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Posts posted by privateer

  1. l

    la Trim du incinerate?

    Ha I did that with one side of a pork chop tonight...for my son's tea.

    It's ok I said... It's caramelised the sauce!!..

    I love cooking but was busy on the phone! :oops:

    :lol: Quality! There are only a few terms a real chef needs to know.

    Al dente - explains why vegetables, pasta and other non-proteins are believed to be undercooked!

    A point - explains why meat is believed to be too rare

    Caremelised - explains why anything is believed to be overcooked by direct heat.

    Puree - explains why anything is believed to be overcooked by indirect heat.

  2. If Wolves and Reading don't cease with their fuckups then they will go up. The only good thing ATM is that Reading have two games in hand over them and are only a couple of points behind. That said, it shouldn't be this close. Wolves should hang their heads in shame after being reeled in to the extent they have and Reading have given ground to the words removed, as well. Shocking, really. If the filth were actually any good they would have virtually got promotion wrapped up already.

  3. Yes, fry them to colour and seal them on both sides. It will give a nice texture, flavour and colour before you bake them. Decent hot pan and it will only take about a minute per side, just make sure the are firmly packed when you put them in the pan and turn them carefully to prevent them falling apart!

  4. Nope. We don't need any more images now there are plenty in existence already! Actually, I want to see images of their fans going ballistic about missing the playoffs at the end of the season. Then in 2010 I want to see more of them trying to get at the board when they are mathematically relegated - then repeat each year until oblivion.

  5. Ar, 'tis nice but I don't use it all that often. The ground fenugreek is an key ingredient for me, I love the flavour it imparts. As you say, asafoetida is another, makes a big difference when you put a pinch of that in.

    As for oils, I'll go with groundnut or ghee. As you've mentioned, you need quite a bit and I think that under-estimating the amount is a common mistake people make - probably because they think it is unhealthy. You can always drain the excess off at the end or soak it up with kitchen roll.

  6. No. If I ever did think there was actually a singular supreme deity, full of love and benevolence, life's filthy lessons have demonstrated he ain't around.

    On the off-chance that he does, he's obviously more than a bit of a word removed.

  7. Another simple dish is tagliatelle pesto with chicken and bacon.

    Cut some chicken breast and bacon into strips. Put the chicken in the pan and stir fry it in a bit of olive oil. Put the bacon in a couple of minutes after the chicken.

    Boil the tagliatelle while the chicken is cooking, it will take about the same length of time to cook both as long as the chicken strips aren't too big!

    Drain the tagliatelle in a colander but keep a couple of tablespoons of the water (put the colander over the sink to tip the pasta in then put it over the pot you boiled the pasta in to collect the liquid).

    Add a jar of pesto to the chicken and bacon (green or red pesto, both equally good) and add the couple of tablespoons of saved liquid to the pesto jar. Put the lid back on, give it a quick shake to get the residue out of the bottle (make sure your hold lid firmly) and tip into the pan. Bring the heat up and stir it all up so it all blends together then tip in the pasta. Serve on warm plates.

    Alternatively, you can put the pasta on the plates and the chicken mix on top - it's a bit easier to control the proportion of pasta:meat that way.

    It's very adaptable as you can add other things at the frying stage if you are so inclined - sliced onion, mushroom, garlic, very finely sliced celery etc etc

  8. That would largely depend on whether the business card suggested the owner was mafioso, Cali cartel, yakuza etc etc. Anyone walking around with and subsequently losing that amount of cash is probably a criminal. A heavy one at that.

    Apart from that, you couldn't bank the money or buy anything of substantial value for cash without it being reported to the law.

    For argument's sake, the man's business card identifies him as a banker, lol.....

    I could make a mill stretch out a lifetime, dunno about you :winkold:

    That said, my vote's not in yet

    OK, I'll roll with that. A banker? **** the word removed, the money's mine, as long as it is in smallish bills! I could make it last a lifetime as well. Lets face it, just about every bill or invoice you ever get could be paid off with that million.

  9. That would largely depend on whether the business card suggested the owner was mafioso, Cali cartel, yakuza etc etc. Anyone walking around with and subsequently losing that amount of cash is probably a criminal. A heavy one at that.

    Apart from that, you couldn't bank the money or buy anything of substantial value for cash without it being reported to the law.

  10. Just seen an advert for text dating and text chat. Wow! I just didn't realise there where so many "beautiful" sink-estate models plastered in make-up with no acting talent waiting to talk to me.

    Has anyone availed themselves of this service? Based upon the classy ladies I've just seen I can't imagine how anyone with a mobile could resist.

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