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Posts posted by privateer

  1. This place is always worth a look when shopping around. One suggestion when using it, look at some of the retailers shown in other lens listings if they don't appear under the one you are actually after. It is a good site but isn't 100% up to date or complete.

    Busted prices

    RGBTech is one of the links in there and I have heard good things about them. Their prices are invariably keen and anecdotally their customer service is good.

  2. WHX in my post above are usually pretty competitive on price. However, I don't think there is a "best" place. The best thing to do is decide what you want and shop around on a case by case basis. That's what I do, anyway.

  3. Sadly, during the act, she asked if I thought she was fat. I sort of mentioned she wasn't thin and she kind of lost interest thereafter. Thankfully, I didn't !

    I reeeeeally hope that's a joke... :shock:

    I'm afraid it's the honest truth. She kept her top on, and when I went to take it off she said no - and then asked me the question.

    What else am I meant to say ? Of course not honey

    No, you did the right thing, honesty is always the best policy in relationships. However, I think you should have sugared it a bit by saying something like "Yeah, you're a heifer all right but the aluminium chloride is doing a top job on controlling your sweating." That way you have been honest and provided a charming compliment at the same time. :winkold:

  4. Thanks! I googled for a 1.8 and couldn't find one... not very clued up on Olympus lenses. Am toying with the idea of buying a new camera but think the other half would go ballistic... worried about spending a lot of money on Olympus lenses when I'm pretty sure at some point I'll want to go back to Canon....

    I've had a quick look and can't see anything that is an exact fit in terms of focal length and speed. I looked here:


    Their fast lenses are eye-wateringly expensive but that usually is the case.

  5. I was pretty gutted we never got to give him a good send off

    Yeah, there is something unfinished there. If this poll is representative then 70%+ would acclaim him as a hero and I would expect the remaining 30% to applaud politely. It would be great to hear the old "Juan Pablo Angel! There's only only Juan Pablo Angel, Juan Pablo Angel!" ringing and echoing around VP again.

  6. Fookin' 'ell, this is a blast from the past! I remember watching his debut from the Trinity and thinking he was a class act. It was obvious to me he was going to have to acclimatise to the PL but it was equally obvious he was an intelligent player with a great touch. He had a rough time here at times so I was very pleased when he had some great times as well - the guy had cojones but he was also a thoroughly nice guy, it seemed. Did we get the best out of him all the time he was here? No, of course not and the club learned some lessons from it.

    It would be interesting to see how a prime JPA would fare coming into this team and the club as it is now.

  7. The biggest moan I can see about the Sony is having to compose the shot only through the viewfinder and not the screen? and the use of compact flash? Are these really big issues?

    Live view is at its most useful if you are using a tripod but I am of the opinion that if you are not you should use the viewfinder on an SLR. The viewfinder is much better than on a compact.

  8. Nokia is "way bigger" in the dslr world. Therefore better lens and (other bits) back catalogue. If that's not important then i'd need to check both side by side.

    Don't think is after an in-phone camera! :winkold:

    Nikon do have have a wider range of lenses compared to Sony but Sony are using the Minolta mount so it isn't just Sony branded lenses that are available, all Minolta auto-focus lenses fit the Sony SLR range.

    The two things widely acknowledged to be thumbs up to Sony is the quality of their LCD screens (size and resolution) and the in-body anti-shake, the latter they inherited from Minolta and further developed.

  9. That's why Donna was the queen, she knew all about keeping the length right.

    Sylvester is a rocket polisher who is more interested in getting the length in as much as possible. Despite the fact that nobody really wants to hear it because everything he comes out with is bollocks.

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