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Posts posted by Junxs

  1. Ok just for some closure on this topic, I got the HDMI => DVI-D cable but that failed as well.

    Though i got a better resposne though. The orange standby light went green when i connected it but the screen stayed blank.

    Oh well it was worth a try!

    Although next thing I might try is an RCA => VGA cable..

  2. Ah I see. Thanks for the quick reply TheDon.

    What if the monitor I want to connect to also has a DVI input? Is that a digital connection? if so would a direct HDMI -> DVI cable work?

    So really the people selling these cables on ebay stating they allow for Playstations to connect to monitors are misleading people into buying them by missing out the fact they need this pricey middle device.

  3. Hi guys,

    looking to get some advice, preferably from some one who has successfully managed to do this.

    Im trying to connect my PS3 to a monitor through the VGA connection so I can take it to work and play on night shifts.

    Ive bought 2 different cables now but neither works despite both being advertised to do exactly this.

    The sellers claim its the type of monitor Im connecting to rather than admit their cables are the problem.

    The first cable i bought was a HDMI -> VGA / Composite (the wire slpits near the end so you can choose which connection to use)

    The 2nd is a direct HDMI -> VGA. (like i stated earlier, they were advertised to use ps3 with monitors)

    Ive tried connecting to my 46inch Toshiba LCD HD TV, Philips 23' LEDTV and an old Compaq 15' TFT monitor.. which tells me its not the equipment im connecting to but the cables.

    Ive got refunds from the sellers so thats not a problem, but its just bothering me that other people must be succesfully doing this otherwise how can the sellers continue to sell these cables.

    maybe its my Playstation? Ive got the old fatter one rather than the newer slim one, but I dont see how that could be the issue.

    Any thoughts anyone?

  4. Its the wireless recharging that got attention, bit disappointed to find out that it means you have to buy huge helicopter landing type pads to rest your phone on to charge.

    Surely its easier and less space invading to use the existing charger plugs.

    Maybe I was just expecting some kind of new Star Trek type technology

  5. Theres no manual either, I cant work out how to create or go into 'Be A Pro' mode - theres all these abbreviated sections like EFASCFEWT (like i know whats that supposed to mean without a manual).

    I had my face in the game in Fifa11 and got my player really good (nearly got all the achievements). Have they got rid of this? I can only see create player in the edit section but then you can edit the players ratings to whatever you like, don't you have to earn them anymore?

    Right im going to sleep and hoping I wake up a better defender and finish a game with 11 men still on the pitch next time i play lol.

  6. SSN Saying we are keen on Yannick Sagbo and Yoann Gouffran! Would take both tbh!

    Sagbo has 19 in 64 @ Evian

    Can I ask when you heard these links? I have been watching SSN for last few hours and haven't seen these players linked?

    Was definitely mentioned about 5.10 as I saw it too, part of their transfer centre roundup where that bloke stands next to the giant screen and waves his hands around.

  7. I tried that once, thing with me I have kids so under no circumstances did I ever smoke at home. I smoked on my way to work, 2 during breaks at work, one on my way home and the last one late at night outside once the kids had gone to bed. This basically meant rollups werent practical for me as the only one I had chance to prepare was the last one.

  8. I've been on ViP electrics for 7 months now, not sure if I've saved the small fortune that I thought I would though. Have to say they aren't as great tasting as perhaps i wanted them to be, but definitely worth it if you want to quit regular cigs as these are not proven to be harmful, yet.

    I find myself puffing a lot more as its easier, especially at work sitting at my desk. A cartomiser which is advertised to be equivelent of 40 fags lasts me 2 days when a regular pack of 20 real smokes lasted me 4 days (i used to smoke strictly 5 a day), now its pretty much puff when you like, and sometimes you forget to stop as theres not butt to burn to!

    The battery end needs replacing every 4-8 weeks despite being advertised to last 3 months as well - this is the most expensice bit, you have to pay £5 delivery with each order so its better to buk buy.. I'd say all in all its costing me roughly £30/month when i was paying about £45 for regular smokes

  9. See Rev now I dont think he was particularly impressive in the GB team, he was at fault for a goal and his kicking was suspect, remember in one of the games he kicked the ball straight to the opposition but they failed to score from 10 yards out.

    If the FA think they can cherry pick and train players through their own system better than players who are peforming in a national league system that has been running since the 1800s then best of luck to them.. we will definitely have to agree to disagree on this one.

    The likes of John Ruddy who peformed brilliantly for many years would love to say to his grandchildren that he played for England once, must be scratching his head now.

  10. I haven't said he's shit or anything.. they can continue to do that and watch him for Blues this year (if Fosters moved on yet?) and continue to keep an eye on him and see how he copes before handing out an international debut. He's only 19 afterall.

    In the meantime give someone who deserves it a chance.

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