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Posts posted by cb_82

  1. 16 hours ago, sidcow said:

    What's clear is everyone around us is complete dog shit too. 

    It's going to be a war of attrition.  Least worst wins. 



    If you read the twitter # of each team and look at reaction to Watfords defeat last night you realise everyone feels the same


    Lets hope that bit of fight we saw in the last 15 v Newcastle from the players shows they believe, cant believe so many fans are giving up, granted you need to take points at Newcastle but so do you at Burnley who have their main two forwards out

  2. Comical reading threads like this, the fans are half the problem as they dont give time to the younger players and demand big money buys.


    Albrighton was seen by a lot as not good enough and then when he goes and is successful people are up in arms

  3. Not saying that 100%  right by the way, just the feeling I get from a few bits i hear,

    Smith is a very good coach as he has shown at Brentford but he was working with a competent recruitment team who brought in a convener belt of talents that he improved and they took on to another level - It just hasn't worked with Villa for various reasons and I cant help but think if we had ended up with Phillips/Benrama/Maupy we would be in a better position than with Marvelous/Trez/Wesley

  4. Really frustrating that we again are relying on others especially when you look at the games played, there has definitely been some improvements since we have returned but then we have slipped in others however that said you have to say that the 4 teams involved are pretty much all as bad as each other and so this is far from over.

    If you look at the games so far we could have taken something despite poor performances and I honestly believe that it could just take 2 wins between now and West Ham to create that shoot out on the last day.....

    Sheffield United - We defended pretty well and restricted them to very little but then missed the 3/4 chances we had in the game however should have lost through an error

    Chelsea - Difficult watch and very frustrating in our approach however again we defended ok and missed a couple of decent chances to take a point

    Newcastle - See Sheffield, exactly the same pattern of the game however the one error has this time cost us

  5. 28 minutes ago, Sam-AVFC said:

    I still don’t get why McCormack would live in one of those flats. Surely he’s not burnt through his money and had to sell his house already. Maybe a pad he had for affairs/benders.

    Funny enough my daughter came home from work a couple of weeks ago (in a cafe) and said we had a footballer in today dad, i asked who and turns out it was Mcormack - I was a bit baffled myself as thought I wonder what he was doing in there and where he lived - I know the answer now!!!!

  6. 31 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    And lets be honest, if he hadn't crashed his car and made it home does anyone think he'd have regretted his actions? Or would he probably have done it again 

    Spot on again mate, I said the same if he hadn't crashed his car he would do this again and again - Its actually a blessing that he did crash this time and didnt hurt anyone so that this stops future problems

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Sam-AVFC said:

    It's also astonishing how quickly people forgot a pissed up Jonny Evans and Gareth Barry crashing a knicked cab in Spain.

    I think the other factor you have to thrown in is the fact we are in supposed lockdown, for as stupid as that pair were they had not been told by the Government to only leave in certain situations or even worse put a video out themselves the day before giving the same advice

    I would love Jack to learn from this and stay with Villa for ever but as people have said above, the fact he is going to Ross Mcormacks with his reputation obviously shows the circles he is mixing in 

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, DCJonah said:

    Go back through this thread over the last couple of years and you won't find many, if any, negative post from me regarding Jack. In fact I know I've defended him more than most on here. 

    I don't want this to be true. Nothing good comes from this being true. It's terrible for both him and the club.

    I'm annoyed with him. For reasons I've given previously. My kids are speaking to their grandparents on a phone and he's out and about, hours after pleading with people to stay home. That pisses me off. My wife works for the NHS, a friend of ours is in heartlands reusing disposable equipment because she doesn't have enough and a rugby teammate of a friend of mine died in his sleep last thursday. The whole worlds on lockdown and it looks very much like he's out pissing about with friends. I think it's fair to be pissed off about that. 

    And I've probably commented more based on the ridiculous approach of others in here. With the ignore the facts because he plays for my team approach. 

    There is no part of me that wants this to be true. But a lot of evidence so far points to valid reasons why we should be disappointed with him. 

    This absolutely 110%......

    As a footballer Jack's great and my 12 year old son absolutely idolises him...


    Yesterday the stories break and I get  ''Whats he done Dad?'' ''I thought we weren't allowed out??'' etc etc

    So im telling my son sorry you cant see your cousins, you cant play football with your mates, you cant go on holiday at Easter etc etc and these reckless W*nkers are mixing getting drunk in a flat before thinking that's not quite enough rule breaking so I will  attempt to drive home drunk as well

    Words fail me, anyone defending it needs to look at themselves


    • Like 3
  9. I think this is a great signing and potentially our best of the summer, we have bounced between keepers pretty much since big Brad left.

    The guy has international caps, premier league experience, is a captain etc etc - 8 Million will be a snip and allows us time to get Butland eventually at the right price

    Steer like Johnstone before him are good championship keepers but in my opinion not what you want in your first season back in the premier league

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  10. 24 minutes ago, Chicken Field said:

    I don't think it's a matter of research mate, more of perception. 

    153 games, 31 goals and 22 assists. Which is a goal every 5 games and an assist every 7. I do not consider that great stats in the Championship. 

    And before anyone jumps to conclusion, I am not judging the player merely on his stats, but it's the best I can do with the limited times I've seen him. 

    or a goal or assist every 3 games - which you will probably find is higher than all of our midfielders when playing in the championship.....

  11. 6 hours ago, danceoftheshamen said:

    Jumped up & down, hugged my mates, sang some songs and then tried to find our wayward coach having watched the celebrations of the players and the trophy presentation.

    Lots of Derby fans where i work (being near Derby lol) and they were all saying how crap our fans were after the game. They showed me some footage of a couple of hundred Villa fans waiting for trains silently. I don't think they could understand why they were not going wild having gotten promoted.

    I have to say our coach home was flat as arse too for some bizarre reason?! Almost silent in fact.


    200 out of 40,000 fans and to be fair if they were in the train que that early probably families - People in the ground were going mad, grown men crying, hugging complete strangers, singing etc 

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Block 510 said:

    Thanks for the response.

    Completely agree that it’s all down to one game.

    I’ve just been providing a bit of balance. A lot of posters here have written us off.

    Yes I thought we were done against Leeds and I thought we’d thrown it away when we were 5 points behind Bristol but the fat lady still hasn’t sung.

    We are not some little no hoper club. We have been in the playoffs more often than not and faced disappoint on 6 of the previous 7 attempts. We’ve paid our dues in this league. 

    But playoff football doesn’t do what’s right or fair. It mostly comes down to who gets the rub of the green and i’m hoping we get it next Monday.

    All the best to Villa after the game. Always liked them as a club.

    Genuinely  I haven't seen many dismiss Derby, and where I have I think there was more of a I would rather play Derby than Leeds as Im sure you would rather have played us than West Brom based on league position


    Its actually a lot of neutral fans that are saying we are favorites and the bookies - My nerves will be there from the first till last whistle 


    Same to Derby to, no issues with them as a club or their supporters - Actually had a beer with a few of them pre your game at st andrews in Birmingham





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