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Posts posted by villab0y

  1. Some of you have asked or commented about Jeff, Michael's son. He has posted a little statement on our site to make things clearer in regard to his role in things. It can be found at this link.

    Terry, I do apologise, it wasnt Jeff my original question was about.

    It was a younger boy, Matthew I think? Dark hair and made some planets out of clay that he showed Ben in the film.

    Maybe this is Jeffs son? Sorry for confusing you.

    It is him I was originally asking looking frail and scared..

  2. Terry, Im glad you have continued to answer questions and given us an insight in to your beliefs and traditions.

    When I was younger I was bought up in a very traditional christian household.

    I went to church regular and alot of my free time was based around the church.

    For 16 years I parayed alot for all sorts of different things.

    I never once heard god speak to me as a voice in my head, is this what you/Michael experience?

  3. Terry, please don't stop posting as Im sure there are many of us with genuine questions that only you can answer.

    Id like to ask about the sex thing, you said the only pleasure Michael gets is through doing gods work.

    Yet in the film when asked by Ben if he would consimate more than once, he said yes and when asked why he said something along the lines of..

    Well do you only consimate once

    To me implying that he was doing it for the physical feeling he was getting through sex.

    Also, Id like to ask about Michaels son, I forget his name.

    On the film he looked very frail and almost frightened at what was going on.

    Do you think it is right for the children to be pushed into what can only be described as a 'radical' movement, at such an early age.

    Or should they be left to make their own mind up as you did when they are mentally able to?

    Also, it does seem you have found faith and peace and for that I respect you, many people in this world do very bad things and if your group can help these things stop then I suppose that can only be a good thing.

  4. I saw this film the other day, but I observed it from a slightly different angle. ....The end result of this film has accomplished its task however. When the Christ came 2000 years ago he was made to look like a mad man, like he had a devil. In like manner, this film brought about the same result to the one who claims to be the Christ in our age.

    He admitted to sleeping with his Daughter in law to help her become close to god.

    He very nearly admitted sleeping with minors, but said he stopped at the last minute.

    Whichever way you look at it the guy is a nut job, and Im sure he did predict the end of the world cause it was mentioned about him changing bodyform.

    Oh yeah, Welcome.

  5. I dont see how with the size of our unviverse and not really knowing what is beyond it, and if indeed it is just a small spec of dust in the corner of another universe, that there couldnt be.

    I guess the real answer should be, I dont know. cause no one does.

    But I think there has to be.

  6. Did anyone watch the programme about this last night?

    Basically a cult in the U.S lead by Michael Travesser


    And he predicted the end of the world to be 31/10/07. (later changed to 15/12/07 once he first date had passed!?)

    Well a film maker went in and got to know these people before the 'end' and unearthed some very sickening facts.

    He would cliam to be the messiah and would free women by sleeping with them. Including his Daughter-in-Law

    At one point he was close to admitting sleeping with minors.

    What made me most sick was when the interveiewer asked him if he though that children born into the cult were missing out on the chance to choose what they wanted to do, as he asked there we 3 kids ages about 13/14 and they all fell about laughing.

    He claims they have had a choice and decided not live in the world of sin.

    What kind of people believe things like this?

    I find it really hard to understand how a person could be so naive.

    Channel 4 Link

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