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Posts posted by Talldarkandransome

  1. 10 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    Villa fans (or at least VT Villa fans). I despair of you lot. When the going gets tough, it's always the same: sack the manager, appoint the next Flavour of the Month, start the the three year cycle all over again. 

    No. No, no, no. Dean Smith is still near the beginning of his Aston Villa career, not the end. And (assuming the owners aren't as hysterical as you lot) he's going nowhere. Nor is Jack Grealish.

    Yes, that was a painful afternoon. We have key players out injured, and we need to strengthen in January. It's not going to be easy. But like Tony Benn said: Toughen up - bloody toughen up. Or go and 'support' another club. 

    This is kind of where I am. Something needs to change but i don't think it should be Deano.

  2. I don't know what comes next, I like Deano and the coaching team. They got us promoted, as it turns out probably too early. Spent loads of money to change the whole team and now we are struggling in a league that you cant afford to struggle in. I'm glad I don't have to make that decision.

  3. I'm quite a level headed person but that was shite. 

    No fight, no passion but plenty of throwing arms in the air whinging. I love my club but God they are testing my patience at the moment. 

    I want Smith and his staff to succeed so much but currently I cant see that happening. Maybe I'm wrong and i hope i am.

    Merry Christmas


  4. 2 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

    Apart from promoting Villa and winning 10 on the spin. Apart from that. 

    Whilst I agree to a point, that was in the championship. Having improved contracts always seem to have a negative effect on things, I have no idea why but it always seems that way. They are only human so maybe they think they have done enough so take foot off the gas. Smith has never struck me as that type.. One thing is for sure though,  our current owners want to be successful so they won't stand by and watch things go to pot. He is safe this season as goal is to stay up but if we get relegated then it might be a different story.

  5. Good defensive performance in first half but nothing going forward.

    Second half was juddery and haphazard. We don't appear to have a plan, Heaton just hoofs it up and  it comes straight back. 

    The cones must be winning in training cos  they all look devoid of confidence. Smith and his team need to sort this out quickly or it will only get worse.

    New goalscorer is a must in Jan, full stop.


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  6. 1 minute ago, sne said:

    I imagine he's only saying that to put pressure and get their will though.

    Possibly, but he really didn't seem bothered to be honest. Plenty of teams have fixture pile ups, even the less successful ones. It's been an issue for years and it's made worse by international breaks. We either need fewer competitions or fewer breaks

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