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Posts posted by villab0y

  1. So all them celebs are shit drivers?

    Bearing in mind that its the 2nd time they've compiled a list.

    I dont know how many but probably close on 100 celebs have done the challenge, I think the fastest is around 1.46?

    So all those celebs are shit?

    But you could beat an F1 drivers time?

    Naive? no.

    Crazy....yes!!! :bonk:

    Grammer edit, cheers Ed

  2. Baz is the Stig!

    Or summat that sounds similar

    I don't think it's that extraordinary a claim to make myself. It's 1 lap in a low powered car. If the Stig showed you the best line, and you had 10-15 laps to perfect it, find the cars limits I don't see why not. These F1 drivers are not magicians, they only have the same power as you. If you find the cars limits and listen to the Stig over 1 lap there's not going to be much difference between your time and Hamiltons if your a decent driver. To make any judgements about his ability from that is a little OTT IMO. It's in high powered vehicles over a number of laps those guys are good.

    Getting the right line, speed, braking, handling, changing gear is not as easy as it sounds mate.

    I consider myself to be a decent driver and have tried my hand at track driving.

    Its not a simple as you expect, you brake in the wrong place and your off backwards.

    You hit a corner too fast, you lose power for the exit.

    Select the wrong gear at the wrong time, can lose 2-3 seconds.

    To say these F1 driver cannot be judged by this lap in a loew powered car is a bit naive really.

    Do you not think Clarkson would think that too?

  3. I could do a similar time to those F1 drivers in that car, you don't have to be a genius or and F1 driver to drive that car quick. I recon nearly all of the celebs are just really shit.


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