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Posts posted by StefanAVFC

  1. Egypt with the boys this summer


    interest destination for a lads hol .. assume it's Hurghada / Sharm rather than Cairo ?


    Sharm yeah. We're not really interested in getting wankered, more about the relaxing. I'll just have graduated and almost starting my PGCE and they're both marines.

  2. I have to know...  what does Ritzy smell like?


    I can't even remember. But when we were at the bar, I was speaking to my mate saying how hot I thought Ritzy was and Rhydian was right behind us  :lol:  :lol:

    • Like 1
  3. My commentary is on the dignity and decency we should show upon someone's death.

    Why "should" we? what is it that says "yes, by all means call someone names when they're alive and can hear or read you do so, but once they're dead and they can't, then, well it's just not cricket, and it's disgraceful, terrble manners...

    The thing with manners is they change - Women and children are not allowed to speak without being spoken to. We don't have to call everyone "Sir". The level of deference accorded to people is now much more about earned respect, than the conservative (small c) traditions.

    People who liked or respected the poisonous, soulless witch, by all means hold a whatever type of thing it is you like, to steady your spirits and remember her, and those who regard her as a menace to Society, by all means have a street party, or whatever.


    What about the people who don't care either way?  :D

  4. I'm fairly sure everybody has you on ignore.

    Besides from you of course stefan haha :D


    You must have some sort of alarm that let's you know every time BJ10 posts in a thread how fast you reply xD


    I'm on this too much. I normally go back and forward between here and off topic so I can see who replies straight away.


    And I do have him on ignore, I just press 'view' when I want a laugh ;)

  5. Give it up Morpheus, you really are clutching at straws on this one.


    VillaCas clearly didn't state that we would be safe on 35 points.


    There's plenty of perfectly legitimate sticks you can beat Cas with. You don't have to make ones up.

    Look back in the tread and tell me a mod calling him mental for the statement he has made is making things up.


    No lets ignore that and just concentrate on what avoid means?


    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

  6. What difference does it make whether people were alive when she destroyed the lives of millions ?

    I didn't have to be alive when Hitler was around to form a view of what he was like.

    Was about to post this.

    How many people celebrate Hitler's death and were not around in the 1940's?

    I think it's safe to say there's a slight difference.
    Absolutely agree. Comparing Thatcher to Hitler is utterly disgraceful especially in an attempt to justify a reaction.

    Blair said something yesterday and I dont think I have ever agreed with him more , when you decide you divide.

    Duuuhhh !!! Spectacularly missing the point - insert any event/death/historical event - the point is you dont have to have been alive during a thing to have views about it !!!!!!!

    Nobody said that. You're plucking nonsense out of thin air here.

    • Like 1
  7. Hopefully the funeral procession will be littered with protests and incident. She should have been buried quietly in private but no , the provocation goes on.

    What an odd statement. You hope the funeral is protested on?

    I think it will be but I would wish that on any human. How bizarre.

    • Like 1
  8. My point is, with a political figure who so massively divided opinion, there is no way you can form an objective argument unless you actually saw first hand what she did. You form an opinion on literature (written from the point of view of somebody with an opinion), family/friends who will definitely have an opinion one way or the other or from TV programs (again probably with an agenda one way or the other).


    What an odd view. So being around during Thatcher's period in office (for example) allows you to form an objective view, while not being there means you can't? The only basis for an objective view is direct, unmediated personal experience? So working down a coal mine or being placed in charge of the privatisation programme gives you an objective, not an extremely subjective, view?

    And are objective views made possible simply by being around at the time, or must you have been personally involved in something? Given that no-one is personally involved in anything more than the tiniest fraction of what happens at any time, that's a pretty thin set of objective views that can exist. And why would being personally involved in something mean that you even understand it, let alone are able to form an objective assessment of it?

    As a theory of knowledge, it's novel, at least.


    Objective is the wrong word then, I apologise. 


    I feel like my point stands though. The fact that, the figures and information is out there now and people still maintain such polarised views means there is a large amount of opinion influencing people's.. opinion. People are influenced by what they're told and what they read, even though both the positives and negatives are out there in the open. That's what I meant. Perhaps I phrased it badly  :lol:


    EDIT: Jon, well obviously her legacy lived on well after her stint in power, but her death won't change that.

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