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Everything posted by privateer

  1. It is time for Reo Coker to come off
  2. Right Luke, do your bleedin' stuff!!!
  3. Gardner is a good shout as is Maloney at some point.
  4. Bollocks. We will still win this though.
  5. That wall was about 5 yards away. WTF!!!
  6. Carew is a real handful - doing some great work.
  7. It's a 3x-1x macro. The posted shots are around the 3x end of the zoom.
  8. Ahh, you're too good at this or it was easier than I thought! I picked up a new lens and was testing it and used the first thing to hand. These two will give it away.
  9. I've been pondering that few a good few minutes since you asked the question. I definitely prefer the composition of the landscape shot but lean towards the portrait shot for the exposure, especially of the couple.
  10. .... I noticed a lot of people had a sort of extended cover around their lense , does that help prevent glare ? If you are talking about a lens hood then yes it would, if it is one of the better designed ones. However, a hood doesn't make the subject any darker. It only prevents unwanted light from entering from the sides. Some lens hood are crap and are barely more than cosmetic in most circumstances. Lens with hood Same lens without Is that what you are referring to? If so they are designed to prevent glare/flare and most decent lenses have them when new. They are often broken, though, so second hand lenses don't always have them. Also, by and large, the cheaper (and therefore more "consumer-grade") the lens the crappier and less effective the hood tends to be.
  11. Two farmers are in a bar, and one says to the other, " I think my dog is gay" "Why is that then?" the other one replied. "Because his cock tastes like shit"
  12. What would you consider a very good price? I don't shoot Nikon so wouldn't know if I was giving you a good steer or not should I see one unless I have an idea of what constitutes very good.
  13. I have a 10-20 and am very happy with it. With a lens that wide the problems most likely to be encountered are flare, vignetting and distortion. It does a pretty good job with all of it so I have no complaints. You can read many more owners opinions here: Please use short links, it really isn't difficult
  14. A tripod is something I really should use more, for what it does to the thought process and the more obvious reason of enabling the taking of shots that wouldn't be viable handheld. My problem is most of the shooting I do is when I go abroad so I tend not to take one. Here's another one from the few I have in Photobucket. If you ever see this in the wild this close it will be the last thing you ever see! It is a demonstration of the territorial instincts of a saltwater crocodile. The black object is a hard plastic ball on a rope and the croc is in the process of slamming a 1000lb per sq inch bite on it.
  15. I still use it sometimes. In fact, over the last few months I have just bought two more high quality film bodies because I intend to do a bit more film shooting alongside the digital stuff. I like the fact that the SLRs are full frame whereas my DSLRs are 1.5 crop. Also, shooting film slows me down a bit a makes me think about what I'm shooting a bit more and how.
  16. Cheers. First one, it was in my Photobucket album.
  17. Amen to that. I was warned by a friend who had been there about what would happen. "As soon as you grab your first high-end lens that is all you'll ever want". He was right but as you say, it is a superb investment, should last a lifetime and retain a good level of their original value. There aren't too many things that you can use on a daily basis for years that you can say that about. Still don't want to add up what I've spent on them, though! I'll post some shots to join in with the fun when I've worked out how. I'm guessing I need to link them to a hosted site like Photobucket, Flikr etc.
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