Lampard's bird is from Barcelona so it's not hard to do the maths ?
  12. Let's talk about wages and stuff. I think our biggest earner is on about 30-40 big ones, is that correct? Imagining Petrov and Carew are on top of that list? I now see Terry and Lampard have rejected 5 year contracts worth 115K each and every week, that is almost £6.000.000 which is pretty **** up. I can see (and I want) our wage list surpassing everything else we have ever witnessed at Villa Park. If we signed a player like Darren Bent I would imagine him being paid around £50K and a player such as Javier Saviola could cost £60-70K. Jermain Defoe would settle for around £45K but he would easily be our best earner wouldn't he? I think I read somewhere that Villa paid somewhat £32 million every season and that Chelsea paid £100.000.000 more? Sickening!
  13. The sooner we sign someone big or "bigish", the easier it would be to attract better players in the course of the summer
  14. Gents, been off for a few days. Still just suggestions and FansFC/Tribalfootball rumors? Or are there any genuine interests?
  15. I don't know ........can you ? Does it say anywhere that I can and you can? I am simply putting down stuff I read, I don't make up shit because this and that player gives a bad face expression during a game or whatever.
  16. Can people please stop talking about certain players like they know them? You don't know shit about their mentality or how they come along with their managers. People talk about Ronaldo and how he is a prick etc etc, what they don't know is that he is the one that arrives first and leaves last from training. Wouldn't you be a prick if you played for Newcastle, had several incompetent managers as well as underachieving every year? I know I would be pissed if some crap player such as Sibierski plays instead of you, even Emre. Also; I read Arsenal were ready to bid 6M + Aliadiere last season only for Charles N'Zogbia to sign a new contract with Newcastle. I think he has an amazing talent and he would be a great addition IMO
  17. It's about alternatives and different roles you know, you don't attack the same way away to Chelsea as home to Watford or Sheffield United. Some players never rest and some grow accustomed to their positions because no-one is there to compete for places, thus never reaching their peaks etc.
  18. Get rid of Mark Delaney as well, I know he is capable when fit but he never is so let's just cut the ties. Bring in someone young and exciting and we are better off. Part of the Lerner/MON thing is to freshen up Villa and part of that is to get rid of the old regime.
  19. So because Gardner has had a few good games (we finished 11th mind) and finished a volley like Lampard does, we shouldn't be buying a new central midfielder? Now see that's the mentality I am afraid of, it's dangerous to big up your talents and place too much responsibility on his shoulders.
  20. I expect one of these to be our topscorer next season: Darren Bent Jermain Defoe Klaas-Jan Huntelaar Craig Bellamy
  21. OMG the happiness! Bramble for Birmingham? That is just the poorest swoop I have ever seen, thank goodness!
  22. Suggestion: Titus Bramble (Newcastle) - out of contract and available for free Great defender with a sublime vision and concrete tackling. Would be somewhat of a sensation if we got him. (Just kidding)
  23. Suggestion: Charles N'Zogbia (Newcastle) Great talent from the looks of it last season, stagnating a bit this year as I think he is fed up with the club he is at where old has-beens is preferred before him.
  24. Paddy Kenny would be a great cover for Sørensen but it would be a travesty if he signed as a first team keeper as he is truly average compared to other keepers such as Reyna and Cech. Sørensen is better than Kenny. Darren Bent would never join West Ham, I don't think anyone with an ambition would like to sign for that club right now. They have a weird looking owner I would laugh at if I was going to talk to him, they have a poor team with a crap mentality and a shitty stadium. If we signed Bobo Balde I would be extremely pissed off, he is not the kind of player we want here at the Villa. He is injury prone and ex-Celtic as well as known for his many acts of "Titus Brambleness"
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