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Posts posted by Morley_crosses_to_Withe

  1. Of course people will moan no matter who it is. I just suspect a far higher percentage would moan if KM was given the position.

    Absolutely, and I agree.

    It's just that I can't see how anyone can conclude that KM has got the job, just by reading the General's latest comments:

    Randy will find the "right" Manager for the Club. He cannot and should not react to every thought of every fan or every thought of every Board Member. At the end of the day, he needs to do what he feels is right. Some will agree with his decision, some will not....but it will be his.

    The bit in bold was the point I was also making.

  2. I read his comments Richard and think you're wide of the mark.


    As the club is supported mainly by whinging Brummies, Krulak obviously knows that some people won't be happy whoever the new manager is.

    If we get Jol, people will moan.

    If we get Moyes, people will moan.

    If we give the job to KM, people will moan.

    People will moan no matter who the new man is.

  3. I watched that interview with my own eyes, thanks. Where does he dismiss hughes?

    Come on Jas. He states quite clearly that he hadn't had any contact with Fulham (and therefore Hughes).

    I'm sure you can understand why people are taking your ITK info with a large pinch of salt!

    So this nephew, whose son is he? From O'Neils siblings or his wifes?

  4. A couple things.

    1. Carew is a useless ****.

    2. This is exactly why we shouldn't of played Albrighton.

    3. We actually haven't been that bad and God knows how it's 3-0, we could be winning FFS.

    4. Friedel should of done better for goals 1 and 2 in my opinion.

    Get Delfouneso on for Albrighton in my opinion. 2 up top.

    This is exactly why we shouldn't HAVE...

    Friedel should HAVE done better...

    Thank you.

  5. I remember watching the Liverpool v Everton cup match a year or so ago. last minute of extra time, ITV blunder into an ad break only to return back to the match to see Everton players rolling on the floor celebrating the last minute winner. After that the option of the BBC is the only one for me.
    That was shocking. Truely shocking.

    Amazed Sky were not allowed this World Cup at all. Obviously the games needed to be available terrestrially, but I'd have thought SKY would have tried harder to get the games aswell as BBC/ITV.

    I guess FIFA want all of the games available to everyone to watch. Otherwise Sky would have blown all other bids out of the water. I kind of agree with that view, as it is unfair to not have World Cup games available to everyone in the world with a TV.

    Sky aren't allowed the World Cup. Thankfully.

    The Crown Jewels

  6. Even if Citeh were to stand still, they'll have signed one of our 2 best players and Spurs will potentially have the extra distraction of the CL to contend with; and MC only missed out last season by a few points so I think they'd still get 4th. I do think they'll be better in any case, but just saying they may not even need to be.

    The thing about City is with each big name they sign, the pressure builds. All it takes is a bad run of form, and the turmoil begins. Players will piss and moan, Mancini will get sacked, they'll bring in the wrong guy, the owners will become bored, sell the team, the new owners will sell off their best talent, and the S.S. Man City will sink into oblivion. Matter of time.

    All this was said about Chelsea as well


    It's almost seven years later - they're still in existence AND they've won a heck of a lot more silverware than we have.

  7. Think how many footballers there are in the world. To get so many right and so little wrong when it comes down to players, means he's generally got knowledge.

    So little wrong? Show me one of his posts when he's been bang on the money. Go on…

    I've just given plenty of examples where he's been completely wrong and they're all viewable if you look over his old posts.

    You say his record is 80%, but I can't find one post that exists on the board in which he's been correct!!!

    What about the kit sponsor? He said it would be delayed until the following week, but about an hour later the news was announced.

    You continue to believe in a chancer on a message board, Father Christmas, and the tooth fairy. I'll stick to reality, official news from the club, and waiting to see what actually happens.

  8. MM has said Parker is not for us.

    Who has MM said is for us?

    MM has said a lot of things which have been miles wide of the mark.

    I think we should all just wait and see rather than relying on people 'ITK'.

    Like what?

    He's the only geniune ITK on here.

    Well fortunately some of his old posts are still viewable. Go and take a look at them and see how accurate they are.

    Barry to Liverpool - 10M plus Pennant.

    MON had been working on Spanish and Portuguese players for months and they were "about to come to fruition"

    That we weren't in for Dunne and the papers were wrong :lol:

    Knightly from Wolves was definitely signing.

    The new North Stand being mosaics, stained glass windows (OBE had been to a SC meeting where they'd said it would be nothing like this - it would be more modern). It'll be interesting to see who is right on this one.

    Season ticket sales currently being 16,000. Someone pulled him up because the figures didn't add up, and then a day later someone else said they'd been to a meeting at the club and had been told it was 20000.

    Make enough predictions and some are bound to come true.

  9. us finishing 4th would make us the 4th best team in the league that season - i think that shows real improvement..

    Exactly. It would mean that, over a course of a full league season, we've displaced one of the traditional top four, out done Man City (despite them having unlimited transfer funds), and had a better season than candle wax face and his media darlings.

    Winning the Rumbelows Cup after only playing six knockout games shows nothing in terms of progression.

  10. 4th.

    I know we'd then have to play two games in the qualifying rounds, but just imagine how much it would raise the status of the club if we got through.

    If we won the league cup then it would be a nice day out, and we'd get a nice shiny cup, but it would do sod all in the long term.

    The best players want Champions League football. They don't join a club and then cite the fact that they're the League Cup holders as a reason for signing.

  11. We lost to a team who could quite easily go on and win the league. I'd say they're probably the best team we've played this season.

    They also have a player who is genuinely world class and he was the difference today.

    We need to put this behind us and beat Liverpool. I'm pretty sure everyone would be happy with three points from these two games.

  12. The only threat Ashley Young poses is to those sitting behind the goal beyond the far post. His performances have been poor for a year now, he no longer deserves to be starting games in my view as for going to the World Cup the thought is laughable.

    Oooh, don't say that about the Golden Boy. You'll have people shouting you down and pointing out that he took a decent corner 79 games ago.

    I, however, agree. He's miles away from the England Squad. Light years away from being world class.

  13. Sounds like Ash is having another no-show.

    I'm still **** fuming with him - we break away, players pouring forward, Ash has got it in space on the left with Warnock steaming up on the outside of him getting into space for the overlap...what does Ash do? Ignore Warnock and pass it straight to a Chelsea player.


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