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Posts posted by Morley_crosses_to_Withe

  1. Anyone know a decent mobile phone contact on offer anywhere? £25/month tops, but preferably less - in fact as little as possible. If it has cashback on Quidco too then all the better, but not vital. Mainly need lots of texts (unlimited ideally) and some minutes too, but not loads.

    It's for the girlfriend, so any fancy phone with internet etc is good, but she also needs a new laptop so if anyone knows of any deals which include one then let me know :thumb:

    probably better to try the phones for you website.

    I'd definitely agree that if you're looking for a mobile phone then a mobile phone website is a better place to find one than a football forum. :thumb:

  2. He looks rusty. This game was too early for him.


    He only started because Gavin McAllister is bent for him. It was a **** ridiculous decision! You don't give him his first game back against a team like Spurs after he's been out for eight months. It's not like he's a seasoned Premier League player either; it was only his fifth (?) PL start.

  3. Went down the cashpoint earlier and someone had left £40 in the machine! Result!!

    I think I'm going to spend it on Heroin when I'm in Dublin in a couple of weeks. Just waiting for the bloke to PM me back.

  4. Also wtf is up with the servers? I am yet to play more that 3 games in a row without a lobby being closed followed by another 10 minutes trying to find another game. Piss take.

    And i bet they still release new maps for a ridiculously high fee without sorting this major problem....

    PS3 by any chance!? I'm finding I'm waiting ages for a game and then when I do find one it's likely I'll get "Connection interrupted" half way through!!

  5. AK74u works well both ways; with the grip/rapid fire you'll only lose a shoot-out if someone gets the drop on you.

    I've just had a FFA using the AK74 as above and I actually got over 25 kills for a change. Good tip! Kudos to you, sir.

    One of my main problems was losing shoot outs with people.

  6. Anyone else use it?? I'm with Orange btw, naturally.

    No, but have you upgraded your service so that you can receive the T-mobile signal as well?

    You might have done it already, but I only found out about it last week. :oops:

  7. I love tube/underground/subway systems, wherever they are.

    They just seem like magic - you go down a hole in the ground and come up somewhere else, with no idea how you got there. It's like Alice in Wonderland.

    Don't listen to him.

    The undeground is a treacherous maze of claustrophobic tunnels, full of people rushing around, trampling over each other in their desperate attempt to get back to the surface. One false move and you'll find yourself going North West on the Metropolitan line heading towards the arse end of nowhere.

    Some people go down to the underground and don't appear again for hours on end after getting themselves lost in the complex web of passageways.

    True story.

    You're probably better off staying at home. :thumb:

  8. Pubs that show football but don't have the commentary on!

    I actually really like that. You don't get the shite commentary and "pundits" clouding and shaping your views of the game.

    You don't get commentary when you go to the game ....

    I could handle it without the commentary but I think crowd noise at least is required to get some kind of feel for the atmosphere.

    It feels like too much of a passive experience when there is music playing.

    Exactly!! I'm there to immerse myself in the game - not to listen to pissing Fall Out Boy. I want to hear the crowd and the pundits talking out of their arse. It's part of watching the game on television.

    Imagine sitting at home watching the game, but having it on silent and playing "Rocks Greatest Hits" on your stereo instead.

  9. You know what I mean. No matter if android phones were free, never ran out of batteries, could grant wishes. Loads of people, mainly women would still want an iphone simply because it is an iphone.

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