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Posts posted by villab0y

  1. I agree with Ian on this, the naughty step is very effective.

    My 5 year old KNOWS not to push his luck, it doesnt even take verbal warnings now, just a look.

    The main thing is following up your threats, last saturday for instance he was being a real pain, cheeky, tantrums etc. Which to be honest is really not like him.

    Well that evening him and my wife were meant to be going to see a show at the nec, he was told over and over if his behaviour didnt improve he wouldnt go.

    Guess what..it didnt and he didnt go.

    He's back to his golden self now....Dont make empty threats, kids are cleverer than you think..

    My 20month old likes the naughty step.. the stairs come into our lounge so she goes and sits there.. so for her, we make her sit on the floor where ever she is..

    She hates it.

    Best thing is it can be implemented anywhere, theres always a floor and everboys house has a naughty step.

    Kids these days are out of control but it is down to parenting, I had a rant in another mthread a few weeks back about parents and my boys school school swearing AT there kids, calling them little bastards for needing the toilet etc...

    My boy is polite, friendly, caring and all the things a parent would want from there kid.

    He's not a bully, he wont ever be, he's smart and in the top 5 of his class (teachers words).

    Parents have alot to answer for these days.

  2. General,

    I know alot has been mentioned here before about the song for the players to come out to, which I think the current one does the job just fine.

    What I do suggest though is that we play the traditional fanfare as the players are emerging from the tunnel then the song afterwards.

    My biggest memory from when I was a child was seeing the players run onto the pitch as fanfare was played.

    Im sure this has been suggested before and perhaps theres a reason we do not do this anymore, just thought I'd mention it as its something Ive been bothered nby this season.

  3. So God has told michael to sleep with these women.

    Did God tell him why?

    I just don't understand why God would tell someone to sin.

    I think this has been expained a couple hundred times. If God tells someone to do somethig, is it a sin?

    This is a test to see who can hear God's voice and who cannot.

    But does having sexual realtions with someone you are not married to make it a sin?

    Lets say for instance, Michael claims that God told him to kill evryone in your little village except you.

    Would you accept that this was Gods word?

  4. I don't think it ever states thet Adam and Eve were related.

    no but their children would be!




    The only problem is that today the gene pool is so deteriorated that it is not wise.

    By the way Eve was related to Adam, she was taken from him.

    Made from his rib wasn't she?

    I just don't remember any reference to an actual 'relation'.

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