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Posts posted by villab0y

  1. Regarding point 2

    I think the main improvement would be educating the stewards.

    Perhaps get some of the Marine Colonels mates to steward instead of the weak minded people we seem to have now.

    They seem more intent on telling Villa fans to sit down before the game has even kicked off, than they are about dealing with away fans.

  2. General,

    Although I wasn't able to attend the game yesterday, my brother did.

    He told me of many incidents that worried me, if I'm honest.

    The most concearning thing he saw, was 2 Liverpool fans trying to enter the North Stand Upper wearing Liverpool shirts, the stewards asked them to remove the tops and gave them a ticket to retrieve them after the game.

    In my opinion ths is disgraceful actions.

    I will be attending the remaining home games with my 5yr old son, and i'm now worried that he will wittness such events.

    I hope you can understand how serious this problem is.


  3. General Krulak here:

    2. Some will sit in "Sponsor" boxes...as guests of a sponsor. Not much we can do about that. We can certainly require them to be courteous and respectful of the stadium they are in.

    The seats im talking about aren't the 'box' seats, they're the ones in the middle of the North Stand.

    ~I understand what you say though and that its hard to police them, its just at some games, (West Ham and Man City seem to be the worst) some of the 'guests' are the sort of fans that no club wants in the groound. and #i have to listen to them for the whole 90mins.

  4. some posts deleted. please keep to Comments and Q&A for the General. We do this to minimise the posts he has to look through to find the questions and suggestions etc. and for people to find answers to their questions. If GK wants to look at general chat, humour, opinion etc there's all the other threads on the site. It's just the way we do it, here. Might be right, might be wrong, but that's the way it is. Ta. Blandy

  5. Hi General, I see you've mentioned regarding the away fans situation.

    I was wondering if anything has been set in place regarding the away fans that sit in the 'sponsor' seats in the North Stand?

    My seast in the end of an isle right nest to these seats and last season I was subjected to taunts and laughte.

    This season, although i hope results will be better, I am attending with my 5yr old and am worried that he will witness such events.

    By the way, stewards say there is nothing they can do as they are in "special" seats.

    Hope you can understand the problem.


  6. 4. Archives: We are building them now. We have a prodigious amount of material that we are sifting through. Much of it was left scattered about Villa Park...stored in cupboards, laying on the ground in a closet, etc. VERY sad. We are getting it all together, cataloguing it and getting it sorted out and in good shape.

    And people say nothings changed?!

  7. I think actively supporting the away team ie cheering, singing songs, applauding etc, then regardless how peaceful they are being, they should be removed.

    I have suffered many times with this problem over the last few seasons, and as it is against club policy to have away fans in the home end, they should be removed regardless.

    If the club wanted to adopt a 'family/mixed support' area, then I'd be all for it.

    But as far as I know, we do not have this option.

  8. Hi General,

    In another thread there is a member from Ireland whose friends are fans of Liverpool, they claim to be getting tickets 'sorted' for the game on the 11th aug and plan to be sat in the Villa end (north stand I believe).

    Now whilst I am aware it is impossible to stop this type of thing happening completley, I wondered if the Stewards, gate staff and tickert office staff are beig made aware of the problem; and if so, will they be ejecting those fans who actively support the away team in a home end?

    the reason I ask is because as a ST holder in the north stand, I am bringing my 5yr old son this season on his own ST, and I do not wish him to see some of the scenes I witnessed last season with away fans shouting abuse at Villa players and fans.

    The stewards seemed more bothered about telling us to sit down than dealing withtthe away fans right in front of them.

    What are the rules re away fans in home ares?



  9. There are two statues in a park; one of a nude man and one of a nude


    They had been facing each other across a pathway for a hundred years,

    when one day an angel comes down from the sky and, with a single

    gesture, brings the two to life.

    The angel tells them, "As a reward for being so patient through a

    hundred blazing summers and dismal winters,you have been given life

    for thirty minutes to do what you've wished to do the most.

    He looks at her, she looks at him, and they go running behind the


    The angel waits patiently as the bushes rustle and giggling ensues.

    After fifteen minutes, the two return, out of breath and laughing.

    The angel tells them, "Um, you have fifteen minutes left, "Would you

    care to do it again?"

    He asks her "Shall we?" She eagerly replies, "Oh, yes, let's! But

    let's change positions. This time, I'll hold the pigeon down and you

    shit on its head ."

  10. Christain (non practicing)

    Basically my parents bought me up going to church everyweek..

    Not really my thing now, although I don't think it did me any harm, and occasionally my 4yr old asks to go to sunday school with them.

    Its fine if he wants, and fine if he doesnt.

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