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Everything posted by BendtKoch

  1. Thank you so much General. If you or Randy would like to sleep with my wife , please feel free : )
  2. I couldn't give a flying **** to be honest. Villa Park is Villa Park as far as I'm concerned and if someone wants to pay a big slab of cash to call it something else on the telly then that's ok with me.
  3. Agree with you completely Zippy, not all change is for the better ( although it's difficult to imagine anything much worse than the stagnation were going through now ). The reason why I bothered posting what I heard in the first place was due to the sense of relief from knowing that at least something is actually happening.
  4. Spoke to a close friend who works for Deutche Bank who told me that the deal will go ahead in the summer. Dont know whether this is old news but I cant face scrolling through 137 pages to find out!
  5. Never buy a dwarf with learning difficulties. It's not big and it's not clever.
  6. My sentiments exactly Alex. The longer this drags on, the more uneasy I feel about it. Not all change is necessarily for the better and we've waited this long so why jump until it's certain that we wont be leaving the frying pan for the fire.
  7. Fcuking root toot. I'm going to lie down with a funnel in my mouth and get the kids to pour beer in it for the rest of the day. please God, let this happen now.
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