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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. my hands are still shaking. not confident at all yet. but we're playing a lot better going forward than anything I've seen this season. that's uplifting.
  2. now, let's not panic for once. keep it cool.
  3. we're actually creating chances. this is...interesting.
  4. I don't know how I'll be able to continue watching this without my heart giving in...
  5. Pulis? Moyes? the Premier League doesn't necessarily have to be a men's club for the same rotating managers. let's do a Spurs and look for a manager abroad, hell, football is still football.
  6. 5 games, 5 losses, zero goals. I still have a hard time letting that sink in.
  7. has someone kept track of all the embarrassing records that have been broken over the past 3 years? if so, an update is required.
  8. osmark86

    Match Thread

    the swedish commentator is struggling to say anything positive about us and is frankly quite embarrassed for our sake.
  9. osmark86

    Match Thread

    the masochist in me almost want QPR to bag 2 more just so there is no bloody doubt as to how clueless we are right now.
  10. osmark86

    Match Thread

    He's been our main goal threat. allow yourself to contemplate that for a few seconds...
  11. osmark86

    Match Thread

    I could cry right now this is so unbearable to watch
  12. osmark86

    Match Thread

  13. osmark86

    Match Thread

    seems like the double change will be an example of "too little, too late". go figure...
  14. osmark86

    Match Thread

    ok, I'm officially a little bit upset.
  15. osmark86

    Match Thread

    65 minutes. keep on truckin', keep on truckin'...
  16. osmark86

    Match Thread

    I wonder if the lack of bouging is contributing to the amount of offside calls we are accruing...
  17. osmark86

    Match Thread

  18. osmark86

    Match Thread

    4½ games w/o a goal. let's compensate for the dross! GO VILLA!!!
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