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Posts posted by nick76

  1. 12 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    No. Logic dictates this is not a player we could ever go for in this window. Just the usual speculation

    Logic doesn’t dictate that, many ways this deal could happen from loan to buy, sell Duran to Chelsea and some others like Carlos and buy him with some additional cash.  Who knows.  Do I think it’s likely? No but it’s not logic that we couldn’t go for him in this window.  We just don’t know what Emery wants to do, we could see a few key players out and a few in….who knows!  I was just interested if either source has any credibility.

  2. 1 hour ago, MaVilla said:

    Is Heck the VT release valve?

    No not really, just some of the important things to many Villa fans he’s pissed them off.  We have to suck it up because Heck is employed by NSWE and he’s doing what he thinks is right and ignoring fans but we have a right to be pissed off with that.  Just like any player, manager or anybody related to the club can congratulate him on getting the adidas deal while also berating him for the badge disaster.  We were told from his previous job, from their fans when he joined that he is tunnel focused and doesn’t take others opinions or input in his decisions and sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t, let’s hope it does for us.  As for the release valve, something that’s important then he will get blowback.  

    The what I see as untruths is my issue, just be honest with us.  We might not like some answers but we’ll have to suck it up.  Saying something we don’t believe is true to us while doing something we don’t like and that will get people backs up.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, UpTheVilla26 said:

    One of my fave players, I'd be gutted to see Diego leave 😭

    Based on what criteria? I had great hope for him but on the whole he’s not done it apart from a few matches.

    • Like 1
  4. The original post from Diario Sport 2million followers or this Cristina from  Relevo which has 250k followers, are either source credible at all?

  5. 10 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    We simply can't afford someone like him right now.

    That's how it's easy to know it's bullshit. Unless we are selling Rasmey and Luiz maybe.

    We don’t know what the deal would be so we don’t know.  Loan with mandatory buy option or may include a player or two swop.  We just don’t know.  It seems unlikely but I’m not calling BS because we know the ambition of the owners, Emery and Monchi but we also know PSR issues. Selling Duran to Chelsea might increase the coffers to afford Ronald.

  6. 1 hour ago, ThunderPower_14 said:

    The 1874 is the perfect example of why fan votes or listening to fan submissions about elements doesn't work.

    The club ask people if they want 1874 on the badge, they say yes, and it gets shoehorned in awkwardly and doesn't fit with the rest of the design. I don't love the star either, but I can at least see how it fits on the badge. The 1874 takes up valuable real estate while also blending in way too much. The lion would fit much more naturally on the badge if the 1874 was removed. But we have to have it because of "fan consultation".


    1 hour ago, Captain_Townsend said:

    True,  though, 1874 topped off our round badge really nicely I felt. But yeah, it doesn't work so well on their shield so they should have just got rid of it like they did claret lion etc.


    1 hour ago, CarryOnVilla said:

    From a design POV I’m not a fan of as you say “shoehorning” in the “1874” and from a fan POV I have no idea why we need it. This year it makes sense, as it’s the 150th anniversary. Other than that, we don’t really acknowledge our founding year. It just feels like a general football thing to have and that’s why it’s there. 

    Now the star… it’s not our identity, it’s just our achievement. I don’t believe it should ever be part of the main body of the badge but always accompany it.. outside of the main badge, or else where on the kit.  


    38 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Indeed, the 1874 and the Star are the things I consistently dislike about ALL the badges, including some quality mock-ups by fans.



    3 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    I like the 1874 on this one - I like what it says and the little bit of white it brings to the colour scheme.

    If I understand correctly it was Heck that really wanted the ‘1874’ on the badge from his comments in that article and comments I’ve heard elsewhere. It’s something he’s talked about.  Maybe the fans wanted it but I think Heck had a say in that part.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, duke313 said:

    Van Dijk kind of was an “untapped gem” he played for Southampton 😂

    Haha yes just the little £75m…..Barca and Southampton are about the same level aren’t they? 😂

  8. 4 minutes ago, alreadyexists said:

    It would be very exciting and a huge statement of where we are now… but it doesn’t really feel like a Monchi signing. We’ve invested hugely in scouting and development, and got him in to spearhead it all and we go for a £100m CB from Barca… sounds unlikely I think 

    Maybe but not every deal of Monchi is going to be an untapped gem.  Maybe Emery wants his Virgil Van Dijk, the dominant defender that changes the level of their team and will to go all out for somebody that could be the foundation of the defence for a decade.

    I think it’s very unlikely deal for so many reasons but would it shock me? No.  Great league seasons depend on solid defences and we’ve been a bit leaky.

    • Like 3
  9. 41 minutes ago, Icarium said:
    9 hours ago, ender4 said:

    Chambers, Hause and Dendoncker for Ronald.

    'Replaced in the aggregate'

    Like the anti-Purslow deal.   Purslow was sell one to buy three, this is sell three to buy one.

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, Hank Scorpio said:
    8 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    What the **** is this s***.

    Yessss Barkley and Buendia.


    @Delphinho123 bring back Tammy, sign Zaniolo permanently and then we can play Barkley, Buendia, Zaniolo with Tammy in front.

    how excited are you?

  11. 4 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    What the **** is this s***.


    1 minute ago, Delphinho123 said:

    We're padding out the squad. I am all for it. If Ross Barkley is our new Calum Chambers, then that is a helluva'n upgrade. 

    Gallagher next please. We'll have some serious options in central midfield then. (I still see Luiz leaving). 


  12. 22 minutes ago, VictoriabcVillan said:

    It's just fine. The amount of people overly emotional & pompous about a drop shadow is absolutely comical though. Seriously if your getting that upset & wound up over a shadow on a badge. I think you should speak to someone. 

    Welcome to the site.  Bashing a large amount of people on day one is certainly a statement introduction.  We are an emotional bunch but in this case over the badge it’s fairly justified.

    • Like 2
  13. 4 minutes ago, MarkLillis said:

    Of course we are qualified to judge it!

    We can also take the ultimate decision not to buy it if we don't like it.

    Unfortunately in the world of football the companies trying to sell us things know we are somewhat compelled to purchase high priced tickets, crap beer, food and rubbish merchandise because its "our club".

    I've long since stopped buying any club merchandise and only buy the odd (overpriced) pint from the Holte end bar. However this year they have a window of opportunity with me as i actually want to buy something. The feel good factor has won me over and I'm just hoping they wont let me down with the "look" of things!

    It my choice its not forced on me.

    Lets see what happens.

    Completely agree.  

    I know I won’t buy the shirt this year with that thing on it.  

    However good the shirt is, that monstrosity will still stick out and annoy me.

    Just hope there is some other merch that appeals to me that I might buy.

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