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Posts posted by Jas

  1. Based in Manchester so can't speak for Blackburn. However the snow here right now is absolutely incredible. I've not seen snow like this, ever. Well I have in movies. Lucky the united city game is Wednesday as it would be touch and go for people safety if it was tomorrow. Honestly guys, he snow has literally poured down for the past 4 hours or so and it doesn't look like it's gonna stop. I imagine Blackburn will be the same.

  2. In response to your posts in the Arsenal ratings thread Citeh fan:-

    We get it mate, Citeh are now world class again and you're gonna take over the world with the magic Italian bla bla.

    You are the kind of reason why people don't want City to get the top 4. I'd much prefer Spurs. Too much too soon for you arrogant sods. You're no better than your friends from the proper team in Manchester, you know, the one you'll forever be in the shadow of?!

    There's absolutely nothing to suggest you're gonna get top 4 over us or Spurs.

  3. Like one of their fans has pointed out on their forum; "I remember when Thierry used to piss all over them."

    I remember too. Fortunately for us and unfortunately for them, they don't have Thierry anymore and their current team isn't in the same league as the one Thierry played in at his peak with the Gunners. Our team has slightly changed too, not too mention the clubs ownership and manager. :winkold:

    Anyhow, be interesting to see if MON goes for 4-4-2 in this one like he did at OT. 4-5-1 has proved quite successful at the Emirates over the last few seasons. Have a feeling if Heskey doesn't make it we could see Sidwell/NRC coming in for him rather than Carew. MON has options, that's for sure. Hopefully he'll make the right decision.

    I don't see us getting hammered. I see a draw really. 1-1.

  4. with Van Persie out, they've shown signs when they keep up against teams with a half defence, they will most likely struggle, if they lose Fabregas, they struggle massively for creativity. As shown against Hull. Fragile defence.

    This thread is for the other team in North London, mate. :winkold:

    I know but someone mentioned Arse a couple posts earlier, forgot to quote 8)

    Ah, I see. Sorry pal!

  5. Puts the Christmas party into some kind of perspective.

    Had a text of my Rovers mate. Said Spurs weren't great at all today, just stole the win. Bit like us I suppose. They're keeping the pressure on us, even if Liverpool aren't.

    It's for Spurs and Villa to lose (4th spot).

    Nah, we didn't play particularly great football. But it's kind of hard to do so when the other team's sole tactic seems to be to kick the crap out of every player on the pitch until they no longer want to receive the ball.

    Still, it was a good, important win against the kind of team we normally really struggle against. And two consecutive clean sheets is a decent accomplishment, which is quite pathetic when we're challenging for the top four. I suppose it shows just how important it is to have a settled, consistent back line for a change.

    I agree about the 4th place challenge. It looks to be only between Spurs and Villa at the moment. Although I'd actually go one further and say it was between Arsenal, Spurs and Villa for 3rd-4th as I don't think Arsenal are too much further in front of the other teams in terms of first team quality or squad depth.

    With regards to the news about Redknapp; we all knew there was something dodgy with him. Although I doubt anything big will come of it. He'll pay whatever money is needed, given a slap on the wrist and it'll be over. As long as he's been clean since he's been at Spurs, which I imagine Levy would've been extra careful about about, and it doesn't have a negative effect on the club then I'll continue to support the ugly, bent bastard. :D

    A Spurs fan that talks sense.

    Aye mate, I agree Arsenal aren't out the mix either. It's a bit annoying they getting talked about in terms of the title, but I suppose Wenger has earnt that right? It's very interesting at the top, I hope Spurs and Villa can keep it up. We need someone to break that top 4 this season. I'm not falling out of love with the game, but in ways I am. I'm not sure I can be bothered with the same old shit every season anymore. Football is an expensive 'hobby' these days. It's especially expensive when you know what you're gonna get at the end of it - 5th or 6th place. The top 4 needs to be shaken up for sure. Personally I don't care who does it as long as someone does.

