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Posts posted by Junxs

  1. Jack stated in todays commentary that AVTV will be showing all the home U21s and NextGen games live.

    Surprised this is not being used more as a selling point for AVTV as I'm seriously considering keeping it now as I only signed up to watch the friendlies.

  2. Exactly Coda, its so cheap and I don't personally think Woodward is half as bad as people make him out to be.

    People just like to moan on here for the sake of it sometimes.


    I was a subcriber many years ago but havent been for a good few years but signed up for preseason as its so cheap and you get to watch the new signings etc.

    Does anyone know if they show live reserves & youth games throughout the season as I might stick with it if they do.

  3. Just made my first ever purchase on steam, walking dead season pass for £5.24 for 5 games really baragain.


    Would definitely have bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Fall Out: New Vegas and Arkham City if I didnt already own them on my PS3

  4. Havent played PC games for a long long time (Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Dues Ex, Half Life) Must have been late 90s early 00s.


    Just replaced some parts in my brothers old computer and have a decent (ish#) gaming machine, so thought I'd do a bit of catch up! 


    Having a look on steam now as its sale time.


    FTL been mentioned a few times over the last pages, somebody please help me out with the abbrv.

  5. The prices of the memory cards is ridiclous, they are small and fill up very quickly.

    A hitachi 500gb hard drive for ps3 cost £35 yet that wouldnt even pay for a 16gb PSvita card.


    Overall I love the vita but do find it iritaing deleting and redownloading games all the time, blackberry managed to stick a 64gb hdd in their similar sized playbook, shame sony felt they wanted to make more money by ripping people off on their non standard sized cards.


    Thank you Messrs Houllier, McLeish, Lerner.


    As I keep having to remind my Liverpool supporting colleague, his signing was a major factor in keeping us up that season, and I'm not convinced we'd be playing in the Premiership right now if he wasn't signed. He's been worth the money, in my opinion.



    Premiership? strange how the mods allow people to use the name of a rugby league to refer to the top flight of football, yet use word filters for other more correct terms.


    Anyway, I agree Bent kept us up that year.


    Temporarily O/T, the fact our manager shares his initials with the abbreviation for the league regularly annoys me because of ambiguity like the one you just posted. Yours was tongue in cheek but other ones have been less so :)


    Some people tried to use Premier League to differentiate but certain posters don't like that term and jump on you for using it.



    AH... The very fact that an auto change has been set up for it makes my point even more valid! (ee pee el for those wandering)

  8. Temporarily O/T, the fact our manager shares his initials with the abbreviation for the league regularly annoys me because of ambiguity like the one you just posted. Yours was tongue in cheek but other ones have been less so :)


    Some people tried to use Premier League to differentiate but certain posters don't like that term and jump on you for using it.

  9. Westwood, Delph, Sylla, KEA, Gardner, Bannan, Herd, Johnson, Carruthers and Ireland all vying for 3 positions; so don't think any more midfielders will be coming in as perhaps only 2 from that list will be leaving.


    Besides don't think PL is interested in anyone over the age of 24

  10. I never log out, but still have to log in on occasions. However I have 6 computers so I wander if you log in on a different machine it automatically log you out of others?

    Either that or some of my browsers are setup to auto clear history and cookies on exit.

  11. I remember him giving Matty Lowton a hard time when we played them. 

    Hardly a benchmark for scouting players. For all of Lowtons brilliance going forward he hardly covered himself with glory with his defending abilities last season. 


    I hope they have more of those videos which start playing automatically with Jack Woodward shouting at you.


    It's for this reason that I have been to the Villa site maybe twice in the last 2 years. I absolutely hate any site which starts playing music or videos at you without it being requested.


    Despite my hatred of those videos, the Villa website is an absolute pile of sh1te and needs to be rewritten by some people who haven't just finished their GCSE's.


    eer Villatalk starts blasting "has Christian Benteke already played his final game for Aston Villa.." without requesting it. (that annoying video in top right corner)

  13. Ordered one yesterday, should be receiving it in the post this morning or Saturday. Really excited like a little kid.


    I recently signed up for PS+ and all these free* games that keep becoming available has swayed me into getting one (that and the fact its going to go hand in hand with PS4). I work nights so I think it'll be a perfect little time passer to get me through the shifts. I used to bring the PS3 in, but they recently added more staff on nights and theres only one telly so thats not possible anymore, unless the rota falls so just the younger lads are on which rarely happens.


    Never touched one before so really dont know what to expect but Ive got the feeling im gonna love it and spend many hours on it.

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