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Posts posted by JoshVilla

  1. I think Lambo will play a 3-5-2 and pack the midfield. That's really what you'd expect to do against Arsenal (even though that's not what we did on the opening day, but we're at home). It's not beyond the realms of possibility to get something out of this (vs Man City style), but it's going to have to be a matter of taking our chances when they come, because I doubt we'll get many. I can't help but think that they shouldn't really be where they are. They have some fantastic players, don't get me wrong, and should still be way up there, but I think that there's a weakness there to be exploited. 

  2. Should definitely start. He's not what you expect from a tall forwards, in that he's good with his feet and isn't just an aerial target. However, his height will still cause confusion for the opposition's defence from set pieces if Benteke is also on the pitch. I think he definitely needs to be given a go ahead of Weimann, as he offered a lot more in his short time on the pitch than Weimann did all game. 

  3. Agree that he needs some time out. I've been so disappointed with him so far this season, considering that, for me, he was one of our stand out performers last season. I really hoped that he'd have pushed on this season and started to better his game and continue the way he was going, but, as much as I don't like saying it, he's been awful. I don't really feel like he's gotten any better since falling out of form. He's shown brief periods in a game where he's been an instrumental part of a good move or chance, but then disappears again, giving the ball away, not controlling, making the wrong decisions etc. He shouldn't be in the starting XI at the moment, for the sake of the team and himself. A spell on the bench will restore his hunger to perform, as trying to play himself back into form doesn't really seem to be working at the moment.

  4. Just got back. Completely and utterly sick of this now. Normally, we'll still at least look like we're trying even when we're getting hammered, but today (except for a few), we didn't even look like we cared. We've had our noses rubbed in the sh*t for far too long and it's getting beyond embarrassing. Let's hope that a new signing happens this week to give us something to look forward to, because it's hard to feel positive about anything when we get beaten at home by a League One side. I bet Arsenal are bricking it coming to VP...................


    Weimann was terrible. Shouldn't be anywhere near the starting 11 with what we've seen from him this season. He doesn't seem to be improving at all. Westwood was absolutely woeful. Tonev, Helenius and Albrighton were the only 3 that I thought really cared. Tonev looked a hell of a lot brighter than Weimann, should have stayed on.


    Had a feeling that Lambo's comments would come back to haunt us. Well, all I can say that I expect a massive improvement in our league results, now that Lambert has removed this 'distraction'. 

  5. Hopefully our win yesterday might see a slight increase in attendance for this one. I know that Lambo will be concentrating on the league and most likely resting key players but we still want to be winning this one. The last thing we want is a loss to a lower league side when the squad are starting to get some confidence back. A balance between usual starters and Helenius, Gardner etc would be nice.

  6. It's no coincidence that we look a much more solid side with Vlaar at the back. He might not be an incredible centre half, but we seem a hell of a lot more organised in defence with him back. It's not just his playing that we benefit from either, I think that whoever partners him at CB has a better game. I thought Baker did okay today next to Vlaar, and it's very much the same when Clark plays next to him. He brings out the best in our other CBs, probably because they can feel more relaxed with a more experienced head next to them. That's what makes a team, players benefiting from the presence of other players. Glad to have him back

    • Like 1
  7. Great win. Much needed 3 points and a nice way to start off the year.


    To be fair, I don't think we did too badly today. It took us a bit of time to settle, and there were still avoidable errors that nearly gave me heart attacks, but I think in general we were better than we have been. If our finishing had been better then we could have been 3 or 4 up, but I'm sure once everybody hits form then we'll be burying these chances, as Sunderland really shouldn't have been in the game as much as they were. 


    Gabby MOTM. A constant pain in the arse for the Sunderland defence and kept his cool for the goal. Westy did quite well today too and I think Bacuna had a good game.



  8. Thanks  :)  In terms of influences that made me want to pick up the guitar, I think I remember just randomly deciding that I wanted to learn to play bass when I was about 11, because I thought it was a cool instrument. Since then, year after year, I just ended up with more and more gear to the point that I'm struggling to store it all. I don't think any player ever stops wanting new gear, even if the wallet says otherwise  :P .

    • Like 1
  9. Been meaning to post some pics on here for a while.



    '68 Reissue MIJ Strat.



    Cheeky Villa sticker on the back, p*sses everybody off at Uni  B)



    Warwick Corvette




    May post some more of my other stuff at some point, but these are definitely my favourite bits of kit  :)

  10. I think that, if Vlaar and Benteke are back (and the latter finds his form again), we'll win. Without them, probably a draw. We're away, and I'd love for us to counter attack in the way that we are capable. Hit 'em hard, do them with some pace and hopefully score first. A win here would be massive for confidence before a couple of difficult games and would help take the sting away a little if we don't get anything out of Arse and Liverplop. We need to turn this around properly now; we stopped the losing streak with a draw and now we need to start winning again before we get ourselves into a really difficult position.

  11. Well, at least we didn't lose and we hit 20 points before the New Year.....


    This putrid style of football that we're playing needs to stop now, it's just embarrassing. I just don't understand it, it doesn't work. When there's a better pass to play, don't hoof it blindly and expect it to land nicely for us, we're relying on luck entirely now rather than skill. It doesn't help to erase the hoofing when our movement is so terrible either. There's no one trying to make space for themselves, just lots of running away from whoever has the ball and running up field, presumably so the inevitable long ball has a greater chance of hitting a claret and blue shirt (before it eventually falls to an opposing player). The less said about throw ins the better, I'd have thought a Premier League team would have such a basic move down by now. In terms of defending (though it did improve in the second half slightly), we're making mistakes that you're surely taught not to make in basic training. Luna really needs to sort himself out. The charm of his beard is wearing off now and it no longer covers up the fact that he constantly is caught out of position and has to scramble back from 2/3 up the pitch, not to mention him constantly losing his man and not marking properly (their goal).


    Sorry to have a moan, but the fact that we got a point just slightly sweetens it. There are a hell of a lot of problems here that need to be rectified a.s.a.p. If all we have to look forward to in the transfer window is a loan deal, then we need to sort out what we already have very quickly. Playing some football might be a good place to start....

  12. If we're down or it's 0-0 at half time tomorrow I dread to think about what the atmosphere will be like. I had a bad feeling that we'd end up needing to pick up points from the more difficult games after throwing all of the easy ones away and that's starting to happen now. Need to get something from this, losing 5 on the trot is a very worrying sign and bottom 3 form, we need to turn this around before extra pressure builds. Lose this and we're looking down again, not up.

  13. Didn't deserve to win. That's essentially my last ounce of optimism sucked out of me. This is unacceptable. Add Crystal Palace onto our ever growing list of terrible teams that we can't beat. A draw would have been bad enough, but to lose this, that's just absolutely atrocious. Something needs to change for the better, and I don't really know what that is really but I guess quite a few people do. We are awful, not just at home either, we're struggling to do this away too. 4 defeats in a row whilst also playing Fulham, Stoke and Palace. Terrible.


    Those Arse and Man City wins don't feel so sweet now.

  14. Id rather take the money and buy players in other positions. With a better team around him, kozak could score a bucket load of goals. For those reasons, I'd be happy to keep kozak as our striker next season.


    Agreed. I think that Kozak will gradually become more and more comfortable in the league and I think he'll continue to develop as an effective striker. If we build a team around him with plenty of width and the ability to put in some good crosses/final passes, he could end up racking up a decent amount of goals.

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