  6. They cant afford to sack Rafa, he wont walk.

    Why can't they afford to sack him?

    The way these things work is: They have to pay him the duration of his contract for however long he is out of work. So if he doesn't get another job for 6 months, they pay him 6 months rather than the 4 years. They must be really skint if this is the case. But then again, who's going to give Rafa a job? Though he's constantly getting linked with Real Madrid.

  7. Listening to various pundits across the football world, they're a bit miffed by this sacking.

    However, why? Look at the money they have spent and look at the results they've been getting. It's no surprise. Hughes was out of his depth in my opinion.

    Not sure about Mancini. But then I know nothing about him.

    It takes time for players to gel and their in first semi-final in nearly 30 years and have only lost 2 games. He has done a decent job

    I can think of a manager who has spent a lot and is out of all competitions except FA Cup this year and lost today and stiin a job

    True. I'm quite fickle. I've had City fans around me moaning about him for weeks though. I don't think he could handle the ego's. A bit out of his depth. They should have got rid of him when they bought the club. I know a lot of City fans that are happy about this.

  8. I reported that on here over a week ago.

    They went to the worst club in Dublin to celebrate had they no shame.

    I dont like Robbie Keane but you cant blame him completely he just organised it the players didnt have to give him the money. Plus he is supposed to be on his way out of SPurs anyway

    I know you said they had been there, I don't recall you saying they were there on false pretenses against the wishes of their manager which is what this story is.

    Not sure how he would know that to be fair.

    I know that was my point, I was pointing out that is why it was being discussed again despite him reporting it on here a week earlier.

    Ah I see. I should have gone back a page. Apologies.

    Back OT - Be interesting to see if Mr Keane is in the squad for their game tomorrow. I don't think he'll be at Spurs much longer. Though I don't think Harry will be selling any of his players to us.

  9. I reported that on here over a week ago.

    They went to the worst club in Dublin to celebrate had they no shame.

    I dont like Robbie Keane but you cant blame him completely he just organised it the players didnt have to give him the money. Plus he is supposed to be on his way out of SPurs anyway

    I know you said they had been there, I don't recall you saying they were there on false pretenses against the wishes of their manager which is what this story is.

    Not sure how he would know that to be fair.

  10. I think this should be an easy game, but I have a feeling that our boys will make it harder then it should be. This is our chance to really solidify our push for a CL spot and we always seem to stutter when we get that chance. Now obviously we have broken our curses and we're a different side now, so maybe this could be a habit of the past, but I really hope that we take our chance here and get the 3 points. I think we are strong enough to do so and Sunderland are weak enough that we can do a number on them.

    I think MON will rest Downing and Milner, maybe even Young. I don't think we'll see the same lineup at at Old Trafford which may be worrying...but again I think we still have tons of quality to get the 3 points.

    0-2 Villa.

    Not an easy game at all. Those 3 won't be rested - perhaps Downing, but the other 2 will play the 90mins (barring injury).

    I'd be delighted with a draw. Sunderland away is one of the toughest games of the Premier League fixture list.

  11. The fact that Glaston doesn't show his face round here when Villa do well and Spurs don't says everything about his true opinion. They've lost to Stoke and Wolves at home now. Hopefully two games we can capitalise on when we face them.

    Exactly. He always comes up with some lame excuse when people ask where he's been.

    May I just add I'm not being malicious. I just know if I posted regularly on a Spurs site I would congratulate them on a victory such as this. I read his posts and he's always so defensive and always argues against what people say. Truth is Spurs are better than Villa, always will be, always have been (in Glaston's mind). It was only last week (at HT of the Everton game) I was saying to friends how fantastic I thought Spurs were playing this season. I'm not afraid to give other teams praise when they deserve it. Unfortunately, I don't think this can be said of Glaston. He'll be back when they've won a few and we've lost a few. That's how this normally works.

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