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Everything posted by Wurzel

  1. I'm getting very bored with this now, as I said in the Dutch thread This IMO, is what the interested parties need to consider, and very quickly!
  2. Aghhhhh, F*ckin stupid SSN reporter!!!!!! :x I very much doubt MON appointment has anything to do with Ellis, and from the interviews with some of the fans it looks as if Ellis is going to get a very easy ride. NUTS! :evil:
  3. Very true, but if he retains enough of them, he would, like any large shareholder, like to have an opportunity to sit on the board.
  4. I would guess that is what he is thinking.
  5. Taken on my old 2 mega pixel Canon, easy subject to get good results.
  6. Love the footy one, very good. I have taken loads like the first one, there is something there, but I haven't been able to get it out, IMO you have got that interesting tree near the middle, the squiggly one, and the different shades of green, but I would have trouble in knowing how to capture them. Maybe a zoom on that area and a bit of photo editing would do the job! :winkold:
  7. Great shots boys, its a pier frenzy!!!!!!! Wierd things piers, I mean why? whats the point?
  8. Grant, and anybody else who needs photo editing software, this months DVD edition of PC Advisor comes with full versions of Photoplus 7, Photostudio 8, and Panorama Plus free. Why pay when you can get it for free!
  9. Thanks Paddy, the thing on the pier looks false because of the sun I think, there is a weird reflection on the picture. The hills are the welsh hills across the Bristol channel, the pier is a Clevedon. Well done with the win BTW!!
  10. Good work, why are you taking pictures of girls backsides? :winkold:
  11. Take any good snaps today Bicks? I'm off out in a minute to try to get another sunset.
  12. (Harmony) In the ghettooooooo.... :nod:
  13. Photoshop is hundreds of pounds so unless you are going to really get into it it could be a waste of money. As an alternative try this, it is a cut down version, but will do some impressive stuff! For free, try Picasa from Google, versitile, if simple, editing and organising software
  14. Top photo Paddy, all sunsets are unique, I need a small camera I can always carry round with me because I miss so much. If I see it and I have the kit, then the photo is taken.
  15. Great shot, I love the purples, and oranges, with those clouds. I love sky's, they are so dramatic. I have thought about doing a course in photography, but I decided bollocks to it, I didn't want the fun knocking out of it. Its a great inexpensive hobby, and hopefully I've got plenty of time to get any good at it! By the way good hunting tomorrow, don't forget to post a few!
  16. Thanks, it was my thing about taking plenty of shots, I took about 7 or 8 of that sunset, at different angles, and that is the best one, it might end up on my wall I think!
  17. I like how this one turned out, really like the colours. THats the other tip I would give, get Photoshop or photoshop elements.
  18. Just take lots of photos, of what you like to look at, sounds obvious but most people will only take one photo of a subject and then move on. I try to take the same subject but using different settings, and different angles. TBH it means I end up with a lot of poor and average photos, but now and again I get a good one. Have fun and dont get bogged down to much, after all, as long as you like them who cares??
  19. THis is on my Wall at the moment looks great framed, as it looks quite abstract. And this one, moody beech.
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