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Posts posted by JAMAICAN-VILLAN

  1. Deleted as Trent deleted his repeat question

    Or we just simply say we don't need to sell (without the "bloody loaded" part) and keep people guessing. I don't see how you some to the logic that telling City we need their money will make them give us more. If they know we DON'T need the money and don't need to sell they would push the boat out to convince us, if they really wanted him.

  2. even if we do have to sell to but why the F*CK ARE WE TELLING PEOPLE???!!! Sureley ridiculously stupid strategy?

    Dont be silly, whats better?

    a) Telling everyone we are on a sell to buy basis, and dont have shit loads of cash?


    B) We have plenty of money in the transfer pot and intend on spending the lot?

    I understand your position, but A) leaves us at a big disadvantage when negotiating deals for selling our players B) is self explanatory, so I would go with a C) Either keep completely quiet, or say we've got a very limited transfer budget, but we don't necessarily need to sell.

  3. I hope to God we get Ireland as part of the deal - that would really soften the blow, even though he seems a bit of a top hat. He is exactly the sort of player we need in midfield (alongside a more mobile defensive mid).

    If Michael Johnson's back/hips are okay now, he'd be a decent signing from Citeh too.

    Or we could take actually take a chance and sign a top quality replacement from overseas , to bring back some enthusiasm into the dressing room as well as to the fans. For some reason I don't know if coming to Villa to fill Milners boots would be a bit too much for Ireland, or appease the fans sufficiently.

  4. I'm a bit sick about this, but i'm pretty confident that hopefully we'll get a good chunk of money and reinvest it into at least two QUALITY players. At least Ireland and 15 mill plus fringe player sales and we should be ok. I just hope MOn makes the right move in the market, I want the club to come out strong with this and show some real intent, as a big **** you to Barry, Milner, and City!

  5. He isn't even the 2nd best.

    youngs croosing the last couple of seasons has been poor IMO. after he has spent 5mins dancing with defenders the opposition have 6 guys behind the ball and the cross comes to nothing. Jm (again just my opinion) is far more dangerous.

    Ive said it before. Ash Young is the best crosser in the premiership for me. They just look shite as our strikers have the killer instinct of a pea

    completely agree, best crosser in the prem. Take away penalties and Young and Milner i dont think were very far apart in terms of goals and assists last season.

    Thats because the strikers arent supposed to be behind the goal line, or close to the stands. :winkold:

  6. Actually it was a big risk that could have gone horribly wrong and turned out to be a genius move.

    I really don't think it was that big a risk to be honest and neither do I think it was that genius.

    We had an extremely hard working, hard running player who is very robust playing on the wing but who was only okay at crossing and who saw himself as a CM.

    None of james milners ex managers did it so it cant have been that obvious. And it wasnt obvious to me.

    To address your point though, some of the most genius ideas evere are those that are so simple. And while MON is moving players around and those players are suddenly scoring more than double their previous goals total, then he will be certainly be getting credit from me. And while it would be painful, it would be interesting to see the reaction of villa fans had it not worked.

    Jimmy also played as sort of an Attacking mid for Newcastle in the past and did very well so i don't think it was that genius. Alot of us on here also said we thought he would be good in the middle just based on the attributes we saw in him. Are we also geniuses like MON? Only difference is MON is the manager and could actually sanction it.

  7. We're actually the only club in the Premier League who haven't signed anyone yet. Hooray!

    (And still 269 pages in here).

    Spurs, Blackburn and Blackpool.

    spurs have signed Sandro, AND there squad is already stronger than ours.


    They haven't signed him yet, technically, although I did forget about him. Why confused?

    In the spirit of clutching at straws, i'll stick to the, "There squad is still stronger than ours".

  8. Yup, I think the purse strings have been tightened, and not only City but any club interested in any of our players might know this and are playing the same game.

    If this is the case then screw it, I'd rather we go into the next season with the same squad(Only exception being that MON pulls his finger out and uses the squad at his disposal correctly and freshens up his tactis, and use Delfueneso more!)

    Can't believe I just said that

  9. Kallstrom is on a free, and he'd be an amazing pick up for us if we could get him. He's like Petrov, but younger and faster. He can slow the game down and pick a pass, he can tackle, and he can shoot.

    Never seen him play, but if this is true, definately the type we should be after, especially on a free. Leaves us money to pump into other areas!

  10. This is starting to seem like a case where maybe MON really doesnt even want to sell, but just may have to, and might be forced to do so by the board. The article i just read indicates that. At the end of the day it's MON's fault for spunking good money on crap and giving them huge wages. Sorry lads, but i'm almost 100 percent certain that a better manager could have gotten better out of Aston Villa than MON has. Especially considering the fact that when we first got taken over we were in a prime position and not many clubs were as rich. Effing shame. :(

  11. Yeah looks like Milner is on his way judging by the marketing shots

    Did he not get a longer break due to his World Cup duties? This might explain why he has not played a part today as he may not be in the UK. But, the club want a player who might not be here come the start of the season with the new shirt on publicity shots that will be used for some months now and did we not get stung with Barry in that way in the past?

    Ah well, going on that at least we're pretty certain Emile will be here. :)


  12. I'm waiting for MON to call a press conference. He'll sit down on his lonesome in front of the press looking all troubled, and he'll thank everyone for coming. He'll then mention that Milner has not yet signed a new contract and that discussions are still ongoing. He'll be bombarded with questions that he can't answer and he'll begin to panic.

    At this point a man in the press steps forward. He has a long ponytail and a bushy beard and he's wearing sunglasses. He steps forward again so he is in front of the table. Suddenly, he pulls his beard, whips off his glasses and removes his coat. IT WAS JAMES MILNER IN DISGUISE! He laughs, MON laughs, they hug, and then he signs a new contract there and then. They pose for photographs and leave the room.


  13. Bloody hell he hasnt even gone yet and yet some are already slagging him off and calling him names.

    James Milner is not a fan of Aston Villa, when will people get in their head that its not just a sport to them its also their living and all though he gets paid amounts that most of us cant comprehend now, he can get paid even more elsewhere with a better chance of silverware.

    If we hadnt of bought him from Newcastle he still would of turned out to be a decent player but just at another club.

    Perhaps we should show him some loyalty and respect by not calling him names and slagging him off before he's even gone.

    Good luck to him he hasnt killed anyone he's played his heart out for us and given his all and now he can get paid even more with a massive signing on fee.

    Most of us can sit in our avergage houses with average cars saying we wouldnt leave if we got paid that much, but honestly if someone dangled a £2.5m signing on fee and a salary that of double what we are on its very holier than thou to say I wouldnt take it.

    As ive said before there are a handful of players in the world who are irreplacable and he isnt one. £25m is a ridiculous amount of money and if we can get players like Stephen Ireland (who is hardly a massive drop in talent) and a few others with it then is fine by me, again good luck to him.

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