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Posts posted by Morley_crosses_to_Withe

  1. Heskey: Shit personified. I know he's shit, you know he's shit, most of other fans know he's shit. MON didn't think he was shit, so signed him, and what do you know...he's been shit.

    Capello doesn't think he's shit...

    Kevin MacDonald doesn't think he's shit...

    Our new manager, to be announced tomorrow according to "Sky sources", doesn't think he's shit...

    So what? I couldn't give a phuck what he does in an England shirt. Whilst wearing the colours of my club, he's been, on the whole, pretty damn shit.

  2. Heskey MON's worse signing? Hmmmm, let me think....

    Harewood: Runs Djemba Djemba close for being one of the worst footballers I've seen at VP.

    Downing: A powder-puff pussy. Good at mincing about near the touchline. Useless at everything else.

    Sidwell: Quality at pointing and doing **** all. His biggest contribution has been as a ball boy.

    NRC: I'm a fan of his, but he has his limitations and was way over priced at 8.5M.

    Davies: A clown in football boots. Criticised himself for playing like a pub player, but I wouldn't even pick the useless twunt for the Dog and Duck on a Sunday.

    Heskey: Shit personified. I know he's shit, you know he's shit, most of other fans know he's shit. MON didn't think he was shit, so signed him, and what do you know...he's been shit.

    Salifou: What the ****? He probably wouldn't admit it, but somebody, somewhere stitched MON up with this player. Our version of Ali Dia.

    Maloney: Good feet, but couldn't cut it in the PL. Cried off back to Scotland because he missed his Mummy.

    Agathe: Found his level in Scotland. Should have stayed there...but couldn't because Strachan noticed he was woeful and turfed him out. MON then decided he was good enough for the PL so gave him a contract. Strachan is probably still laughing. Dire. Dire. Dire.

    Routledge: Another prime example of MON spaffing money up the wall on transfer fees and wages on a player who barely got close to the first team.

    Shorey: Went backward under MON - from a player who broke into the national team, to then being dumped out of our first eleven and replaced by a defender who usually plays at RB.

    Guzan: Great penalty stopper; it's just a shame he flaps at crosses, can't command his area and seems too error prone to be a top-flight keeper.

    Who have I missed?

  3. “It seems that it’s not a done deal there are other candidates for the job and I don’t think there will be a decision taken in the next 24 to 48 hours as we thought originally.

    It’s going to take a little bit longer than that so we might have to wait until Thursday or Friday before we know who is the new Aston Villa manager.

    Interesting!! Is it just me or does anyone else reckon there could be a few more twists and turns before a new manager is appointed?

  4. I think the 'honourable' stuff is doublespeak for 'won't/can't pay the compensation'.

    It's all well and good being honourable, and it's nice that we've been the nice guys of the League for a while, but there are times it's a detriment to us as a side and I believe this is one of them. It's foolish to risk our development and success for honour.

    Especially when it is entirely legal and acceptable to approach clubs with intentions for their manager. Were that not the case, what the club is doing would be right and good. As it is, its overprincipled to the point that, to be honest, given the other evidence of this previous month, and arguably the months beforehand, I think it's a straight up lie.

    But the General specifically said that, in terms of being honourable, he was speaking as a fan, and not as a board member. He also then later said that we're looking at currently employed managers.

    And also - what is evidence that you mention? How have you concluded that this is a straight up lie? Based on what solid evidence?

  5. I keep going hot and cold on Houllier for manager, but today I'm warming to the idea again.

    I can't see why MON arrived to such fanfare, but Houllier, it seems, will arrive to a feeling of utter disappointment.

    Both managers are similar in many ways, but Houllier has won more.

    I was thinking about signings each manager has made - MON has signed some absolute dross throughout his years; some of it has been absolutely baffling. At least with Houllier's signings you could kind of see the thinking in them (e.g. a promising youngster, an impressive bunch of displays in a tournament, and/or they were being chased by several top clubs).

    Both managers play people out of position. Both don't have a plan B. Both are control freaks. Both play dour, boring football. Both managers arrived having been out of real management for a while.

    But Houllier has won more.

  6. Their theory being, that if he left we'd have our pick of the best managers (outside the top 4) queueing round the block for the chance to manage us

    I think it's because people thought the board would have a huge pair of stones and just go an snatch someone from another club.

    As it turns out, we've decided to tip-toe meekly like a bunch of powder-puff Stewart Downings, too scared to even enquire about another club's manager.

  7. I wish MON was still in charge :(

    I don't.

    I do. there's no one on that list fit to lace O'Neill's boots.

    No one apart from the two managers who have actually won trophies? (and by that I mean REAL trophies i.e. not the fizzy piss cup or the annual two horse race that takes place in an amateur standard league in some backward country north of Newcastle)

    Even Curbishley has a similar win ratio with West Ham/Charlton as MON did with Villa and Leicester respectively.

  8. Ask a Villa supporter to give an opinion on O'Neil and pretty much come up with some of that other than no trophy's and did about as good as Gregory .


    We needed a striker to weigh in with goals - O'Neil brings in the worst Premier League striker money can buy - Emile Heskey.

    We needed a box-to-box midfielder who knows where the net is - O'Neil brings in 'stand there, do **** all, but point a lot' - Steve Sidwell.

    We needed a dynamic winger to balance the team up and help out with creating chances - O'Neil brings in that powder-puff, good for nothing, faggot - Stewart Downing.

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