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Everything posted by ianrobo1

  1. tony the US have had it far worse they have seen two banks go and many others taken over, peopel said that Lehmans should not have been the only one to go the basics are exactly the ame but the 'bext time' it happens and Obama is been advised it will then thats different what happens if Barclays is next ? we don;t know
  2. yes it is Brian, I hate the choice, I hate that I think we will have to compromise but in today' climate for me there is no other choice and the pool results so far suggests that, abeith a very small sample !!!
  3. I did put the two options only beause they are the starkest choice
  4. OK this has been debated on a couple of threads but if you had a straight choice between Option A chelsea win and 2 cup defeats and Option B chelsea loss and 2 cup wins what would you pick OPTION A every time
  5. was on on BBc just before they debated the rescue package
  6. yep Obama is indicating another one iw close and it won;t be rescued isn't citgroup looking very vulnerable ?
  7. I'd have a punt that we might find out later this year. bloody hell said privatised again !! yeah we might it is getting close to that but HBSC seems solid, Barclays seems ok but stuff around about it's possible liabilities and not much else left really ... I think it will only take one major bank to go here or the US to really cause some serious shit
  8. Try Birmingham. They were built about 10 minutes from Villa Park, in Washwood Heath. Allstom "own" them though, and they are French. I think. oh right could have swor they were Italian, wasn;t there a big fuss at the time ?
  9. Following the thread of inept appointments - from PMQs Angela Bufton-Tufton, MP (Con, Lymeswold) : Why has the govt appointed someone as chairman to UK Financial Investments in order to protect taxpayers interest whose previous role was helping run tax evasion schemes. SuperGordo, PM (nuLab, Scotland) : We haven't - he's acting chairman. A straight answer to a straight question? Another banker leaves government post well lets face it there is not a dodgy tax evading banking out there ? you do woner in 5 years times how things will pan out will the banking system return to what it oce was or has this changed things for ever ? we polticians and the public be so complacent again ? probably
  10. I am assuming you mean nationalised :winkold: but how can you post both of these one after the other? of course nationalised but is privatising the whole of the banking system really feasible ?
  11. yep snowy and apparently AIG now being investigated heard Cable today and he said the whole banking system should be privatise for two years, sort out the regulations and then floated again can't say I disagree at all but the borrowings that Tony, Richard and The tories hate would go through the roof if that happened
  12. possibly snowy because Ias I keep saying I have yet to see a viable alternative plan being suggested
  13. the us are in far worse situation - tax cuts believe Spain have don;t you ever read what I say most countries have took both the fiscal measures and propping up the banks
  14. I will be General there is no doubt about that but I would have liked to seen a small reduction in Childrens prices but no one can really complain at all. For £405 next season I will be seeing a champions league team with a really good view doubt many can say that outside of Villa
  15. thing is Gringo, all countries regardless of colour are doing the same basic plan there appears to be no alternative to this except for the ultimate free market of just let it settle and see what happens try and find me a difference, most are supporting the banks whilst trying fiscal stimulus whether a VAT cup or a tax cut or other
  16. I suppose no one can doubt that the Japanese though build the best trains and weren;t the virgin pendolino's built in Italy ?
  17. no surprise Snowy, one is a left wing paper, one is a right wing paper different agenda's probably neither right
  18. my little 3 bed mid terrace in great barr, 10 years here in April
  19. Should the government have intervened to save HBOS, RBS, Bradford, NR etc ? YES or NO given no soverign funds wanted them the vast majority of the borrowings is the saving of these
  20. Really? Hows about enlisting those dissenting voices (those people who were given the boot from or left senior positions in the banking environment over the last few years) and seeing what their proposals were? Rather than asking for help from the people who couldn't see shit coming - would it be wise to ask for the assistance of those who could? I don;t think anyone involved with city has any right to say they are right or worng, all were a part of it there may have been a few siren voices in the past but the number was limited. however I think for certyain a grand coalition of people are needed to work their way through but you would never get that to work
  21. Perhaps. So, now that it is done, the future needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. It doesn't help that most of the 'I'm very sorry (for my shareholders and colleagues) non mea culpa' session has revolved around a 'we were victims of events' and 'hindsight is a glorious thing' and the only problem with our risk strategy was that the arse fell out of where we invested (other people's) money - a little like a broke gambler blaming the slow horses rather than realising there was any problem with his betting strategy. Yet we are still told that the future (even in the short term) of banking (and even those on the taxpayer IV drip) is best dealt with on a thoroughly commercial basis and best driven forward by the same group of people who have just said that they were very sorry for what happened but it wasn't their fault. So why trust them to make the right calls, now? Why pay big cash for the 'cream' who continued to make dodgy calls even when on the downward slope? I agree but I see little choice but to go with them, there is no unfortunatly no alternative
  22. Ian it's obvious mate, the Tory ideal is bollox to the man in the street, so what if banks collapse it wont affect the typical Tory voter too much. actually Ian if the banls collapsed it would be the middle class who would suffer the most how many does RBS employ, is it over 100k a good number middle class. Tony, Richard and the the Tory party dare not say 'price worth paying because the poltical consequences would be grave but they provide no other viable alternative so I am left to guess at what they would have done in the situation and now ? and the past record is there, right wing free market policy dictates the weak should fall and blow the consequences
  23. I suspect that would actually be a real vote winner based on current feeling towards the banks and the consequences of allowing them to collapse would be ? the UK government guanrtees all the deposists , how much would that have been how much do moneyt did they owe other banks causing them to collapse ? simply there was no other choice but to do what was done, anything else and I dread to think where we would have been now .. but right wing free market docrtine (the one that failed us ) dictates the weak shall fall no matter what teh consequences are
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