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Posts posted by Hev

  1. "Surely everybody wants a Liverpool -v- Arsenal final - don't they - the FA needs to two BIG teams to be there"  ( sayTalk Sport and most of the National media) :angry:   Let's just enjoy the day though - no pressure on us . Looking forward to it - even if we lose, as long as we give it a good go, I'll be happy.

  2. I did think it was strange that the headline was about Sherwood's future rather than the names being linked with the takeover. Probably made up guess work based on John Percy's and Moxey's reports, because they know not many people would see the actual article.

    Wonder if they are just trying to unsettle us with the talk about Tim's future now being in doubt.

  3. I am always a pessimist I know but I am still very worried about us - what with the April we've got.   That Burnley win on Saturday has really thrown a huge spanner in the works.  We would have been six points clear now otherwise.   What a huge slice of luck they had with Man C being denied a certain pen at the end - even that would have had us more than one win clear.   They will surely get a huge boost from that.  I'd like Burnley to stay up, yes, but NOT at our expense!    Got my ticket for Spurs though - would love to see Timmy put one over on his old club


    Meh take over. Whatever. FFP makes the big boys cartel uncrackable anyway so in reality very little will change.


    FYI New Owners please observe the following rules.


    1) The club is called "Aston Villa Football Club"

    2) The club's home stadium is called "Villa Park"

    3) No. We don't want a new one by all means improved and expand VP but observe rule 2. 

    4) Aston Villa Football Club play home matches in claret and blue tops and white shorts. I have no opinion on socks although I do like the claret and blue hoops.

    5) The clubs badge is open to review but must retain the golden lion rampant.



    Play by the rules and we'll get along just fine. :thumb:


    it will always be villa park, if they want to give us £100m so sky can call it something else then thats up to them, but it will still always be villa park


    If we were to become a top team (again), the media might start calling our ground "The Park" (as in "The Bridge" "The Lane" - I hate that though) and our players, in commentaries, would be called by their first names as well as their surnames (as in "Wayne Rooney" etc) :rolleyes:

  5. How about "Simply the best" by Tina Turner.

    Surley that would give the team and the supporters a lift even before the game kicked off>

    I absolutely loathe "Simply the Best" - I just can't stand that song (just my personal view).  Shame they stopped Paranoid but I also like what we have now and think we should keep it as it seems to be lucky for us so far


    Did anyone hear him on Talk Sport?   They trailled him being on from 6.30 onwards, then said he would be on between 8 and 9.  Then as I was driving to work, they said he'd be on in a few mins - I waited in car till 9.00 but then had to go in to work!!  How irritating they are on that station at times!   :angry:

    It was awesome!


    What time approximately was he on - save me listening to the ramblings for the whole hour from 9.00 to 10.00 yesterday on "Listen Again"?

  7. Did anyone hear him on Talk Sport?   They trailled him being on from 6.30 onwards, then said he would be on between 8 and 9.  Then as I was driving to work, they said he'd be on in a few mins - I waited in car till 9.00 but then had to go in to work!!  How irritating they are on that station at times!   :angry:

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  8. Imagine not being a football fan. Never knowing what nights like last night feel like. Never getting to experience the utter elation as that ball rolled over the line. Going through life blissfully ignorant of the moment when you are jumping up and down hugging total strangers. What an empty life they must lead

    Spot on this


    Most of them probably say "it's only a bunch of grown men kicking a football around" - or something similar 

  9. Yes get behind VILLA - instead of mocking Albion and singing about the Blooz for a change - let's try and put all our support 100% behind Villa.  Let's face it Albion are superior to us (at the moment) and they are the top West Midlands team (at the  moment) so let's not be mocking them - it always comes back in spades (like at Newcastle at the weekend).   100% Pro Villa tonight would be great

  10. It seems clear that Lambo won't be sacked :angry:  - so I really think we need to get a decent assistant in - and quick.  I read somewhere that Steve Bruce puts Hull's recent upturn down to his new assistant Manager - Phelan.    I just can't understand why we are not doing anything about it.

  11. That article by the MC Fan is brilliant.       Although I was one of the diehards on Monday, I feel just like most on here - fed up with it all.  I used to go to every away game but last season and this have been selective.   I am going to Burnley on Sat but that will only be my second away all season (Stoke being the other).    You know what though, when we lose, I really don't miss the long trawl home.   I am learning to do something else with my weekends.   Unsure yet whether to renew next season either.

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  12. Heard on Talksport this morning that there are stories that a big American consortium is interested in buying them now - (no-one interestedin us though evidently!)  are Spurs even up for sale?

  13. Hmm that Everton game is also one of my most annoying moments because, as I recall, they had just equalised in injury time?  I remember being there, kicking the chair in front (which was empty) and stomping off to the loo before the journey home - only to hear an incredible roar go up from the stands - it was so loud that I presumed they had scored the winner!  The people I was with have NEVER let me forget it - apparently Martin Laursen and Co ran and celebrated right in front of where we were! :wacko:  :blush:

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