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Posts posted by privateer

  1. To be fair, you can't call me a heathen unreservedly.

    Ha ha. It was very firmly tongue in cheek. :winkold:

    The box is a superior method of wine packaging.

    That's colonial humour, isn't it? :P

    During the second half, I shall be savouring a bottle of Auntie Myrtle's:


    Well, I set about a box of the "heathen" whilst watching the game on a stream. The pleasure of sharing a place with a Pompey fan was diminished when the **** retired to get an afternoon nap before the game and didn't wake up until it had finished.

    I won't rub it in though, he's my bleedin' landlord. We'll stream the Spam/Plop game later and I'll rip the shit out of the Spammer here though. He is just another tenant!

  2. McEwan's Export. The trusty laughing cavalier.

    Ah, I forgot about that. We have some of that in as well. I also forgot about the case of Tuborg and the case of Leffe.

    Just off to eat a a good Chinese (not normally my thing but this one is good enough to draw me back for repeat visits) then back to set about the supplies.

  3. a 5 litre box

    You dreadful heathen, Rich. :rant:

    :lol: Hey, beggars and all that. We've done our best so far but where I am there is only one retail outlet for booze and it has been closed for all of Ramadan and will be closed until Eid finishes - whenever they actually decide that is.

    We have stocked up to cover the period but most things are twice the price except this strangely palatable boxed wine from the Antipodes they knock out.

    To be fair, you can't call me a heathen unreservedly. I have turned the guys in the villa on to Harvey Wallbangers having bought the Galliano and vodka. We also have Bishops Finger; Peroni; brandy; scotch; some excellent Chilean wine (in bottles!); some splendid Aussie Riesling (also in bottles!) and bloody Kingfisher in 500ml bottles weighing in at 7.2%.

    We also have a few "heathen boxes" of both red and white left. :twisted:

  4. Well, I just got back on here in time to pick up the result - work interfered and my yahoo link had dropped so thanks for keeping me informed.

    Reaction - the Middle East and working on a Sunday when we beat the filth sucks but it all worked out in the end.

    Think I'll go home and drink some illegal alcohol now :cheers:

  5. and time to mature

    And how many of us have that degree of patience?!

    The maker of limoncello must mature before the limoncello can mature.

    That is the voice of the sage. Is that one of the sayings of Confucius?

    Like, "Husband who spend too long in the doghouse, eventually goes to the cathouse."

  6. Yeah, yet the other day he had her full support.

    She clearly didn't get the promotion she wanted so is throwing her toys out the pram.

    One suspects that her loyalty might have been bought with a nod and a wink regarding a full cabinet post. That could well be the reason for the spite in her resignation letter.

    EDIT: I do see that Hatty has been sent out to face the artillery regarding Flint.

    That's what happened, we can be sure of that. It is known she was angling for a promotion in the reshuffle but I'm not convinced she was necessarily given the nod and wink. She certainly wasn't told it was out of the question though so I suspect that's why in last night's interview she was beaming when she was bigging up The ManseMan. She was trying to butter up Daddy so he would buy her a pony.

    Unfortunately, no pony for Caroline so she threw a hissy. As one of the commentators pointed out, she has ended up looking very stupid and spiteful. If she had resigned this morning, pre-reshuffle, citing the same reasons she would have done much more damage.

    As it stands, it says a lot about her integrity, character, cynicism, hypocrisy and duplicity that she was looking to praise caesar on Thursday and try to bury him with her letter on Friday. I hope her constituents remember her bald dishonesty when the election finally comes. Dishonest, sleazy politicians? She is the poster child after her antics.

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