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Posts posted by JoshVilla

  1. Normally, when another team equalizes, I always fear the game is finished for us. Not only did I love Lowton's incredible goal, but I love how it didn't stop there. Rather than kicking back, trying to just keep hold of a 1 goal lead, we pressed on and hammered home another. This is so much better to see, giving everything until the final whistle. I feel confident, and if we continue playing for the entire game, like we did today, we can easily grab another 2 wins, possibly more and even finish at a decent place in the table!

  2. All of the spark and fight that we had in the first half completely vanished in the second, which baffles me considering the buzz surrounding this match. Crowd fell silent, consistently pushed into our half and silly free kicks given. I'm hating these headlines though. From the BBC: "Aston Villa were left in deep relegation trouble after Liverpool fought back from a goal down to seal victory at Villa Park". Deep in relegation trouble? We're 1 point behind Sunderland FFS, and only below Wigan on goal difference, with some helpful fixtures coming up. I still think we'll manage.

  3. Even if we lose to Liverpool, I still think we'll stay up. Our fixtures look more pleasing that Sunderland's, so I think we'll overtake. Bottom 3 of Sunderland, QPR and Reading, as the bottom 2 have some catching up to do. However, If we do secure a win, then positivity is gonna rocket...

  4. Half of me feels the same way I did about the Arsenal game, i.e Only 1 short of a draw, which is good for us against 2 top teams. But then, on the other hand, we need to be winning games now rather than "playing well considering....". Hope that Reading is the start of something now.

  5. Can't express how relieved I was to hear the final whistle! Much better second half, and Dawkins looked quite promising too!


    Very important 3 points, I really hope this can give us the confidence to press on, especially after seeing Southampton make a mockery of Man C yesterday, here's hoping we can do the same  to Arsenal!

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