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Posts posted by StefanAVFC

    Lukaku: Idiot! Tackle him again and you'll see what happens. You've seen the ref?
    Lukaku: Well played. Fault, ref.
    Lukaku: word removed!
    Benteke:My coach always says that.What does it mean? Idiot?
    Lukaku: yes (while hazard is flicking bentekes ear). Does he say that too the players?
    Benteke: yes
    Oh Lambo  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
  2. That's not a definition of what a paedophile is. Just for the record, there's a difference between a paedophile and a child molester.


    Just for the record I included "practising" in the first post to distinguish a difference.


    I'm sure there's lots of paedophiles that know how they feel is wrong and hold their urges in check. They have my sympathy.


    Ah okay fair enough, Perhaps my initial comment wasn't aimed at you.

  3. I wouldn't say we need a new Thatcher, at least in terms of what we stood for. But it's all cycles, innit? From too much power to the Unions, now too much power is in the hands of City.


    Now we could do with someone to nick the best bits from both approaches and find a nice middle ground. If it takes a matriarch in shoulder pads to get that done, so be it.


    And I'd rather the politicians didn't use this death to draw a line between the two main parties and make out that there is a huge ideological difference between them. There ain't.


    Well said that man. Labour are just 'Tory-lite' these days

  4. Again with this word paedophile. Do you even know what that means?


    I think so.


    It's a menace to society comparison.


    You bought scale into it, that's where Thatch wins hands down.


    That's not a definition of what a paedophile is. Just for the record, there's a difference between a paedophile and a child molester.

  5. YEah, I seem to have said this a lot recently, but I'd take a point if offered. Wouldn't be a bad result at all.


    Agreed. I think Norwich and Sunderland are more winnable games. And that's before Wigan.




    Just as I thought.


    Well you can't seriously expect us to take you seriously when you say 'some people can't admit they're wrong' when numerous people proved you wrong in that linked thread, yet you carried on. Maybe if you started to do what you expect of other people, then they would listen.

    Now that's much better. Less of the smileys and more of the above will gain you more respect on here if that's what your after.

    Posters haven't taken me seriously since I said Benteke was Lambert's Balaban so I'm not too concerned about that although I was able to admit talking bollocks.

    The Diame and VillaCas points haven't actually proven to be wrong and under a polite hint from one of the mods who also challenged VillaCas on his statement I decided to leave VillaCas alone.

    Hard to do but the mod was right on both counts as I was.


    Not to overlap threads, but what Cas said was 'we could stay up with 35' which is true. The mod misread what he said as well. And the mods, are human too. I wouldn't take their word as gospel.

    Totally agree about your statement concerning the mods as I've had many a debate with TrentVilla. However, on this occasion I do believe both BOF and I were right to engage VillaCas over his post as he clearly implied that 35 points would be enough to keep us up.


    He said it was possible, which he supported with the facts that 35 has been enough in the past. i really don't see what else there is to be found in that point and people have rightly said you're clutching straws.


    Just as I thought.


    Well you can't seriously expect us to take you seriously when you say 'some people can't admit they're wrong' when numerous people proved you wrong in that linked thread, yet you carried on. Maybe if you started to do what you expect of other people, then they would listen.

    Now that's much better. Less of the smileys and more of the above will gain you more respect on here if that's what your after.

    Posters haven't taken me seriously since I said Benteke was Lambert's Balaban so I'm not too concerned about that although I was able to admit talking bollocks.

    The Diame and VillaCas points haven't actually proven to be wrong and under a polite hint from one of the mods who also challenged VillaCas on his statement I decided to leave VillaCas alone.

    Hard to do but the mod was right on both counts as I was.


    Not to overlap threads, but what Cas said was 'we could stay up with 35' which is true. The mod misread what he said as well. And the mods, are human too. I wouldn't take their word as gospel.

  8. Morpheus, I'm here buddy. Care to respond to my point? You had a go at me for not responding accurately so I'm waiting :)



    Ah the continual use of the smiley. You really must be chuffed with yourself but actually try answering posts with words or maybe you're just not intelligent enough to do that?



    As I said earlier, I'm glad this is coming out of the public purse purely because of how angry her haters are getting over it.



    Its not so much that I'm not happy at having my hard earned tax going towards burying her its more the fact they waited until she was dead ;)


    Out of interest, what does her death change?


    well, I suppose on average the country will be £2,000 a week better off


    that's about 142 households a week, every week, that wouldn't need to lose the bedroom tax


    Not really worth celebrating a death though is it :lol:

  10. Just as I thought.


    Well you can't seriously expect us to take you seriously when you say 'some people can't admit they're wrong' when numerous people proved you wrong in that linked thread, yet you carried on. Maybe if you started to do what you expect of other people, then they would listen.

  11. Don't think he has the quality to get in ahead of Weimann, Gabby and even Bowery offers more than him in this system. Shame because I rated him highly. Willing to give him a chance though and hope he can prove me wrong.

  12. Say you are right. Say none of these players make it for Aston Villa. Will you have a warm fuzzy feeling inside that you correctly predicted the demise of our successful youth team? Or will you be sorry for the lads who once showed so much promise?


    You didn't even deny being right is more important to you than Aston Villa. Some **** fan.


    When was the last time you went down VP?

    In your opinion.
    Nobody ever denied you your point of view. Everybody just told you to stop pissing on the lads chips. The fact that you're revelling in this (and seemed actively happy that we released a lad in the academy thread) makes you look foolish. If you were so right, people would be jumping to your defence.
    You strike me as somebody who thinks being right is more important than the something for the good of the club. Some fan, eh.
    Now, mods please lock this. What was a great achievement has been marred by utter negativity. Hopefully we can preserve this win in the mind and hopefully a few of these lads will prove non-villa fans wrong :)

    Emm he was right and your not exactly defending him are you.





    BJ10 has just had his point of view backed by the club's assistant academy director and you resort to personal insults as your only answer rather than admitting you've been wrong to slate him.
    I bet you've never been invited to a family party.

    What the youth manager said has nothing to do with what people have been having a go at BJ10 for. 
    THe youth manager isn't going to come out and say "Fantastic, the kids have made it! Hard work over" is he?! The kids still did well. BJ10 still made himself look like a bit silly, and he's one of two people who seem to be doing that the last few days. And the other one is.........
    Most posters on here have made themselves look silly but then again most posters on here have the integrity to admit when they are wrong. You and one or two others are quite obviously the exception to that which is sad.




    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  


    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    BJ10 has just had his point of view backed by the club's assistant academy director and you resort to personal insults as your only answer rather than admitting you've been wrong to slate him.


    I bet you've never been invited to a family party.

    What the youth manager said has nothing to do with what people have been having a go at BJ10 for. 


    THe youth manager isn't going to come out and say "Fantastic, the kids have made it! Hard work over" is he?! The kids still did well. BJ10 still made himself look like a bit silly, and he's one of two people who seem to be doing that the last few days. And the other one is.........

    Most posters on here have made themselves look silly but then again most posters on here have the integrity to admit when they are wrong. You and one or two others are quite obviously the exception to that which is sad.




    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

  14. In your opinion.


    Nobody ever denied you your point of view. Everybody just told you to stop pissing on the lads chips. The fact that you're revelling in this (and seemed actively happy that we released a lad in the academy thread) makes you look foolish. If you were so right, people would be jumping to your defence.




    You strike me as somebody who thinks being right is more important than the something for the good of the club. Some fan, eh.


    Now, mods please lock this. What was a great achievement has been marred by utter negativity. Hopefully we can preserve this win in the mind and hopefully a few of these lads will prove non-villa fans wrong :)

  15. Because Thatcher was on the same scale as a rapist or a paedophile. Always find it funny when people use paedophiles as well, in an argument. Most people don't even know what one is.


    She was evil on a much greater scale than any paedophile I can think of (Oh hang on, what was the Roman emperor before Caligula again?), but perhaps not to the same degree.


    Again with this word paedophile. Do you even know what that means?

  16. As I said earlier, I'm glad this is coming out of the public purse purely because of how angry her haters are getting over it.



    Its not so much that I'm not happy at having my hard earned tax going towards burying her its more the fact they waited until she was dead ;)


    Out of interest, what does her death change?

  17. Apparently next year's GCSE Maths paper will include the question:


    How many poor people need to pay bedroom tax to fund a £4M funeral?

    Get in early though, they change the marking criteria half way through.


    Nice to have a bit of spice back in politics not just 3 shades of shit.


    The bedroom tax that isn't even a tax? Don't like the other side stir you too much though. I don't agree with it, but just because it's a pointless exercise. It won't save any money.


    ...the way we do not respect anyone or anything...




    It's people like practicing paedophiles, rapists or her we've got no respect for.


    If it makes you feel better, I'd rather see the woman alive and the legacy dead.


    Because Thatcher was on the same scale as a rapist or a paedophile. Always find it funny when people use paedophiles as well, in an argument. Most people don't even know what one is.


    There of course had to be a downside to the Witch now rotting in hell. 


    Stay classy. I didn't like the woman, but sheesh.

    • Like 1
  18. I'm sorry that you are such a sad individual that you have to get your kicks demeaning other users on an internet forum and demeaning the achievements of young players of our proud football club. I bet you're a hit at family parties.





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